You Remembered!

Do You Remember Me...?

"~~~~..." Jongup said surprised.

You were giving out a smile to Jongup and then slowly start walking up to him. "It's been a while....nice to see you again Jongup..." You said.

Jongup was still surprised that you were here, he suddenly asked, "But, I thought you were at home. I was about to head home...right now."

Jongup said.

"Aniyo." You said as you were nodding from left to right. "Since I know that you were in school, I notice that you will not come home first. So that's why I came see you." You explained.

"~~~~, you don't have to do that..." Jongup said surprised.

"Ani...I have to...we never seen each other for how many days..." You smiled.

"Yeah..." Jongup said awkwardly as he looked away from you.

You smiled and you walked up to him and slowly start to hug him. Jongup was surprised at first, but instead he just slowly start to hug you back. "So, you're still waiting for your 1st love huh?" You asked curiously.

"Well, no...well yes. It's actually kinda of a both." Jongup said as he shrugged.

You tilted your head in curiousity and then asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Well...." Jongup said as he looked up the cherry blossom tree. "I just don't come to this cherry blossom tree just because I'm waiting for her, but...because of what's going on. Whenever I look at this cherry blossom tree, it made think of the promise I made with her. ...And...well, I actually don't want to forget that promise so that's why I come here." Jongup explained with a smile.

You slowly start to smile and stand next to him and look at the cherry blossom tree. "Well, want to know something?" You suddenly asked him.

"Sure." He respond with a shrug.

You smiled and looked at the cherry blossom tree, "Well...I remember that I made a promise to someone from this exact same cherry blossom tree. And well, it was the same promise you made to your lost childhood friend. I promise that I would come back here by the time I return...someday. But, I actually didn't know this would happened." 

"What you mean?" Jongup asked.

"Who could have known, that this whole time...I been seeing my best friend. I just never notice it. He was always there for me...he cheered me up whenever I'm having a bad day, also...he was like the only person that was on my mind right now." You explained. "When I was in that car accident, who could have known it can be a good thing." You smiled.

Jongup suddenly blink at you surprised and then said, "Ok, did that car crash hit you in the head or something. you really mean it?" 

"Babo!" You giggled. "I meant it..." "Besides, my best friend is right here with me right now..." You added.

Jongup was confused and just looked at you. "~~~~~~~, what are you trying to say?" He asked.

You looked at him and smiled, "You...this whole were my best friend. It's nice to see you again...Jongup." 

Jongup's eyes start to widen and he said, " remembered!"

Jongup start to smile widely at you and out of nowhere he start to hug you tightly. "I'm so glad you remembered." Jongup said happily.

You were startled but, right away you hug him back, "'s nice to see you again." You said.

Jongup looked at you and then he asked, "But, how did you remembered? How did you get your memory back?" 

"The car crash. When I got hit by the car, right away...I slowly remembered everything that happened. Jongup, I'm sorry I didn't remember you...I didn't mean it." You explained.

"Gwenchanayo." Jongup said happily. I'm just happy that you're back." Jongup said as he put his hand on your cheek.

When you felt his touch, a smile start to appear on your face. You start to make eye contact with him and just hold his hand. Jongup smiled and all of a sudden he start to lean in. You were about to move back but, you didn' just start to lean in as well. All of a sudden, you felt something warm touching your lip but, you didn't mind. You just looked at Jongup who was kissing you and all you did was just gave in and kiss him back.

Jongup slowly moved away and you looked at him while blushing a little bit. Jongup sighed and said, "Since you gor your memory back, I want to ask you something."

You looked at him curiously and then asked, "...Which is...?"

"Even though you got your memory back, I just want to say this. The first time I met you, the first thing that came to me is that you look so familiar. But, I didn't care because I get to know you more and I was happy that I met you. But, when I saw the necklace I gave you in your stuff, that made me realize that you were the one. No matter what, I wanted you remember me and how we were best friends, but I guess you have found out yourself. I actually never gave up. I wanted you to remember, but nothing was working. What I'm saying is...I care about ~~~~~~ this whole time...and well, would you be my girlfriend?" Jongup explained.

You blinked at Jongup how many times in surprised and was speechless for a moment. But, a smile slowly start to appear on your face and said, "Nae..." You nodded.

Jongup looked at you and then he smiled. Right away he hugged you and you smiled and just hug him back. "Thank you...Jongup..." You said happily.


~2 years passed~

"Who could have known 2 years has already passed. Also, I'm actually surprised...the time has already come. I'm not sure if this is goodbye but, let just say a new generation is coming up." You explained with a smile. "This might be the last time we might see each other. I might still visit this spot, but...I might not be here that often. But, I'm going to have to thank you. If it wasn't for that promise...I wouldn't have remember Jongup. And, we wouldn't have been together. I actually won't forget about this place, ...also, I won't forget about the promise I made with Jongup because of this spot. From now on, this spot is special to me. The reason why I'm here is because, I just want to say my last goodbye. I'll come back...someday...soon." You said with a smile.

You were looked up at the cherry blossom tree just standing there while wearing an elegant dress for a special occasion. You sighed happily and gave out a smile since, this kind of moment has finally come.

"~~~~~." A familiar voice called out. 

You slowly turned back and spotted Jongup wearing formal clothing and smiling at you.

"Is it time?" You finally asked.

Jongup nodded and you sighed. You walk up to him and he smiled at you. Then both of you headed to the school together. You guys arrived at school and graduation has finally come. Jongup was talking with his friends as for you, you were talking with EunHee. "Promise me we won't stop talking to each other." EunHee said sadly.

"Araso...and promise me we won't stop being friends." You said with a smile.

"Nae!" EunHee said as her voice cracks.

