Let's Have Some Fun

Our Love Story

Chapter 8

(Minnie's POV)

I laughed as Sandeul dragged me to the car. I wonder where these boys are taking us.

"Yah, where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a suprise!" Sandeul said.

"aish, just tell mee~" I whinned.

He pouted, "but then it wont be a suprise anymore"

I laughed and pinched his chubby cheeks "Arraso~"

We went inside the car and waited for the other to go in too.

"Yah! I'm not going in until sonebody tells me where we are going!" I heard Kimmy say. Gongchan and Baro were trying to put her in the car, but she refused to go in.

"Kimmy-ah! Just go in the car!" Channie said.

"Andwae!" she said.

The two frustrated boys  gave eachother a signal and smiled. Baro nodded, "Now!"

They both lifted her up and threw her in the car.

I laughed at Kimmy sitting next to me, breathing heavingly and her hair all messed up from trying to run away from the boys.

"Yah, Kimmy-ah, why are you like this?" I chuckled at her while i fixed her hair.

She pouted, "I just want to know where we are going"

The other boys went into the car, and we headed to the place where the boys were taking us.

My eyelids started to get heavy and slowly, i fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Yah, Minnie-ah" I heard someone say and felt someone poke me on the cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw Sandeul staring at me.

"We're here!" he said happily.

I looked out the window and gasped at what saw. We were at an amusement park!

"Yah! Kimmy-ah, wake up!" I yelled at the sleeping girl beside me.

She shot up, "Eh? Whaa?" she stretched, but stopped what she was doing as she saw where we were, and widened her eyes.

"Omo! An amusement park?!" she exlaimed.

"Suprisee~!" the boys yelled.

Kimmy and I smiled and excitedly got out of the car.

"Kamsamnida oppas!" Kimmy said and gave them and eye smile.

"That's why we didn't want to tell you where we were going. We didn't want to ruin the suprise." Gongchan explained to her.

She nodded, "Ah~ I see. Mianhae" she bowed.

"Ugh, can we go now?" Sandeul said impatiently and I giggled at him.

We made our way into the front gates and entered the amusement park.

"Waah! Which ride do you want to ride first? ooh! Let's ride that one!" I said and pointed to this big roller costar.

"Yeah unnie! Let's go!" Kimmy said as she took my hand and we ran to the line.

The boys just stared at us with their mouths open, shocked.

"y-yah, are you sure you want to ride that? It looks pretty scary" Cnu said as he ran after us, with the other guys following him.

After the ride, Kimmy and I were talking about how fun it was, and the guys were looking at us like we were weridos.

"Wasn't that scary?" Gongchan asked us.

I shook my head, "Aniyo, it was fun!" I said while Kimmy nodded happily.

"I'm hungryyyyy~" Sandeul suddenly said.

I laughed, "What do you want to eat?"

He pointed to this spot were they sell hot dogs.

"Ah, arraso. Let's go!" I said.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, "Minnie and I are going to get food!" he yelled out to the others while running away.

After we got some hot dogs, we went back, but the others wern't their anymore.

"Wha? Where'd they go?" I asked looking around.

"They ditched us!" Sandeul said.

"Aish, i'm gonna kill them." i sighed.

"Here, i'll call them." Sandeul said.

"Ah, okay good." I sighed in relief.

He widened his eyes, "uh-oh."


"I don't have my phone." he laughed nervously.

"What!? Oh no. What are we going to do?" i said pacing back and forth.

"Yah, we're at an amusement park. Let's just have fun." Sandeul said calmly.

"But- but-"

"It's okay. We'll run into them sooner or later. Let's just have fun. Just the two of us." he smiled and held my hand.

I smiled and felt my cheeks turn hot. "Arraso."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating in a long time, i am really busy these days ; A ;


/spazz attack

hehehe kay, bye! ^-^

oh, yeah, --cutiepie125 updated ^^



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AHHH. omg. That was so sweet! Kyyyaaa sandeulie ^w^
jennifer1801 #2
Pls update soon
YAYYY~ That's so cute~ 'Call me oppa ;)' HEHE I think I'd keel over from squealing so hard~ <3
ASHJKGHASHFDJKAS It's gunna be a great story! So excited! *dances happily* Update soon, ne? :3