Korean Bed Head

My Bed Head Brother Kyuhyun

-- Kyuhyun's POV --


"Park Leeteuk?" she said. I nodded.


"Let's go Minnie" I said and grab her wrist.


"Let me go!" she yelled. I glared at her.


"Why?! Where gonna leave!" I whimpered.


"I have to say goodbye to mom" she said. I released my hand to her wrist and let her say goodbye to mom.


"MOM!!!" she yelled.


"Why baby?" mom said and stared at Minhyun..


"Goodbye mommy!!" she hugged her tight "I'm coming back.. Don't forget our deal mom" she smiled and whispered i love you then kiss her cheek.


"Hurry idiot" I said. "I have a rehearsal.. So plea--" I cut because he drag me to the door.


"Hurry oppa!!" she smiled, seems my sister is excited.


We ride the car together.. "Are you hungy Min?" I asked her. She nodded. " What do you like to eat?" I asked her.


"Uhmmm.. Something spicy I guess" she smiled and think. "Hot and Spicy ramen" then hugged me. TIGHTLY.


"I can't breathe sissy!" I hit her forehead.


"Sorry oppa.. I love you Cho Kyuhyun" she smiled.


I drove her to a ramen stand.


"Ahmm.. Miss to bowls of hot and spicy ramen please" I said to the dealer.


"Are you Cho Kyuhyun?" she asked me..


"N-No just his look a like" I lied and look at Min whose smilling to those kids playing. "Minhyun is a brat" I chuckled.


"Ok.. You two are like twins" she said and gave me my our orders. "Here's you're special hot and spicy ramen"


"Thanks miss" I smiled and walk through Min to give her the food.


"Oppa!!" she yelled. I smiled at her and sat in fron of her. "HMMM!! Smells like yummy.. Lets eat oppa" she said and hold her chopstick.


I stare at her.. She's like a cow eating grass.. She gulped all the noodles in 1 minute.


How rude my sister is. "Why are you not eating? Don't you like it?" she asked me. I shook my head.


"Your noodles is extremely hot! How you eat like that?" I pouted at her.


"Its delicious you know!" she just smilled and gulped the soup.


"Do you want mine?" I asked her. "I'm not hungry" I said and give my noodles to her.


"Thanks oppa" she whimpered and eat the second bowl of noodles.


"Are you alright Min?" I asked. She nodded.


"Let's go oppa" she said. "I want to rest" she yawned.


"Yea.. Piggy sister" I said and walk through the car.


I drove her to our dorm. She fall asleep while in the back seat.




"Min.. Wake up" I shrugged her shoulder.


"MMMM!!" she moaned..


"Where here Min!!" I yelled. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Let's go"


"Ok.. " she said and walk with me inside our dorm.


"Here we are Min.. " I give her a big smile.


"WHOA!!!" she yelled.


-- Minhyun's POV --


"WHOA!!!" I yelled because of amusement of their dorm. It's kinda small but neat.


Are they boys like this?? Clean and Green. Kekeke. But Kyuhyun is not like this.


"What can you say?" he asked me. I look around.


"Clean?" I said and smell the dorm. "A girl perfume?" I asked.


"Hey Min.." he said, I look at him. "Gotta go!! Our manager's waiting for me" he said and kiss my cheeks. "BYE!"


He walk out.


"Gotta go rest" I whispered to myself and go to a room.


I sat down the bed. Its kinda soft. I sleep in a soft and perfumized bed.


"WHO ARE YOU!!!!!" I heard a girl yelling at me.


"Y-you who are you?" I yawned.


"I'm Alex!!!" she yelled and grabbed my wrist.


"Let me go" I felt a tears running down my cheeks.


"Ooopps.. " she said. "I'm sorry" she apologized and bowed.


"I'm sorry too.. I think it's yours?" I point to the bed and stand up. She nodded. "By the way.. I'm Minhyun" I introduced and bowed my head. "I'm Cho Kyuhyun's sibbling.


"Ahh. Ok.. " she smiled. "So you are the dongsaeng of korean bed head?" she asked.


"Who is that?" I asked her.


"It's your brother" she said. "I always called him korean bed head" she winked.


"But why korean bed head?" I asked again.


"Because of his hair" she laughed.


"I have a question" I said, she stop laughing.


"What is it?" sh look at me.


"Are you a boy or a girl?" I asked her but she bowed her head.




ANNYEONGHASEO! Sorry for the short chapters I made last time..


Hope you guys like this fiction.. I alwys update it..


Comments and Suggestion are always welcome. Hope you share it on your friends :))


I'll update it tomorrow so seat back and relax..


I'ts our ALEX time.. ILOVEALEXSOHAELEE even if she's a fanfic made by my friend "sujudork602"


Thank you sujudork! Thank you ELFs and Thank you readers.. SUSCRIBE :))

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i m curius whose the ulzzang u used for the guy in the poster for jaesrin character. he look cute. so i wanted to know the name
Soo funny!! UPDATE SOON! ^_^
haha.<br />
very amusing story.<br />
nxt chapter please.<br />
OMO, I saw Inyoung! It's getting Interesting! UPDATE SOON. your Minhyun in my story will appear in the next chapters because I already have some prepared chapters here...so just watch out.<br />
JyeoKyuhyeon #5
@ShiningSHINeeWorld hehehe.. thanks for subscribing noona
this is realy funny :P
JyeoKyuhyeon #7
Aish.. I'm SO happy for seeing 41 subscribers and 3015 viewers. Kekeke. Keep on reading. Wait for the other unrevealed characters. They are from other fiction..
HAHAHAH, since when is Kangin oppa that 'defiance' answering phone in the military grounds. xD<br />
<br />
Minhyun is prettyyyyy. :D<br />
Jaeji is just, -sighs- ~<br />
<br />
HAHAHHAHA, Jaeris oppa! :D
update soon a~ :)
JyeoKyuhyeon #10
Ooops! I'm ready for a LONG UPDATE! Kekeke! Tonight is the night.. One of the secret character revealed