Chapter 2- Meeting the guys

Our Love Story

Chapter 2- Meeting The Guys


Kimmy's POV


Yes lunch time! Food here I come! I picked my stuff up and walked to my locker. While I was putting away my stuff, something made me jump. I turned around and saw Minnie.

"Unni!~" I whined and pouted. I decided to hit her a little, not to hard though. 

"Owwie!" she pouted and turned around motioning some people to come over.

I saw a group of guys come over. Ahh! Its them! Otteoke! I decided to cover my face with my locker door. I sneeked a peek and saw them waving, I waved back. Minnie pulled me out of hiding and shut my locker, I still covered my face.

Ahhh! They must be thinking I'm a weirdo!

"Keopta! ^^" I heard one of them yell. I sneeked a peek through my fingers and saw one of them close up to me. I closed my eyes again and I could hear them aruging about scaring me.

I felt something on my shoulders, I peeked a little and found the guy I saw in the morning. He's like inches away from my face. He smiled at me and asked, "Are you ok?"

"A-ahh nae." I looked down and played with my fingers.

We stood there for a little while. Ahh this is uncomfortable. I looked up and saw that he's still looking at me. I can see all his good features, his hair that goes so well with his tiny,yet cute eyes, his cute nose, his perfect smile, and his soft looking lips. I just wanna... wanna... WAIT! Kimmy snap out of this! You can't yet! .... but he's just too cute. *sigh* What to do? Err... I bit my lip.

"Yah! If you two love birds are done, can we go eat now?" Gongchan said rubbing his tummy.

What?! Love birds but I don't know him... yet... but he is just too cute to deny. *Sigh*

"Yeah, me too." Minnie pouted.

"A-ahh nae" I bit my lip and ran to Minnie and hid behind her back.

"There there. You dont have to hide no more. Were all friends here." she flashed a smile at me.


~At the cafateria~

We all sat down on a table.

"I'll go get lunch" A guy with glasses said and walked away.

"Oh yeah! You don't know there names yet right?" Minnie said. I nodded in reply.

Then she pointed to a guy. The first word that popped in my head when I saw him, Squirrel! Hehe! "He's Baro!" "Yo!" He said cooly, yet cute.

Then she pointed to the guy next to him. "And that's Sandeul!" he then waved at me and did aegyo. The other guys and Minnie pushed him from being to cute to a girl. Jealous? xD

She then whispered to my ear. "He's mine." she then gave me a smile. I just laughed for as a crazy unni she is. :)

She then continued, pointing to the guy who I was staring at earlier. "And thats Jinyoung" He gave me a smile and waved. Which made me turn to a shade of pink.

Oh and the guy who went to get lunch is CNU, she points to the guy who is now coming with arms full of food. "Hi there" he said giving me a smile then asked "Uhhh can you guys help me out here?" He gave us a smile and I helped him put the lunch to the table.

"Now you all know each other!" Uhhh you forgot me unni! TT^TT "Oh yeah and guys this is Kimmy! Ain't she cute!" She pinched my cheeks. "Ahh unni!~" I pouted as I cares my cheeks.


You all had just finished eating your food, now you all are sitting and are getting to know each other more and more.

"Umm unni can we go to our secret place?" I whispered into Minnie's ear. She nodded in reply.

"Hey guys?" She said to all of us. They looked at her, curious of why she interupted there conversation.

"Want to go somewhere before class starts? :)" she flashed a big smile and started to get up. I followed her. They all looked at each other in curiousity and soon followed.

We walked for a whie until we reached there... our secret place... Our secret garden.


Hi there! This is AsianCookiex3's update! 

Hoped you guys enjoyed it! :)

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Love you my readers! <3

Also the next chapter is going to be --cutiepie125's update!

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AHHH. omg. That was so sweet! Kyyyaaa sandeulie ^w^
jennifer1801 #2
Pls update soon
YAYYY~ That's so cute~ 'Call me oppa ;)' HEHE I think I'd keel over from squealing so hard~ <3
ASHJKGHASHFDJKAS It's gunna be a great story! So excited! *dances happily* Update soon, ne? :3