

Donghae POV



I scrunched my face.  What was that noise?


There it is again.  I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

"What is- oww!"

Somebody's hand just hit my face.  I looked down at the owner of the hand.  It was Eunhyuk's.

"What are you doing in my bed?!" I screamed.  I stood right away and glared at Eunhyuk.

"What's wrong with me sleeping with you?" he whined.

"W-well..." I stuttered.  "I'm a guy!"

"Then why does Ryeowook and Sungmin do it?" Eunhyuk countered.

"What do you mean?"

"I was going to sleep with Sungmin-hyung, but he was Ryeowook so I slept with you instead," he aswered matter a factly.

I frowned.  "Are they a couple now?"

"Who cares?  Just go clean up and we go eat."



After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I went down to the kitchen with Eunhyuk.  As we walked in, we could feel a weird aura.  It wasn't a dark aura or a happy one, it was more like mushy.  I quickly found the source of this feeling.  The feeling came from Ryeowook, Sungmin, Henry, and Zhou Mi.  Sungmin was clinging to Ryeowook while he was making eggs for us.  Henry was sitting on Zhou Mi's lap while reading a book.  Before I can ask them if they were couples, Ryeowook gave me a plate of fluffy eggs and bacon.  I immediately forgot the question I was going to ask.

"Thank you dongsang," I said to him.

Me and Eunhyuk dug in.  After eating my third plate of eggs and bacon, I saw that the two couples in front of me we eating really slow.  Then I saw why.  Sungmin and Ryeowook were feeding each other, taking turns scooping a spoonful of eggs into the other's mouth.  Zhou Mi and Henry were trying to do what they were doing but with diffuculty.  Zhou Mi would neatly feed a portion in Henry's mouth while Henry made a mess.  Henry would scoop up a piece of egg and then tried giving it to Zhou Mi but end up dropping it.  Henry would try again and again with no progress.  Zhou Mi found this amusing and cute. 

I felt Eunhyuk tap on my shoulder.  I turned my head to look at him.  He shoved a big scoop of egg into my mouth. 

"Now feed me," he said while opening his mouth.

I blushed.  I hesitated as I fed him a scoop.  I could feel our audience staring at us.

"Aww!" they said in unision.

I looked at them.  Their faces were all the same.  They were all grinning us with their eyebrows up. 

"Are you guys a couple now?" Zhou Mi teased.

"I knew there was a spark between you two," Sungmin added.

My face was burning.  Eunhyuk's was slightly red.  What he said next made my face beet red.

"Yes we are."

What?!  Is he serious?  My head is spinning.  We're a couple now? 

I couldn't handle my thoughts so I ran out of the kitchen.  I went to my dorm and slammed the door.  I couldn't think straight. 

Does he like me? 

Why did I react like this?

Do I like him?

I heard someone knock on the door. 

"Can I come in?" It was Eunhyuk's voice.

What do I do?




I updated!  Thank you much for my new subscribers.  I'm so happy and thankful.  Kamsahamnida.  *bows.  Sorry for a cliffhanger.  I will try to update soon.  Please comment below or subscribe.

Thank you:

Mekosinsanity, SujuCouplesILove15, rizukichan, subicbay, nur267, llliora, dirtsafan29, pumpkinsomnia, LoveTwentyFour. 

Thank you so much for subscribing!  Love you guys.  <3

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 17: Precious, all of it!!! but love the Hanchul Chapter <3
Omooooooo !! It already ended !?"tears of sadness and happiness " !! The chapter was great .,! Minwook were great and their Christmas was great as wll !! Lol

"Santa " I think that was eunhae
"today is the lord's day" siwon of course
"it's Christmas " it sounds cute so I think it's minwook

The last chapter was great and full of happiness !! I like it


why did it end soo fast ?? T.T

(ooh and thnx 4 mintioning me even though I didn't subscribe and comment since he first beggening !! But I'm stil ur number one fan )
Saranghae ~ <33333333333333
YAY SUJU CHRISTMAS but it ended, oh well it was very good whole it lasted
this was so cute i loved it so much
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awwww.. The Ending is so beautiful!!! ^_^ They are Super Junior 15!!! :D :D
This is a Nice, Great, Sweet, Cute, Awesome, Beautiful STORY!!! :D I'm going to miss this... ^^
Illiora #6
The ending is soooo sweet!^^ Thank you for this story) and special thanks for MinWook *___*
Omo !! Such a great story !! Forever !! The title is great and I'm sure they'll be together forever 4 real !! Plz update sooooooon it's sooo exiting !! <3333333333

I'm ur biggest fan ! !!!!

Saranghae~ <333333333333
I kinda cried in the hanchul reader!!
Illiora #9
HanChul are together!^^
Could you please write a little bit of MinWook in next chapter?^^