Haunted House


Sungmin POV

As the four of us came closer to the haunted house, I could tell Ryeowook was panicking.  His palms started getting sweaty and he began whimpering.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "We don't need to go."

Wookie gave me a shaky smile.  I sighed.  Nothing was going to prevent him from going.

When we were right in front of the haunted house, I heard Zhou Mi and Henry whispering.  I was about to ask them what they were talking about when they turned in my direction.

"Let's split up," Zhou Mi said.

"What?!" Wookie shouted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want Zhou Mi to guard me." Henry answered. "Sungmin-hyung, you said you would protect Wookie not me.  I want Zhou Mi to defend ME."  He emphasize on his last word.

In the corner in my eye, I saw Zhou Mi blush.  Before I could point this out, they linked arms and ran down the dark hall. 

I  ran down the long tunnels when I realized that I forgot Ryeowook.  I ran at fast as I could back to where I left him, but there were too many tunnels.  I could hear his shouts and screams echoing through the hall.  My chest started to hurt, tears started to form.  His pleas bounced off all the walls.  I clenched my teeth.  I wouldn't let him down. 

After I passed a 100 tunnels it seemed, his voice started getting louder.  I sprinted down the dark hall when I found him.  He was curled up in a ball, trembling and sobbing.  I slowly walked up to him.  He looked up at me.  His face was streaked with tears.  I ran up and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry," I murmured as I his hair.

I didn't know I was crying until Ryeowook took his hand and wiped my tears away.  Our faces were only a couple inches away.  He blushed.  I leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Hyung," he whispered. "I was so scared."

"I know," I muttered in his ear.  He shivered and hugged me even closer.  His heart was beating really fast.  "Let's get you cleaned up."  I pulled him away from chest.

I couldn't help but smirk when I saw his disappointed face.  "You wanted something more?" I teased.

His face turned red and he turned away.  He started to go ahead, when I stopped him. 

"You need me to protect you right?" I said.  I leaned in a gave him a small peck on the lips.  "I'm your slave."  I looked at his face.  He was smiling.

I took his hand and started for the exit.



I updated!  The next chapter will be focusing on Zhoury.  Please comment and tell me about your opinion.  Please subscribe! 

P.S Thank you Mekosinsanity, SujuCouplesILove12, rizukichan, and subicbay for subscribing!

P.S.S Mekosinsanity your comments bring a smile to my face!

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 17: Precious, all of it!!! but love the Hanchul Chapter <3
Omooooooo !! It already ended !?"tears of sadness and happiness " !! The chapter was great .,! Minwook were great and their Christmas was great as wll !! Lol

"Santa " I think that was eunhae
"today is the lord's day" siwon of course
"it's Christmas " it sounds cute so I think it's minwook

The last chapter was great and full of happiness !! I like it


why did it end soo fast ?? T.T

(ooh and thnx 4 mintioning me even though I didn't subscribe and comment since he first beggening !! But I'm stil ur number one fan )
Saranghae ~ <33333333333333
YAY SUJU CHRISTMAS but it ended, oh well it was very good whole it lasted
this was so cute i loved it so much
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awwww.. The Ending is so beautiful!!! ^_^ They are Super Junior 15!!! :D :D
This is a Nice, Great, Sweet, Cute, Awesome, Beautiful STORY!!! :D I'm going to miss this... ^^
Illiora #6
The ending is soooo sweet!^^ Thank you for this story) and special thanks for MinWook *___*
Omo !! Such a great story !! Forever !! The title is great and I'm sure they'll be together forever 4 real !! Plz update sooooooon it's sooo exiting !! <3333333333

I'm ur biggest fan ! !!!!

Saranghae~ <333333333333
I kinda cried in the hanchul chap...new reader!!
Illiora #9
HanChul are together!^^
Could you please write a little bit of MinWook in next chapter?^^