
My Ultimate Fairytale... Let it be real


I'll be putting the characters here with the first chapter.



-16 years old

-3rd sibling, 2nd daughter

-loves to sleep, eat, and dance

-KPOP fanatic

-Half Chinese

-Half (whatever your race is)


Kenji Nakamura

- your boyfriend




-13 years old

-Half Japanese

-Half (same race as your other half)

-Kyungmin's cousin


Park Kyungmin

-15 years old

-Half Korean

-Half (same race as your other half)

- you treat him as her younger brother



-helps with your relationship with Kenji


Jamie Lee

- your supposedly best friend


-hates your relationship, lovelife and probably you because her ex-boyfriend (whom she loves), likes you.

-bad mouth

-always says things that hurts your feelings and self confidence


Boyfriend as their usual selves (idols)


special guests:

Teen top


F(x) -- Minor role--

Exo-K --Minor role--

Sistar -- Minor-ish role--


Minor roles


- your best friend

- protective

- good with words

- dependent on you



- your love team partner at school (its more of an act to them)

- your protective friend

-good with guitar


Han Seong Gyu

- your ultimate crush

- in a mutal understanding with you (both confessed they love each other but never asked her to be his girlfriend)

-currently lives in Korea

-Awesome guitarist, pianist annd bassist (?)


Han Yeong Chae

-your other Korean friend

-awesome singer

-believes that you are a good singer but just needs more self confidence.





--ring ring ring-- 



Awaken by the continuous ringing of her alarm, you slightly opened her eyes and searched for the alarm.


'it's summer. Why would I set an alarm?! It's like 9am.' you said to herself and went back to sleep.





you's POV


"you" my mom shouted as she sprayed me with water.


I shot up of bed and asked "why?!"


"Your friends keep calling. They asked where are you and why weren't you answering your phone. Aren't you going out with your friends today?" My mom asked.


"out?" I said as I stared into space then I remembered something thus showing this expression ---> (O_O)


"what time is it????" I panicked.


"12:48pm." My mom said as she left me.


I rushed to the bathroom, took a bath and wear my usual style of clothing. I ran down and left the house after biding goodbye to my mom then went straight to the mall.


@ the mall...


I looked left then right trying to get a glimpse of at least one of my friends. Then I spotted Kyungmin also my 'dongsaeng' who is also my boyfriend's cousin.


"Dongsaeng!!" I shouted, completely ignoring people looking at me thinking I'm crazy or something.


"Noona!!!" He shouted back then I spotted the rest of the gang.


"Late as usual." Sophia said.


"It's summer. It's you. You're surprised?" Jonathan said.


"Over slept." I said as I nervously laughed.


"Over slept on purpose?" Kyungmin asked.


"I'm sorry?" I said.


"it's ok. Ah! Noona, my cousin can't come." Kyung said.


"oh, it's ok." I said as trying to hide the disappointment tone. I haven't seen my boyfriend since the day of our graduation. 


"Stop with the boyfriend drama. I wanna watch the Avengers now. I skipped summer class to watch this movie." Jonathan said.


"arrasso. kaja~!" I said.


"Speak English. We're not in Korea neither are we Korean." Jonathan said.


"He's korean." I said as I pointed at kyung min.


"I'm half Korean." Kyung defended.


"I'm half Chinese and I know how to speak the Chinese language." I said.


"we study in a Chinese school." He defended.


"I'm half Chinese who studies in a Chinese school but is better than you in speaking the language that consumes the nationality of half of your blood." I countered and he kept quiet.


"you, ever though of taking law as your major than computer programming?" Sophia asked


"Yes, yes I did but I have weak memory. I can barely memorize a single law with its detail." I replied.


"Avengers!!!" Jonathan shouted at us.


"sorry." All of us said.



After the movie...


"That was AWESOME!!!!" We all shouted.


"What's next??" Kyungmin asked.


"I have to go back to school. They're looking for me." Jonathan said.


"Hmm... Can I come?" I asked.

"Sure. But what will you do there?" Jonathan asked.


"There's a dance workshop there right?" I said.



"I'm coming with noona!!" Kyungmin declared.

"Me too!" Sophia seconded.


"Its weird though. The almighty you is actually going to school on a summer." Jonathan said as he laugh.


"Say that again and I'll bury you alive." I threatened.


"And there's the you we know and scared of." We all laughed as we walk to school.


Our school is right next to the mall we're in so its no hussle at all.



At the school...


"I really have to go. If anyone needs me, I'm teaching Guitar at room C305." Jonathan said and leave.


