

Kyuhyun POV

I watched Donghae and Eunhyuk exit the building.  They looked so happy together.  I knew I should be happy for my hyungs but my heart hurts so much.  Why did it have to happen when I was there?

Yesung and Siwon didn't know I was there.  I was just walking back to my room when I saw them together.  My heart broke when I saw them hug.  I saw Yesung kiss Siwon's hand.


"Kyu!  Come and eat dinner!"

I sighed and dragged myself to the dining room.  There was only one more seat left.  And it was by Yesung.  I tried to avoid eye contact with him but it was no hope.

"Kyu!" Yesung yelled when I walked in. "Look, I saved you a seat."  He pointed to the seat beside him and gave me a stunning smile.  I gave him a dry smile as I took my seat.  "I even got your food ready."  I stared at my steaming pork chops.  I didn't feel like eating it at all.  I just picked at my food until Yesung noticed that something was wrong.  "What is wrong, Kyu?"

"Nothing," I mumbled.  "Don't worry about m-GAK!"

I looked up and Yesung's face was right in front of me.  He pressed his forehead against mine.  "Your forehead is too hot!" he shouted.  Of course I was warm!  He was too close to me.

"No it's not!" I screamed.  He ignored my yelling and lifted me up, bridal-style.  He ran to my room and dropped me into my bed. 

"SLEEP!" he ordered.

"NO!"  I struggled as he wrapped me up in blankets. 

"Stay still, I will go make you some soup."  My jaw dropped as he skipped out of my room.  I tried to escape, but it was no use.  After 10 minutes of rolling around on the bed, I gave up.  I decided to take a nap.  When I opened my eyes, I found Yesung beside me with a bowl of soup.  I smiled. 

"Thank you."  I placed my hand on his and kissed his cheek.


I screamed.  Yesung smiled at his prank.  "You scared the out of me!"

"You loved what I did for you?"

I looked away but nodded slightly. 

"Yay!" He hugged me.  "And that kiss, does that mean you love me?"

I quickly jerked away from his grasp.  "NO!"

He pouted.  "So you don't love me?"

I shook my head.  "No, I mean yes, but don't you love Siwon?"

Yesung stared at me with confused innocent eyes.  "What do you mean?"

"Why were you hugging him the other day?"

"Oh, that.  He slipped on Ttangkkoma and hurt his hand," Yesung explained.

I gave a sigh of relief. 

"Does that mean you love me?" Yesung asked.

I blushed.  "Maybe."

Yesung huffed.  "Fine, then don't eat my soup."

"I was joking!  Of course I love you!"

Yesung's face brightened up.  "We will be such a happy couple!  I already know what I will be naming our children."


"Yup!  We will be adopting turtles," he grinned.

We both laughed.  I ate his soup, it was delicious.  I gave him a peck on the lips.  "Thank you and love you, hyung."




Hello!  Sorry for not updating for a while.  *bows.  And yes, a week and 2 days seems like a long time for me.  Anyway, thank you subscribers and commenters.  Kamsahamnida.  I'm sorry to those who ship KyuWon.  I had already planned what I was going to write.  Please forgive me.  Please subscribe or comment.

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 17: Precious, all of it!!! but love the Hanchul Chapter <3
Omooooooo !! It already ended !?"tears of sadness and happiness " !! The chapter was great .,! Minwook were great and their Christmas was great as wll !! Lol

"Santa " I think that was eunhae
"today is the lord's day" siwon of course
"it's Christmas " it sounds cute so I think it's minwook

The last chapter was great and full of happiness !! I like it


why did it end soo fast ?? T.T

(ooh and thnx 4 mintioning me even though I didn't subscribe and comment since he first beggening !! But I'm stil ur number one fan )
Saranghae ~ <33333333333333
YAY SUJU CHRISTMAS but it ended, oh well it was very good whole it lasted
this was so cute i loved it so much
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awwww.. The Ending is so beautiful!!! ^_^ They are Super Junior 15!!! :D :D
This is a Nice, Great, Sweet, Cute, Awesome, Beautiful STORY!!! :D I'm going to miss this... ^^
Illiora #6
The ending is soooo sweet!^^ Thank you for this story) and special thanks for MinWook *___*
Omo !! Such a great story !! Forever !! The title is great and I'm sure they'll be together forever 4 real !! Plz update sooooooon it's sooo exiting !! <3333333333

I'm ur biggest fan ! !!!!

Saranghae~ <333333333333
I kinda cried in the hanchul chap...new reader!!
Illiora #9
HanChul are together!^^
Could you please write a little bit of MinWook in next chapter?^^