I'm a GIRL!!! You're right..

My Bed Head Brother Kyuhyun

-- Alex' POV --


"Are you a boy or a girl?" she asked me.. I just  bowed my head.


"I-I'm a boy" I lied. She stood up and held my face up.


"You're lying" she said. I slapped her hand.


"N-No!!!!" I yelled. "I'm a boy!!"


She walks toward me and touched my upper body and the lower part.


"YAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I yelled. I slapped her face for touching my sensitive parts..


"O-Oh.. I'm sorry" she said in her teary voice. I saw her tears falling down. I walk to her and wipe her tears on her face. "Sorry Min.. I didn'--" she turned back and walk..


"I'M A GIRL!!! YOU'RE RIGHT.. " I felt my knees falling down. I lay on the floor.


She helped me to stand up.. "Sorry noona" she whimpered and hugged me.


"Sorry for slapping you Min.. " I hugged her back. She looked at me.


"Your a girl.. But why did you dress up like a guy?" I asked her.


"It's a long story Min" I winked at her.


"Please tell me noona.. TELLLLL MEEEE!" she said and smile.


"It's because Lee Donghae who was my brother and that Canadian Henry Lau did it to me.. " I started. I see her eyes widened.


"Y--You are DONGHAE's little sister??" she asked me. I nodded. "OMO!!!!!!! ALEX!!!" she yelled. And her face is like this O//O.


"W-Why??" I confusedly asked. She ran and hugged me.


"ILOVEYOUDONGHAEOPPA!!!" she yelled. "I--I mean Alex Sohae Lee" she's turning red.


"Are you an ELF?" I asked her. She nodded.


"But I didn't knew Kyuhyun was a member too" she smiled. "Back to the topic" she said.


I remember what Korea's shame and that stupid Canadian do that to me!!! (if you already read the Living With The Famous Idiots written by sujudork602 you will understand this one :)) )


Leeteuk Donghae and Henry is unfair!! They accepted Minhyun even though she is a girl!!! WHATTA HECK!


"They said Leeteuk will not accepting any girl from this dorm but-- "


"I'm here?? Leeteuk accepting me as a girl.. Sorry noona" she cut my words.


"It's ok" I smiled at her trying to make her better.


"Do you know Park Jaeris?" she asked me.


"Hmm.. I heard that from Teukie.. I think that is his siblings " I answered her question. "Do you have room to sleep?" I asked her. She shook her head.


"I don't.. Oppa didn't tell me anything he just leave crazier as ever" she smiled.


"Ok.. I will share my room to you" I winked at her..


"Thanks noona" she said and hugged me.


"I almost forgot!" I held her face. "DON'T EVER TOLD ANYONE I'M A GIRL alright?" I said.


"You can count on me!" she saluted me..


"Ok girl.. Now rest!" I command her like a commander.


"Yes Ma'am!!" she laughed.


She slept beside me.




Hey there!! I almost updated about an hour.. I like updating everyday!!!


THANKS FOR THE NEW COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBERS.. hope you like it.. and please if you didn't read the LIVING WITH THE FAMOUS IDIOTS and NO OTHER THAN THIS FAMOUS IDIOTS.. please read it now!!!


sujudork602 your my angel :))


next time again.. MABUHAY!

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i m curius whose the ulzzang u used for the guy in the poster for jaesrin character. he look cute. so i wanted to know the name
Soo funny!! UPDATE SOON! ^_^
haha.<br />
very amusing story.<br />
nxt chapter please.<br />
OMO, I saw Inyoung! It's getting Interesting! UPDATE SOON. your Minhyun in my story will appear in the next chapters because I already have some prepared chapters here...so just watch out.<br />
JyeoKyuhyeon #5
@ShiningSHINeeWorld hehehe.. thanks for subscribing noona
this is realy funny :P
JyeoKyuhyeon #7
Aish.. I'm SO happy for seeing 41 subscribers and 3015 viewers. Kekeke. Keep on reading. Wait for the other unrevealed characters. They are from other fiction..
HAHAHAH, since when is Kangin oppa that 'defiance' answering phone in the military grounds. xD<br />
<br />
Minhyun is prettyyyyy. :D<br />
Jaeji is just, -sighs- ~<br />
<br />
HAHAHHAHA, Jaeris oppa! :D
update soon a~ :)
JyeoKyuhyeon #10
Ooops! I'm ready for a LONG UPDATE! Kekeke! Tonight is the night.. One of the secret character revealed