"where are we going?" I said as I clap my hands three time mimicking Dora the explorer.


"Let's search the school for something exciting." Kyung decided.


It was boring with the capital BO and RING until we got in the auditorium where we heard some music. 


We saw unfamiliar people on the stage and saw our younger classmen sitting as if they were forced to just sit there and watch.


"Riz!" Kyungmin called his classmate as we followed from behind.


"Isn't this suppose to be a dance workshop? How come you guy are sitted?" Sophia asked.


"They conquered the stage and won't share it with any of us." Riz answered.


"But this is our school. I don't even recognize any of these people." I answered back.


"They're from the ___________. We tried to retrieve our stage but they out numbered us." Riz said as her eyes starts to fill up some tears.


"The others quit already. This is what's left of us." She added as the 3 of us look at the audience. Only about 6 students remain.


"Hey! What the are you doing here?!" One of the guys on stage yelled at the three of us.


"I study here stupid!" I replied.


"Oh no you did not just sass my friend, sister?!" Another one said.

"Are you deaf? Cuz apparently, I JUST DID. and FYI I ain't your sister, ." I said in a sarcastic and innocent tone.


"Noona!!" Kyungmin shouted.


"Dongsaeng, shikkuro! This is our school and our stage and I'm gonna get it back." I said.


"Oooohhh... I'm so scared." A guy approached me and suddenly grab me by the collar.


"What are you gonna do know, girly?" He added.


"I bid you best wishes for your funeral." Kyungmin said to the guy but he just smirked at the comment.

"Oh no you did not just call me girly." I said as I gave him my death glare, stepped on his foot hard, hit him in the stomach and lastly punch him on the face.


"Who else?" I shouted and glared at the people on the stage.


"Let's make a deal." Another guy said in a flirty voice.


"If you win, we leave. If you lost, get lost and this auditorium is ours for the summer and none of these losers stay." He said as he pointed at my lower classmen when he said 'loser'.


"Noona, don't." Kyungmin said.


"What's the challenge?" I asked.


"A showdown. One ballroom dance, one street dance and one modern dance." He said.


"Bring it." I said coolly.

"you!!! Don't! The reason why they are staying is because we lost the same deal." Riz explained.


"Dongsaeng, you have your dancing shoes on?" I asked Kyung ignoring Riz.


"Game!" Kyungmin said.


"Who's gonna judge?" I asked.


"You see that man over there?" He said while pointing at a man wearing a suit.


"So?" I asked.


"He's been there since this morning. We honestly don't know him. We'll ask him to judge." He answered.


"Fine." I said while walking down the aisle. I saw him talk to the man and he nodded and sat in the center of the auditorium.


"If I raise my right arm, that girl (pointing at me) and that boy (pointing at Kyung) wins, if I raise my left then the other team wins." The man said while everyone just nodded.


"First up is ballroom dance. I hope you don't mind but we'll be dancing tango." He said while he secretly smirk.


"Whatever. We just need to beat you right. 2 out of 3?" I asked.


"Well if that happens, we go again since those kids lost on our bet. If you got 3 out of 3 then we'll leave. Let's go." He lead us to the stage. Then the music started.


They danced:


You and Kyungmin danced:


All of us then looked at the man. He then raised his right hand. Our lower classmen shouted with joy but quiet down afterwards since its just beginning.


"Next is street dance." He said.


"Good luck" I heard someone whispered then the door suddenly opened.


"Who's there?!" Our opponent asked.


"We can to join the party. It so unfair for my classmate and friend to dance alone now."  I then looked at the door and saw my friends Jonathan, Arvin and Shiena with some of our batchmates who's currently available.


"Now its a party. What took you guys too long?!" I shouted.

"Whatever, you'll lose anyway." Our opponent said.


The music started.






comments? Suggestions? Violent-reactions? They are all loved... hehe...


I hope this chapter didn't let you down. It's also kind of confusing... 


The "He" character staring from the auditorium is the opponent... sorry if its confusing... @.@

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zyrazain #1
Chapter 6: Heheh ^^.. can't wait the progress that they will practising with boyfriend
Whoa... Neat... Keep on the hard work author nim~
gangnam-royalty #3
zyrazain #4
Chapter 2: the part that i like.. i've been accepting to starship ent.. kekeke
zyrazain #5
hurmmm not bad the started.. makes me gives big grinn ^______^
Chapter 4: i bet it was Youngmin right?
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it already^^!!
Please update soon(no pressure,just have fun with it^^)
P.S.sorry bout the spelling