"Joy" ride

My Ultimate Fairytale... Let it be real


Min Woo's POV


Ever since Boyfriend and Fallen started practicing together, everyday became fun. We would start our morning sessions with a dance you, our choreographer, and I choreographed together, then on our breaks we would held Bloom, Aisuka, and you with their korean, and by evening we would often eat outside together. 


'But tonight is different. Why? Because Fallen invited Boyfriend for a sleepover in their dorm.'I thought to myself as I blush.


Boyfriend is currently readying their stuff for our 3-day and 3-night camping at Fallen's place. I know that its weird and wrong no matter how you look at it 'cause they're a girl group and we're guys and in one dorm and blah blah blah.. but that scenario is not gonna happen because well, I just doubt it.


"Is everybody done with their stuff?"Donghyun hyung asked.


Everybody answered "yes". 


"Hey hyung, aren't we a little early?" Kwangmin asked.


"Yeah, it's still 3 in the afternoon."Youngmin added.


"Hye Su said to arrive at their dorm at 3pm. They were the one's who invited us so let's just follow what they say." Donghyun answered.


We started walking to their dorm when a thought came to me.


"Hyung, isn't their dorm as big as ours?" I asked.


"Yeah, why?" Donghyun asked.


"AH!"Jeongmin yelled as I assume that he realized what I meant.


"The dorm is enough for the six of us, just imagine adding five more in that dorm." Hyunseong answered.


Donghyun gave it a thought but we were already near Fallen's dorm. 


At first we didn't realize the luggages since we were focused on the "dorm theory", but we all had question marks on our heads when we saw them carrying bags and all.


"uhhhh..." Jeongmin said as he pointed at their bags.


"What?"Hyun Mi asked.


"What's with the bags?"Hyunseong added.


"For the 3 days and nights trip." you answered which added more question marks on our heads.


"What? Were you guys expecting to stay at our dorm?"Hyun Mi asked while we all nod.


The girls giggled at our sync head nodding, well, they were kinda laughing already.


"I said to arrive at our dorm, not stay at our dorm."Hye Su said clearing up the confusion.


"So where..?"I asked as my hand in a circular motion asking for an answer.


"Hyun Mi unnie's villa." you said cheerfully.


"VILLA?!"We chorused.


"Unnie is quite rich you know."Aisuka added.


All of our heads fell to the left, staring at them blankly, trying to absorb whatever.


"Daughter of the president of Park industries, blah blah blah... Let's go."Hyun mi said as she went outside.


Our jaws fell. Not that everyone who wanted to be a K-POP star are suppose to be financially challenged but that was just something.


Two men then entered and started carrying our bags in a respectful manner. We all guessed that these guys are Hyun Mi's helpers.


We went outside and is greeted by a black limo. We were all taken aback, all of us, even Fallen.


Each of us looked at one another and started racing towards the door.


It was a pretty long ride but it was really fun. We learned a lot about Hyun Mi. She is the second child and only girl. Her older brother will most probably take over the company and throughtout her journey up to now, she barely asked help from her parents help. She's not your average rich princess.



YoungMin's POV


True that we were having fun while riding a limo but I keep giving you glances. She isn't like her usual self. She tries to hide it, she's quite good at it actually, but I can still see the traces of sadness lingering around that "smiling face".


Now that I think about it, she started acting like that after the phone call she recieved after they were declared as Fallen.


"Youngmin oppa, are you ok?" you asked me.


I snapped back to reality. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realized that I was staring at her directly.


'I need an alibi right now.'I thought looking for a sign then as if God had answered my prayers, you yawned.


Since I'm this guy who is crazily in love with this girl, of course I do everything to be close to her. We ended up being a pillow buddy wherein we always "sleep together" like literally sleep together this only happens during on breaks though or when she doesn't feel well or she just wants to. So yeah, we are THAT close. TAKE THAT MIN WOO!


"you-ah, I was just wondering if you are sleepy." I said to her. 


She gave me a small nod while she rubs her eyes


'She is so frickin' adorable!!!' I screamed in my head as I smiled goofyly.


I transferred sits and sat next to youyou extended her arms like a baby who wants to be carried by someone. I lifted you then placed her down on my lap, her legs are right next to mine; you snuggled on my chest, treating it like a pillow, while I hugged her by the waist.


I have to stay as calm as possible to prevent "misunderstandings". --> If you know what I mean.


I mean she is sitting on my lap and she IS Y and HOT. Anyway, I took a quick glance on Min Woo before drifting to sleep with a satisfied look on my face.



MinWoo's POV


I am resisting the urge to throw hyung out of the car and have you snuggle on my chest. I mean compared to Youngmin, I am way more toned to be you's sleeping buddy.


Ugh. I just hate that they are practically sleeping together in a non-erted way.


I'm like this cute green monster who just wants to take you away from Youngmin's arms when he's already in deep sleep.



Kwangmin's POV


sigh. I feel really sorry for you now. Want an update about me and you?


you and I are best friends like really close. She would come to me when she needed help with simple things and we share embarrassments and all. I've already given up on her. Why? I like it better if we were just friends than something more. I am deeply satisfied with being her best friend and it's actually rewarding. What I just don't understand is how numb or innocent is she for not sensing this intense rivalry between Youngmin and Minwoo. 


The girl doesn't even know that those two like her, but I guess it's because of her loyalty to her jerk boyfriend. Yup, you heard me. When you told me about them, I was pissed off about how she is being mistreated.


Wanna know another fact?


Us Boyfriend, excluding Minwoo and Youngmin, and Fallen, excluding you, are actually betting whether you and her boyfriend would break up and she ends with either Youngmin or Minwoo, or they will never break up at all.


I know that it's harsh but I placed my bet on her being with either one of Youngmin or Minwoo. I wanted her to be with either of them because I trust the two of them enough to know that they'll treat her right. So there's team Youngmin, team Minwoo, and team Kenji.








How is it??

please forgive me and this chapter if it's boring.


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zyrazain #1
Chapter 6: Heheh ^^.. can't wait the progress that they will practising with boyfriend
Whoa... Neat... Keep on the hard work author nim~
gangnam-royalty #3
zyrazain #4
Chapter 2: the part that i like.. i've been accepting to starship ent.. kekeke
zyrazain #5
hurmmm not bad the started.. makes me gives big grinn ^______^
Chapter 4: i bet it was Youngmin right?
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it already^^!!
Please update soon(no pressure,just have fun with it^^)
P.S.sorry bout the spelling