Dance like there's no today

My Ultimate Fairytale... Let it be real

The next showdown is street dance.


Your group = red and white jacket

Opponent = black and yellow




We all look at the man thus giving us a suspense feeling.


"Right!" The man said as he raised his right arm. 


"That's two." I said to my opponent.


"Don't get to cocky kid." He said.


"Who said I am, grandpa." I countered and everyone went "oooooohhhhhh..."


"You're going down sissy." He said.


"We'll see, crazy." I replied.


"Last match! Modern dance." Someone announced.


"No remix." I declared.


"Who says you can make the rules?" He asked.


"Who says I can't? Let's be fair. Besides, weren't you the one who picked tango?" I smirked.


"Fine!" He said.


opponent's dance:


"Did he just-- " I cutted Kyung's sentence and said "Dongsaeng, erase what you just saw. It's not good for your brain." 


"Ok noona." Kyungmin replied.


"Arvin." I said.


"Glad to." Arvin replied.


Your dance:


After our performance, we looked at the direction of the man and to our surprisee, he wasn't there.


"Where's the judge?" Sophia asked.


"I'm here." The man said who was climbing the stairs.

"I proclaim them the winner. No bias." The man continued as he pointed at us.


Our younger classmen shouted with joy.


"A deal's a deal. Get off our stage." I said to our opponent.

"Whatever." He replied as they left the campus along with my classmates since they have to go back to their respective activities.


"Well, I had fun!" I said to my friends.


"Excuse me miss?" The man said to me.


"Yes?" I asked.


"I am Jung _______. I am a talent agent working for Starship Entertainment. I was rather impressed by your moves young lady." Mr. Jung said.


"Whoa whoa whoa. Freaky middle aged man said what??" I said in a sassy tone.


"Yes, a talent agency from Starship entertainment. I'm also managing one of the groups in Starship. I would like to recruit you and be a part of the Starship family." Mr. Jung replied.


"I'm sorry but my parents are quite strict and how could I know for sure that you're for real?" I asked.


"Do you know Sistar?" He asked.


"Of course. S-I-S-T-T-T-A-R, sistar! Baby stop breakin' my heart. There one of the rare girl groups I like." I answered then he took out his phone and gave it to me.


"It's a video call." He said.


I looked at the phone and was shocked to see Sistar, live, in my face! I quickly gave back the phone since I was embarrassed and shocked at the same time.


"I believe you but still, my parents are very strict. They wont even let me get a boyfriend plus I'm going to be a university student soon. I'm starting my freshmen years this June." I explained.


"If I ask you now without the problem with your parents, what's your answer?" He asked.


"Yes, duh!!! But I would have to ask for conditions." I answered.


"State your conditions." He commanded.


"If I did became a trainee, I would be training for the rest for my summer except on Sunday because that's family day but by the time school starts, I would only be training on friday afternoon since I have classes in the morning, the whole saturday and mornings on Sunday since I have to make my homework on the afternoon. That's a total of two days a week. And I don't really have clothes to practice on also shoes so you know what I mean. That's all my conditions." I said.


"Well said. Almost all of your conditions involve you're studies. About the clothes, the agency would handle that. So I just need your parents' permission. And by the way, on the time wherein your school starts, you'll be training harder than you'll usually do since you'll only be training for 2 days." He explained.


"Sure." I simply answered.


He took my mom's phone number since my dad is working at Taiwan. He then called them and went ouside to get privacy.


"Noona!! Congratulations!!" Kyungmin said.


"I'm not in yet. Depends on my parents. Though its an awesome oppurtunity, I'll sulk forever if that chance slipped away." I said.


"Why won't your parents let you anyway?" Sophia asked.


"Dad has a simple philosophy. Study then study, don't work. If work then work, don't study. In other words, I have to pick one. But since education is the key to our future, I have to grab onto that." I explained.


Kyungmin, Sophia and I talked for the next 30 minutes until Mr. Jung came up to me and gave me his phone. I swallowed a big amount of saliva knowing that either my mom or dad is on the phone.


"Hello?" I said.


"you. Was what this talent agent said true?" It was my mom and she sounded calm.


"Y-ye-yeah. What's your answer?" I asked.


"Sure! Why not? It's a wonderful oppurtunity. Your dad and I don't want you to throw that huge oppurtunity slip away like what your cousin did." She explained then I remembered my cousin. She was an amazing singer and dancer. A popular talent agent that introduced the countries most popular superstar came to her after my cousin won a competition but she rejected the offer since she was very very shy. It was a very stupid move and my dad doesn't like seeing my cousin because of what happened. If ever she did accepted the offer, she would've been along the batch of the Asian song bird. It was a very wrong decision.


"THANKS SO MUCH MOM!!!! I LOVE YOU TO THE INFINITY ALSO DAD!!!" I said then hung up the phone.


"I accept." I told Mr. Jung and he help me a paper which seems to be a contract.


The conditions was good. They're not forcing me not to have a boyfriend. hehe... I also get to have my share by the time of my debut. 25% is big enough.


I signed the contract and gave Mr. Jung a handshake.


"Welcome to Starship entertainment Ms. you." He said


"It's an honor." I replied.


He gave me a copy of the documents and his calling card then left.


I looked at my friends in a very serious way.


"Noona?" Kyungmin said.




"EVERYONE WHO IS IN THIS ROOM IS INVITED!" I told my younger classmen then we all went to the ice cream parlor with Jonathan of course.



Is it bad????




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zyrazain #1
Chapter 6: Heheh ^^.. can't wait the progress that they will practising with boyfriend
Whoa... Neat... Keep on the hard work author nim~
gangnam-royalty #3
zyrazain #4
Chapter 2: the part that i like.. i've been accepting to starship ent.. kekeke
zyrazain #5
hurmmm not bad the started.. makes me gives big grinn ^______^
Chapter 4: i bet it was Youngmin right?
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it already^^!!
Please update soon(no pressure,just have fun with it^^)
P.S.sorry bout the spelling