Feeding you like a Pig

Our Love Story



Chapter 7- Amusement Park!


Kimmy's POV

The first place we went to was a small restaurant. They had all sorts of food like bi bim bap, soybean noodles, tteokbokki, korean beef, and all sorts of food! It's like a two in one restaurant that serves you all sorts of Korean food but more like a million in one!

We all sat down at a table. Me, Jinyoung, Channie, CNU, Baro, Sandeul, and Minnie was our seating arrangement at the table. After we ordered, we all wanted to play a game, just to past the time while we wait for our food to come. It took us some time to decide on a game and we all decided to play __________.

After a few rounds of ________, the food finally came!

"Ahh finally!" I said as I looked at the food almost drooling. I tried to reach or a piece of meat but someone stopped me before I even touched it.

"No! Not yet until everyone is ready!" Minnie said as she grabbed my chopsticks away from my hands.

"Weayo~" I started to whine. Its not my fault though I was hungry! They probably ate breakfast! And me! I didn't even have anything in the morning! To busy being dragged to somewhere! I started to pout.

"Hey, hey don't pout. Here a piece of meat!" Jinyoung whispered to me. My face lit up as he fed me the piece of meat. I chewed it happily until someone hit me on the shoulder.

"Yah! Who let you eat yet!" Minnie hit my shoulder.

"Weayo!" I rubbed my shoulder and pouted.

"You have to let elders eat first before you go!" Minnie said as she pointed her chopsticks at me. I gave her a glare but she just looked away. I grabbed my spoon about to hit her but didn't.

"Okay fine then." I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'll just wait until everyone is done eating!"

I turned away from the food and pouted.

"Hey guys! Let's just eat already!" CNU said. He probably notice me pouting.

They all listen and started to dig in but me.

"Kimmy-ah~ Let's eat!" Channie said as he noticed that I wasn't digging in like everyone else.

I just shook my head in response to him. He kept trying to convince me to eat.

"Come on Kim Kim! Eat!" He pushed forward his spoon to my face. I tried to refuse but ended up eating it.

"Ha! Good girl!" He gave me his brightest smile as feeling satisfied.

After that, I turned back around to see a bunch of food up in my face.

"Yah! I'm not a pig you know!" I crossed my arms over my chest. >3<

"Yeah guys" Jinyoung defended me. I gave a sigh for a releaf but then he pushed a meat torwards my mouth. "Here eat this!" He gave his eye smile and fed it to me but then the other guys then saw it and pushed the food torwards my mouth again.

"Here eat mine!" Sandeul said as he pushed forward rice with kimchi in my face. "No, I think she wants to eat mine more than yours!" Baro said as he pushed forward a piece of kaibi. "Guys, guys, I think I know whose food she wants more m-" CNU started off but then got cut off by Channie, " Oh you mean mine hyung? Thanks!" He pushed his spoon full of bi bim bap and fed it to me.

"Aoss! Poo Gis!" I said to you guys but they couldn't understand since my mouth is full of food that they fed to me.

They just laughed at what I said. I gave them an eye smile, while chewwing happily.

While we ate, the place was filled with jokes and laughter.

Baro and Sandeul even pretended to be a couple feeding each other and calling each other yeobo. I laughed to death as they were playing a role of family!

Channie started to pull pranks too! He asked me to join him. I wasn't sure at first but then he did his famous aegyo and who could refuse to that! So then we spent our time eating pulling pranks, jokes, and even had a lot of laughs!

I was fun until we all got full and tired of eating.

I leaned on Jinyoung's shoulder while rubbing my tummy.

"So full~" I sang in a happy tone.

They all giggled but not to much since they were all tired and leaning on each other.

"Your one to talk! Since you were the one who didn't want to eat!" Baro said to me.

"Yah! I am a reason ok?!" I stuck my tongue out at him he did the same.

"Ok time to pay!" Jinyoung stood up and placing my head on Channie's lap. CNU did the same.

After they finished paying, we step out of the restaurant breathing in the fresh air.

"Ahh~ fresh air!" Minnie said as she streched her arms.

"Ok. Done with food. Now to where?" I asked everyone. They all just gave me a grin. Channie and Baro grabbed my arms and dragged me to somewhere. As Sandeul did that to Minnie and CNU and Jinyoung just kept the same pace, just watching us run to where ever.

"Here we go again!" I said as I let them drag me somewhere.



Hi! Guys! ^^

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I updated this already but a little different but it got erased! TT^TT

Hope this was as good!

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<3~ AsianCookiex3 Updated

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AHHH. omg. That was so sweet! Kyyyaaa sandeulie ^w^
jennifer1801 #2
Pls update soon
YAYYY~ That's so cute~ 'Call me oppa ;)' HEHE I think I'd keel over from squealing so hard~ <3
ASHJKGHASHFDJKAS It's gunna be a great story! So excited! *dances happily* Update soon, ne? :3