Seeing Him Again

Do You Remember Me...?

It was a bright morning for you. You slowly opened your eyes and spotted the bright sunlight shining upon your face since you were sleeping next to a window. You stretched your arms out and sat up from your bed. You looked around and notice the time. 7:00AM, you just sat there looking at the clock and just got up from your bed and get ready for school.

You were walking downstairs and you notice something weird. Your stepmom wasn't here...which explains why it was too quiet. But, you didn't care...the only thing you did was shrugged it off. You walked out of the door and locked it from behind. While you were walking, you suddenly spotted someone waiting in front you. You made a curious look and he did the same thing. Why does he look so familiar to you?

"~~~~~~?" The person called out.

That voice even look so familiar to you as well. Out of nowhere, the name just popped up out of nowhere that it made you say it. "Jongup..."

Jongup smiled and he walked up to you. "Anneyonghaseyo~!" He bowed.

"Annyeong, are you heading to school?" You asked.

"Nae, I didn't know you live around here." Jongup said surprised.

"Well yeah, same here. This is surprising..." You said.

Both of you guys ended up walking to school together. When you arrived, right away you notice that people are looking at you and Jongup. You keep looking at them and right away you just try to ignore them. "Are they dating?" One of the students whispered.

It actually bugged you when you heard that, why would you be dating Jongup if you don't even know him that well. You looked over at Jongup and then something was caught in your mind, Now that I think about it...why does this kid look so familiar?

You spotted your friend Eunhee who was looking at you wide eye and her jaw was dropped open. You smiled at Jongup and just waved at him. Jongup nodded and he waved back, you then walked up to Eunhee who was still staring at you and Jongup. You made a curious look at her and just wave your hand quickly in front of her face. "Yah! Are you ok?" You asked curiously.

Eunhee shook her head left and right how many times. She then looked at you and suddenly asked, "How did this happened?"

"What you mean?" You asked curiously.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Jongup are a couple?" Eunhee asked as she started to smile widely.

"Mwoyoe?! Where the heck did you hear that from?!" You asked surprised.

"Well, it's obvious. You're hanging out with the kingka of the school. Jongup is really popular. The most common thing on why is he with a girl is 1, you're going out with him, or 2...well there's no 2nd thing. But, tell me!" Eunhee explained.

"Why do you even care?" You asked as you walked away.

"Cause, I'm your best friend and you can tell me anything." Eunhee said with a smile. "Also, I can be your memory girl. Besides, don't you remember what happened?"

When you heard Eunhee mention that, it actually made you heartbroken at first. Eunhee notice you were sad right away so she said, "Mianhae...I didn't mean to mention about that."

You looking away from Eunhee and you feel like crying, but you didn't. You were trying to hold it in. "Please, don't mention that again.'re the only one I have left. Along with my stepmom. But, my stepmom doesn't tell me anything about my past. I know how I lost my past but, I don't remember a thing about it. The only past I remember was meeting you when I was a kid." You explaind sadly.

Eunhee felt bad and just hugged you, "Mianhae...I won't mention it again. Besides, I'm your childhood friend. You're glad that I met you...because, if I didn't how can you remember!" Eunhee smiled.

You smiled as well and the bell rang. You went to your first period class. In the middle of class, you got bored. You didn't really want to listen to the teacher, just remember something. You start to smile widely and look through your bag. You grabbed the textbook close to you and took out the old journal. For some reason, it look familiar to you..and when you read's interesting.

You have already read the 1st entry of this journal. So you flipped over to the 2nd entry of this journal. You notice that the handwriting changed a little and the spelling has gotten better all of a sudden.

Annyeonghaseyo~! I jst got bcak form shool, and geuss wat! The kid I mte ta the playgrund he gose to my shool as wll! Im so hppy that I gt to c his fce agin. I fel like my spllin has goten wurst! The 1st jurnal enry my mum heled me wit my spllin. At last, Im tyrin my bst! Wih me lcuk! Fihtging! Oh! N I cant wait fur tomrrow! Im ging to c hm agian! I bttr go, annyeong! So fr Im onyl god at spllin the grttings.

You started to smile at the 2nd  journal entry. It made you laugh since there was so many mispelled things. Hm...I wonder who wrote this journal. Who ever did, I think it's adorable You thought with a smile. "~~~~~?" The teacher called out.

You jumped a little and you looked up at the teacher surprised. "Mwoyoe?" You asked nervously. "What are you smiling about? Are you texting in class for the first time?" The teacher asked with a suspicious look.

You made a nervous look that you start to bite the bottom of your lip nervously. Shoot! Busted...You thought.

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Goldie #1
Chapter 21: Awww! I was playing secret's starlight moonlight while reading this and my mom saw me smiling like an idiot and i was so happy that this STORY MARKED A HUGE SMILE AND HAPPINESS TO ME THIS DAY SO.... THANK YOU!
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 21: awww i almost cried in the last chapter >.< love this
Jennynana #3
Chapter 21: Loved it PERFECT ^^
Wow, it's an amazing story .... *O*
I was crying at the last chapter T^T
UlzzangsLover #6
One word: PERFECT!!

Okay, this has to be one of my favourite Jongup's fanfic so far!! Jongup is so cute here in the fanfic. I like the way Jongup being sweet and all... i don't really get the final story, i like no, no scratch that LOVE it though!! Credit to the author for making such a sweet fanfic

P.S/ i cried alot reading this fanfic :')
Awwww such a sweet ending~ ^^
juju95lc #8
Happy Ending YEAH XD!! I love it :p!!! Our 6 Alien Bunnies looks cool!! Thanks for this fiction!! :p
Awwwhh. <3
Awww... So sweet..... I love the ending~~ ;D