She then start to hug you tightly and all you did was just hug her back. "I'm going to miss you as well..." You said.

Graduation ended quickly and you said your last goodbye to EunHee. When it was time to go, you gave EunHee one last hug. EunHee was crying so much that you feel like crying, but you didn't. Instead all you did was just try to hold your tears back. You finally let go of EunHee and then start to walk away with Jongup. EunHee smiled and waved bye to you. 

You arrived at a cementary with Jongup and you had a bouquet in your hand.

While you guys arrived you smiled at what caught your eye. The names of both of your parents. You slowly set the flowers down between them and you took a deep breath and said, "Umma...appa, it's nice to see you guys...once again." "Well, I hope you guys are happy, I got my memory back. And well, guess who's with me right now. Umma, appa, I just finish gradauating and now, I'm heading off to college. A new generation has start for me and I'm not sure if I'm ready. But, I can't stop I will try my best for you guys. This might be the last time I will come here since I'm going to be heading off to college soon. I promise I will come back...someday..."

Your eyes suddenly start to become watery but, you were trying to hold your tears back. "Um..." You said as your voice cracked. "There's so many things I want to tell you guys, but...I have no idea where to start. Since I'm done with school, Jongup and I will be together. And well, we promise each other not to separate. I will miss you guys...and maybe someday we will see each other once again. I'll come back here one day for you guys. But, I guess-" You said.

You stopped finishing your sentece since tears start to fall on your cheek. Right away you start to cry and Jongup made a sad look. "But, I guess you will see me as a different person...I promise you guys...that...when I finally see you guys, will see me all grown up then now." 

Jongup smiled and then start to comfort you. You quickly start to hug Jongup and start to cry on his shoulder. Jongup smiled and looked at your parents and said, "It's nice to see you guys again. I remember you guys since I first met you. I actually never forgotten about you or ~~~~~~. I was hoping one day I will see you guys, and well I guess I finally did." "Don't worry, I promise I will take care of her. Besides, nothing is going to separate us..." Jongup added.

You looked at Jongup and start to smile at him happily. "Gaja..." Jongup said.

You nodded at him and both of you guys walked away leaving your parents behind. You start to hold Jongup's hand and smiled at him. Jongup, thank you for everything. I'm actually happy that I remember you once again. From now on, I will always be by your side no matter what. I will always be there for you since you were always there for me. A new generation has come between us and I guess...things might change. But, as long as you're there with me...I don't mind. Oppa, thank you...saranghaeyo! You thought happily...


Yay, I'm done with the story! And yes, this is the ending. What you guys think? :) I actually did had this before and I actually did finish the whole time at 2AM in the morning, but when I tried to publish it, it suddenly refresh itself and I have to start all over AGAIN! I was so disappointed since I wasted all my hard work for nothing. But, I tried my best to make this chapter like I did the one before so hope you guys like it! :)

I actually like to thank you guys for reading this story and subscribing and commenting to it. :D That actually made my day. Seeing comments from this story it makes me happy and also it makes me want to work on fanfics more often. Since I'm done with this fanfic, 2 more stories to go and then my 2 new ones.

Yes, I actually have started on another story while doing this and it will be coming soon right after I finish the 2 stories I'm doing. And once I finish those then I'll start right away on my 2 new stories~!

Anyways, I have a new stories coming up soon and well, might as well tell you guys what it's about. :) Tthe 2nd one, this one is going to be a love story. Or known as a fantasy love story since it involves well aliens. :) Eh? I'll give you the plot of the story. :)

Our 6 Alien Bunnies

6 girls known as "Eclipse" were just regular girls. Going to school in the morning and working in a cafe in the night. It's mostly what these girls do everyday. Until, one night that is when things start to change. Something surprising happens that might change their lives forever...

Well what you guys think of this one? And yes, I put the word "Bunnies" and you should klnow what that means. This is going to be a story about B.A.P.

This story is actually going to be a fantasy love story so hope you guys will like it. :) And well, I kinda got the idea when I was listening to B.A.P recently and looking at pictures of them. Aigoo, so much B.A.P it kills me! X_X

Anyways, I'll be doing these 2 stories coming soon so hope you guys like it. Thank you guys again for reading these stories. You guys can read any other of the stories I'm working on or I have completed or if you like one or both of the 2 stories I'm going to be doing, you can wait for those...if you're paitient... :)

Comment on what you guys think of the ending and what you guys think of the 2 new stories. Thank you guys so much and well...thanks for subscribing, reading, and commenting on this story. :)

Saranghaeyo~! <3 


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Goldie #1
Chapter 21: Awww! I was playing secret's starlight moonlight while reading this and my mom saw me smiling like an idiot and i was so happy that this STORY MARKED A HUGE SMILE AND HAPPINESS TO ME THIS DAY SO.... THANK YOU!
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 21: awww i almost cried in the last chapter >.< love this
Jennynana #3
Chapter 21: Loved it PERFECT ^^
Wow, it's an amazing story .... *O*
I was crying at the last chapter T^T
UlzzangsLover #6
One word: PERFECT!!

Okay, this has to be one of my favourite Jongup's fanfic so far!! Jongup is so cute here in the fanfic. I like the way Jongup being sweet and all... i don't really get the final story, i like no, no scratch that LOVE it though!! Credit to the author for making such a sweet fanfic

P.S/ i cried alot reading this fanfic :')
Awwww such a sweet ending~ ^^
juju95lc #8
Happy Ending YEAH XD!! I love it :p!!! Our 6 Alien Bunnies looks cool!! Thanks for this fiction!! :p
Awwwhh. <3
Awww... So sweet..... I love the ending~~ ;D