We became demigods...

My Ultimate Fairytale... Let it be real



I got new subscribers^^ <3


I would like to give thanks to my awesome reader you~!


Back in you 's country


At the Park's residence...


"Noonaaaa~~" Kyungmin moaned as his face flat on the table.


The rest of the gang just looked at him for a second and continued with whatever they were doing.


"Noonaaa~~" Kyungmin moaned again.


"Would you shut up?" Jamie said in annoyance as she stopped texting on her phone.


Kyungmin instantly gave a sharp glare to Jamie.


"At least my noona ain't a two-faced ." Kyungmin said in a low voice.


"What did you say you lame excuse of a Korean?!" Jamie yelled as she abruptly stood up, ready to fight.


"You heard me you cheap, over-rated, loveless dumb excuse of a best friend.” Kyungmin snapped back and everyone, except Jamie, went "ooooohhhhh..."


"How dare you?!" Jamie said in anger.


"How dare I? This is a free country!” Kyungmin answered back.


"Guys, stop it." Sophie said as Jonathan was trying to hold the two back from fighting.


The two finally stopped fighting and returned to their original places.


"I just miss my noona. ‘ Kyungmin defended.


"We all do.” Sophie said in a soft voice.


"I doubt it." Kyungmin said under his breath as he eyed Jamie.


"Hey, isn't Kenji coming? He lives near here right?" Jonathan asked.


"He said he can't come, again." Kyungmin answered.


"As usual." Sophie added.


He then realizes a smirk plastered on Jamie's face when her phone rang.


"Guys, sorry but I got to go. Something came up.” Jamie said as she hurriedly packed her stuff.


Everyone bid farewell to Jamie, but Kyungmin felt suspicious about it.


After about a minute or two Jamie left, Kyungmin stood up immediately.


"Guys, I have to buy food for our sleepover tonight. I'll be back later and pick out the movies for me." Kyungmin said as he left.


He started following Jamie from afar.


'Where is she going?’ He thought.


Jamie knows the way since she lives quite near. He followed her until he found the place quite familiar.


'What is she doing here?' Kyungmin thought.


Back in South Korea


you 's POV


Last night's party was amazing, but today's a new day and the start of our practices and training starts today.


We were at our practice room with all the mirrors and stuff. We all started with the warm ups but then we found ourselves unsure what to do next.


"Krooo~ krooo~" you said trying to ease the atmosphere.


Mr. Jung entered the room. He seems to realize the atmosphere and laughed a bit.


"All of you please follow me." He said and we followed.


We arrived in front of an office with huge doors. Somehow, all of us know where we are.


Mr. Jung opened the door and we all entered the gigantic room one by one.


"Welcome ladies. I am the president of Starship entertainment. Please sit down." The man in the suit said.


We sat down at probably the softest couch my ever sat on.


"You ladies are here today because we are to discuss about the upcoming debut of your group.” The president said with a smile.


“First and foremost, Mr. Jung will be the group’s manager.” He added.


We looked at Mr. Jung, who also seems to be shocked, and gave him a round of applause.


“Next, name. Who has any ideas?” The president asked while all of us were as silent as a mouse.


“No suggestions? If there are none, then I’ll just name the group “Sparkles”.” He added.


With just hearing the name, my head kind of twitch and I feel like I wanna throw up.


“No? Good. Do—“ I cut him of saying “Fallen.”


“What?” The president asked.


“The group name. I, umm.. I suggest the name ‘Fallen’”. I said shyly.


“On what basis?” He asked.


“Fallen like Fallen Angels, gods…” I answered with my voice wondering off.


‘Fallen gods?” Hye Su said.


“Demigods?” Hyun Mi added.


“I see…  A group of ‘demigods’. Sounds fun.” Aisuka said.


“If that were our group, I wanna be the daughter of the greek god Pan!” Hye Su shouted in enthusiasm.


“Well, seems like everyone likes the suggestion. I declare this group to be named as Fallen.” The president said while we high five each other.


“Who’s Pan?” Bloom asked.


“Pan is the god of the wild.” I answered.


“Can you give me a god?” Hyun Mi asked followed by the rest.


“How about the Greek god Aeolus? God of the wind.” I said.


“I’ll take that.” Hyun Mi said.


“Well there’s Chione and Chloris. Chione is the goddess of snow. Chloris is the goddess of flowers.” I said.


“Goddess of snow” Aisuka declared.


“Goddess of Flowers and it matches with my stagename.” Bloom said.


“If you don’t mind, Ms. you, I want you to play as the daughter of the Roman god Janus.” The president said.


“I don’t mind but why?” I asked out of curiosity.


“Because you bear the face of both innocence and a seductress.” The president explained.


“I’m fine with it sir.” I said as I open heartedly accepted the role.


“Well then, we’ll schedule the filming for the face teasers next week. What image do you guys want to have? As a group.” He added.


We were back at being silent once again.


“I announce Hyun Mi as the leader of the group. So miss leader, what’s your call?” He asked.


“Ummm… We want to be unexpected, totally different from other girl groups. If it’s ok, we would want to be on the same level as boy groups. A not to girly girl group with a mixture of punk, just in the image though.” Hyun Mi said trying to sound confident even though her legs were shaking.


“I like it! Mr. Jung, call Boyfriend’s manager, starting from now on, you will be practicing with Boyfriend. Having a boy group along your practice would be able to shape up your group’s image. Good luck and remember, next month’s the big debut.” The president said.


We then bid goodbye and by the time we reached the practice room, we all squealed and partied.


Boyfriend then came to the room after a few minutes while we were partying. So yeah, it was embarrassing.


“Congratulations on becoming an official girl group of Starship Entertainment.” Boyfriend chorused.


We were all celebrating when my phone rang.


“Boyfriend alert!!” Hyun Mi shouted while the girls giggled.


I playfully rolled my eyes and took the call.


“Hello?” I said.


“Noona?” The person on the other line said.


“Kyung?” I asked.


“Yeah, it’s me. Noona, I have some bad news.” He said in a depressed voice.


“What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.


Everyone was now looking at me.


“Kenji… Noona, please break up with him.” He answered.


“What? Why?’ I asked in disbelief.


“He’s not being loyal to you. I saw it with my own eyes. He has another girl.” Kyungmin said in a desperate tone.


My heart broke then and there, but I chose to grab at that tiny string of hope.


“Yah, dongsaeng, he just called me last night. He was begging me forgiveness and promised me he’ll never look at any other girl. As much as I trust you Kyung, I have to see it with my own eyes.” I explained.


“But you’re not here!” Kyungmin countered.


“Kyung, I’m busy. I’ll talk to you some other time, okay? Bye.” And with that, I hung up the phone.


you, is everything ok?” Hye Su asked.


I looked at everyone and they all have concern in their eyes.


“I’m fine. My baby dongsaeng just missed me.”I said as I forced a smile.


‘He wouldn’t, would he?’ Still that thought never left my mind throughout the entire day.



So, what do you think happened?


I know it's a boring chapter so please forgive me.. TTT____TTT


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zyrazain #1
Chapter 6: Heheh ^^.. can't wait the progress that they will practising with boyfriend
Whoa... Neat... Keep on the hard work author nim~
gangnam-royalty #3
zyrazain #4
Chapter 2: the part that i like.. i've been accepting to starship ent.. kekeke
zyrazain #5
hurmmm not bad the started.. makes me gives big grinn ^______^
Chapter 4: i bet it was Youngmin right?
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it already^^!!
Please update soon(no pressure,just have fun with it^^)
P.S.sorry bout the spelling