I Remember...Everything?

Do You Remember Me...?

Huh? Where am I? You thought to yourself. All I remember was a bright light coming at me and then a memory popped up in my head...

Suddenly something popped up. You notice the background started to change for brightness surrounding you to a house. It looked familiar to you. You made a curious look at it but, then you realize it was the house that you lived in before. The most horrible life you had in that house...all because of one person, your stepmom.

The door swang opened and you were wondering who was walking out. You then spotted a little girl walking out of the house.


Secret - Starlight Moonlight(Instrumental)

The little girl was walking outside and you made a curious look. Why does she look so familiar? You thought. Is that me...?

You took a closer look and then realize that it was you, you when you were a little girl. "~~~~~~!" Someone called out.

You spotted the little version of you turned around from making you look behind. You looked up and then there they are...your parents. Your actual parents. You became wide-eyed all of a sudden and all you did was just stand there...and just stare at your parents. Is it them? Is it really them? You thought by surprised.

"Is there something you need omma?" You asked so curiously.

"Ani." Your mother smiled.

You just stood there shock that your seeing both of your parents for the 1st time, it was just like another special day for you or something. "Omma..." You spoke out of your mouth. You were surprised that you quickly covered it with your hand. You didn't mean to say it...for some reason, it just came right out of you.

"Where are you going?" Your dad then asked.

"Appa, can I see Jongup today?" The little version of you asked.

"Hm...do you think he's even at the park?" Your dad asked with an unsure look.

"Appa, jebal...jebal, jebal, jebal..." You begged. While you were begging, you then start to do an aegyo at your dad.

Your dad sighed and smiled at you, "You know I can't resist your aegyos. Aigoo, you are so adorable...just like your mother."

Your mother was standing next to him and then playfully punches his arm. "Yah! Stop being so nice." Your mother smiled.

"It's true..." Your dad said.

Your family suddenly then had a group hug and you were just watching them. You, the little version of you...you couldn't believe this, who could have known you were actually happy as a little girl. One word only described the life that you before...perfect.

The little girl waved bye to both of your parents and then you ran to the park. You start to follow her since you want to know who is this person...this whole time. Is it really him? Is it really Jongup? All these questions, they keep rushing through your head...also, right away your heart has start to beat quickly. It was beat faster because you were so excited to see who this guy is...your 1st love...you want to know so badly. You arrived at the park, and you went to the cherry blossom tree. Amazing, it was still in the same exact place but, only the one thing that is different it was smaller compare to your time now.

"Jongup~!" You called out.

You suddenly stopped walking and just stand in a spot that has a small distance between you and the childhood version of you. You spotted a kid, a small kid. You tilted your head trying to see the person's face but, it didn't go quite well. All of a sudden, this Jongup person turned around and right away you were surprised. "Jongup..." You said.

"Anneyonghaseyo ~~~~~~!" Little Jongup smiled.

It's really him... You thought surprised. Tear suddenly then start to swell up in your eyes. You were trying to hold it in but, you couldn't. Right away, tears fell both sides of your cheek. Your eyes start to become puffy and you felt weak. But, you weren't crying because you were sad...you just have a change of heart.

The background slowly start to have a change all of a sudden. The memories of seeing Jongup it slowly fade away. You looked around wondering what was happening. You were at the park again but this time, the time changed. It was a different year. You looked over and you spotted the same 2 people. You made a confused look, Have I seen this before? You thought to yourself.

You try to think but you couldn't figure it out...until that was when you looked. You spotted both you and Jongup making a sad look at each other. You suddenly then remember, the memory you last have the time you left Jongup and you have made that promise. You spotted yourself leaving and you just stood there. You would follow, but...you didn't. You looked back at Jongup, he was making a sad look. You walk up to him and spotted that he has tears in his eyes and he couldn't stop crying.

You feel bad and you start to cry again as well, but this time...you didn't. The background then started to change and it was different. You were a bit confuse on what was going on, but...you were in the car in a different city. You made a confused look but, you understand what was going on. Your parents were talking on to each other while driving and you were in the back making a sad look. You just stand there and it was a horrible weather.

It was pouring like crazy and you were heartbroken. You made a sad look and you sighed, Why did I do that? I shouldn't have left Jongup behind...

All of a sudden you heard screeches and loud crashes. You suddenly looked and then...there was a car accident. You were surprised and the same thing must have happened to you right now. This whole time...that's how I lost my memory, my parents...and I we were in a car accident... You thought surprised.


The memory suddenly start to change, everything was changing into something new. Something different. Bright lights were surrounding you, you were standing in the corner of your own room. You start to wake up and you were surprised. "Huh? Where am I?" You asked as you looked around.

"Hi, are you ok?" A person asked.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"Apparently, she only remembers her name. But, since her parents died...she doesn't remember a thing after the car accident." The doctor said to the woman as he walk in.

She just nodded and you were so curious on who is that. "Don't worry, I will take care of her." She said. "What's your name?" She added.

"~~~~~~." You spoke. "What happened? My head feels weird."

"It's alright...that's normal." The woman smiled.

You were surprised because that person, the one that you were talking to...she was actually your stepmom. "You...you were the one that found me..." You spoke.

A bright showed up and you were looking away since it was hurting your eyes. "~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~~~~~ can you hear me?" A voice called out...

Did I died? ....Who's calling for me? Who's there? You thought...

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Goldie #1
Chapter 21: Awww! I was playing secret's starlight moonlight while reading this and my mom saw me smiling like an idiot and i was so happy that this STORY MARKED A HUGE SMILE AND HAPPINESS TO ME THIS DAY SO.... THANK YOU!
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 21: awww i almost cried in the last chapter >.< love this
Jennynana #3
Chapter 21: Loved it PERFECT ^^
Wow, it's an amazing story .... *O*
I was crying at the last chapter T^T
UlzzangsLover #6
One word: PERFECT!!

Okay, this has to be one of my favourite Jongup's fanfic so far!! Jongup is so cute here in the fanfic. I like the way Jongup being sweet and all... i don't really get the final story, i like no, no scratch that LOVE it though!! Credit to the author for making such a sweet fanfic

P.S/ i cried alot reading this fanfic :')
Awwww such a sweet ending~ ^^
juju95lc #8
Happy Ending YEAH XD!! I love it :p!!! Our 6 Alien Bunnies looks cool!! Thanks for this fiction!! :p
Awwwhh. <3
Awww... So sweet..... I love the ending~~ ;D