The Mysterious Journal

Do You Remember Me...?

"Jongup..." You said as you started to gaze at him.

"I'm surprise, I didn't know you were in my first period class." He said.

"It's fine..." You said.

Throughout the first period, he sat next to you and you talked to him the whole time. Who could have known he's a great friend. While walking back to your house, you opened the door and out of nowhere your stepmom walked up to you angrily. "How could you!" Your stepmom shouted as she slapped you across the face.

Your head turned right away and you could feel the pain running on your cheek. You stood quiet but, you didn't cry. "How could you not finish the dishes?! I told you to finish it!" Your stepmom shouted.

"Sorry...I was late for school." You said nervously.

"Sorry doesn't count it! You have many chores to do." Your stepmom said.

"But, I have homework. I need to do my homework first." You said.

"No! Oh! And...I moved all your things up in the attic. You will be living there from now on after what you did. How could you disrespect me like this." Your stepmom said.

"But, the attic is dirty!" You said surprised.

" can clean it up." Your stepmom smirked.

You slowly arrived upstairs and you were nervous to go up there. You didn't look back and continue walking on. When you arrived it was all dusty. All your things were misplaces and you made a sad look. "I can't believe she's making me do all this work." You sighed.

You walked over to your bed and set everything down there. Everything was filled with old junk and mostly all of them have spiderwebs. You can also see some rats walking around. You sighed sadly and decided to clean up the place. The first thing you did was moved everything. You spotted something that was covered in dust. You walked over to it and tried to move it but, it was too heavy. You made a curious look and decided to open it up. You blew away the dust it was scatter everywhere which made you sneeze and cough for a while.

You slowly opened it and it was filled with many old things. These look like the things you had when you were little. The first 2 things you grabbed out of there was an old journal and an old picture. You looked at the picture and then thought to yourself, Why do they look so familiar? Is that me? 

You see 3 people on the picture. 2 adults and 1 little girl. You then looked over at the journal. It must be really old...also, it's dusty. You blew away the dust one more time and then opened. It was actually not that old. The first time you opened it, it was a fresh new page that had a messy handwriting on it before. You thought it looked hard to read but, you could read it.

My frist journal entry...I think that how you say it. My mum told me that what it's called when you right something in a journal. Well here it gose...

I was so hapy that my mum give me tis journal...I may not be good at spellin things but, at least I have memoryies in here. My mum said it's good to kep a journal, since it helps you remember the things tht you might forgot somedya. I actualy have no idae if I'm spellin these things corectly. The things, I have for being fve yers old.

I actualy met this little boy who was at the playgrund. Rght a way, we become good firends! I nvr ask him his name, I cn't beleve I forgot abut his name. Wow...mybe he goes to my shool! If I see him thre then, I'll be hppy! Now, I have to go. Mum made me my fvorite food! Annyung!

You kept on reading it over and over again, but you didn't quiet understand it. "Who ever wrote this...must have bad spelling." You sighed. You suddenly then have a flashback. Someone was handing a journal in front of you. You couldn't tell by the face but, you just have a journal in your hand by surprise.

The sudden flashback ended and you keep blinking your eyes like 10 multiple times. You didn't know why you had that kind of vision popped up. You looked at the journal curiously and sighed, "What does this mean?"

"~~~~~! I'm hungry!" Your stepmom called out.

You heard your stepmom and shouted, "I'll be right there!"

You quickly got up leaving the mysterious journal along wit the picture on your desk. You then ran downstairs to the kitchen and started to cook for your stepmom. "What are you doing up there? I keep hearing noises." You stepmom said with a suspicious look.

"Nothing...just cleaning the place up." You said as you gave out a fake smile...

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Goldie #1
Chapter 21: Awww! I was playing secret's starlight moonlight while reading this and my mom saw me smiling like an idiot and i was so happy that this STORY MARKED A HUGE SMILE AND HAPPINESS TO ME THIS DAY SO.... THANK YOU!
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 21: awww i almost cried in the last chapter >.< love this
Jennynana #3
Chapter 21: Loved it PERFECT ^^
Wow, it's an amazing story .... *O*
I was crying at the last chapter T^T
UlzzangsLover #6
One word: PERFECT!!

Okay, this has to be one of my favourite Jongup's fanfic so far!! Jongup is so cute here in the fanfic. I like the way Jongup being sweet and all... i don't really get the final story, i like no, no scratch that LOVE it though!! Credit to the author for making such a sweet fanfic

P.S/ i cried alot reading this fanfic :')
Awwww such a sweet ending~ ^^
juju95lc #8
Happy Ending YEAH XD!! I love it :p!!! Our 6 Alien Bunnies looks cool!! Thanks for this fiction!! :p
Awwwhh. <3
Awww... So sweet..... I love the ending~~ ;D