Chapter 1 - Back To School

Our Love Story

Chapter 1- Back To School


Minnie's POV


I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and groaned. I tiredly sat up and rubbed my eyes awake. 'Back to school again.' i thought.

I dragged my feet to the bathroom and washed up. I changed into my school uniform and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Good morning umma!" I happily greeted my mother and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Morning Minnie! Are you excited for school?" my mom asked me.

I pouted and shook my head, "Aniyo."

My mother chuckled at my answer, "Well, to bad." she teased.

Then, the doorbell rang.

'Must me Kimmy.' i thought.

Kimmy is my best friend. She has been there for me since elementary school. We've been best friends ever since. We sleepover each others houses a lot. So much, it's like her house is my other home.

"I'll get it!" i yelled and ran to the door. I opened it and see Kimmy smiling happily.

"Minnie unnie!" she yelled and hugged me.

"Morning Kimmy-ah." I said and hugged her back.

"I don't want to go to school." Kimmy said pouting.

I sighed "Me either."

Kimmy looked at the time on her iphone, "We better get going or else we'll be late."

I nodded. "Bye umma! I'm leaving now!" i yelled.

"Bye!" Kimmy yelled after me.

"Arraso. Goodbye girls! Be safe!" my mother yelled back.

"Nae!" Kimmy and I said and walked out of the house.

We walked to the bus stop and waited for awhile. Finally, after a while, the bus came. Kimmy and I stepped in and sat down.

"Hey, did you hear about those five boys moving to our school?" We heard someone say behind us.

"Oh my God! I heard about that! I also heard they are all cute." The persons friend giggled.

Kimmy turned to me, "What five guys?" she asked me.

I shrugged, "I dunno. I didn't know we were going to have new students this year."

Finally, our bus stopped at our school. Kimmy and I went to Seoul Academy of Performing Arts, or for short, SAPA. We are both 17 years old this year and are juniors.

We stepped out of the bus and walked through our school's doors. We walked to our lockers, which were right next to each others, and again, we heard people whispering about the new five boy who were coming.

"Is that one of them?" a girl said pointing at a guy.

"No, I saw him last year." her friend said.

"Why are everyone so excited about the new guys coming?" I asked Kimmy.

She shrugged. "I guess cause people said they're cute?"

We laughed and opened our lockers.

Suddenly, we heard the same girl loudly whisper, "OH MY GOSH. IT'S THEM!"

The girl and her friend started squealing.

Kimmy and I turned around to look at who everyone was freaking over about.

They five guys were tall, and like everyone else said, cute. They walked by our locker and I took a good look at each of them.

There is this one guy, in particular, who caught my eye. He wasn't the tallest one there, but he did have cute chubby cheeks. I just want to pinch them!

As they passed by us, the guy with chubby cheeks smiled at me. I died a little inside.

'Omo. He smiled at me' i thought and blushed a little.

Who is he? What is his name? I need to know.

I turned and looked at Kimmy's reaction. Her big, cute eyes sparkled as she was looking at this guy that was walking nexted to the chubby cheek guy.

"Kimmy-ah?" I said and waved my hand infront of her face. "Helloooo?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed my arm and squeezed it. "Omo unnie. Did you that guy? He was so cute!" she squealed.

"Yeah, the chubby cheek guy is cute.' i thought. 

Before I could answer, the bell rang.

"Omo. Let's go Kimmy! I dont want to be late" I said, grabbed her arm and dragged her to homeroom.

When we made it to our homeroom, our teacher was making an announcement.

"Listen up everyone!" our teacher yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the teacher.

"Okay, today we have a new student." the teacher began.

"What if it's the chubby cheek guy?" i thought and grew excited inside.

"Okay, come out and introduce yourself." the teacher said.

A tall guy walked in and bowed.

I frowned a little. "It's not him." i thought. But I think i saw him with the others when they passed by us.

"Annyeonghaesayo. Choneun Gongchan imnida! I hope i make friends here." he said and smiled happily.

"Okay everyone, be nice to Gongchan arraso?" the teacher confirmed.

"Nae!" everyone said.

"Okay, Gongchan-sshi, you may sit over there." the teacher said and pointed to the seat in between Kimmy and I.

I froze and looked at Kimmy, who froze as well. He smiled at us and we smiled back. He sat down and Kimmy and I stared at the side of his face, not knowing how to approach him.

I leaned forward and little, so I could see Kimmy, and signaled her to say hi to him, but being the shy girl she is, she shook her head and signaled me to say hi to him.

I sighed and gave in. I tapped Gongchan his shoulder and smiled. "Annyeonghaesayo! I'm Minnie, and thats Kimmy-" i started and pointed to Kimmy.

He turned around and looked at her. She smiled shyly and waved at him.

"-nice to meet you!" I smiled sweetly.

Gongchan smiled back, "Nice to meet you too!" he said cheerfully. "I hope we'll be great friends."

Kimmy and I smiled at him and we kept talking to him. We got to know him better and we got a little close to him.

We heard girls whisper to eachother. "Oh my gosh. We is he talking to them? That's not fair! I'm prettier that both of them! What do they have that i dont?"

I turned around and looked at the girl. She glared at me, but i returned a smile to her. I'm nice like that.

The bell rang and we had to go to our next classes.

"Well, i'll see you later? Maybe at lunch?" Gonchan said.

"Yeah, okay!" Kimmy said.

"Sure! See you later!" I said and waved.

"Well he's nice." Kimmy said.

I laughed and agreed. "Yeah, he is."


Hi everyone! C: This was --cutiepie125's update! AsianCookiex3 unnie's chapter will be next. :D

I hope you liked it! Oh! And if you didnt know, (but i'm sure you figured it out), the bold is her thoughts, and the gray is random girl's whispers XD


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AHHH. omg. That was so sweet! Kyyyaaa sandeulie ^w^
jennifer1801 #2
Pls update soon
YAYYY~ That's so cute~ 'Call me oppa ;)' HEHE I think I'd keel over from squealing so hard~ <3
ASHJKGHASHFDJKAS It's gunna be a great story! So excited! *dances happily* Update soon, ne? :3