Yeah, well I'm here now.

I Can't Have You


Na Young POV

A few weeks have passed and Mblaq just got back from a concert in Japan. Their popularity has been increasing, making them very busy the past few days. I haven’t gotten to see them in a while, but in Japan Mir gotten a little sick from all the stress and hard work him and his hyungshave had. While the rest  Mblaq are practicing at the studio, Mir and I were stuck at their dorm.

I boiled a pot of water and added ramen to it. Whenever you’re sick, its best to have some soup.  I stirred it and let it cool down before retrieving it to Mir. I sat on the island counter and let my legs dangle below me.  The whole dorm was pretty quiet, even with Mir sick, it shouldn’t ever be this quiet.

‘He must be really sick’  I thought to myself quietly. I might even feel sympathetic towards him. Without the cheerful maknae, Mblaq must be very stressed and serious.

I gotten down from the counter and poured a glass of water for him. I placed the cup of water, ramen  and chopsticks on a metal tray before I softly went into the bedroom.

I popped my head inside the doorway and looked at the sick boy sprawled one of the bunk beds. His body covered in the blankets with only his head sticking out. His eyes were closed  and he was peacefully asleep.

I walked over quietly and placed the tray of food on the side table next to him. I bent down and moved his hair from his eyes. His face was pale and he was breathing heavily. Just when I made contact with his forehead, his eyes fluttered open revealing tired eyes.

He forced a smile at me. I gave him a small smile back.

“You’re forehead.” I croaked out “It’s hot.”

He closed his eyes, “ That’s how it’s supposed to feel, when you’re sick, Na Young-ah.”

I sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, “I made you some soup if you like, I got you some water an-“

“I’m not hungry.”

“Wah?” I said confused

“I. Am. Not. Hungry.” He asked again and sat up.

I laid my head low. “Ah, Araso.”  

‘Pabo, I made it just for you.’ Ithought sadly. ‘Only for you.’

He looked at me and sighed, placing his hand on the nape of his neck. His hair was longer than before and his eyes grew much darker.He lifted the covers and slid his legs over to the edge of the bed

“Wait, what are you doing?” I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder. “You shouldn’t leav-“

“Relax, Na Young.” He rolled eyes, “Don’t over react. I just have a fever, it’s not like I’m deathly sick.”

I still have my hand placed on his shoulder. “Still you shouldn’t leave. What do you need? You need ice? A cold wet towel?  I’ll get you some med-.”

I got up and headed toward the door, but his hand got a grip on my wrist and he pulled me, laying me on the bed harshly.

Underneath him, his  hand still wrapped around my wrist and his other hand was placed on the bed centimeters away from my bare shoulder.

His eyes were cold and dark, “I don’t need you to watch over me.” He whispered “I don’t need to be treated like I’m a child.”

My face was emotionless. I was neither scared nor frightened, but rather shocked.

“I’m not treating you like a child.” I replied steadily. “You’re sick, you just need someone to watch over you.”

 “I never asked you to watch over me.”

“Yeah, well I’m here now.” I said softly. “ I wanted  to watch over you.”

He swallowed hard, leaning closer bringing his lips closer to my ear, before he could have said anything, his eyes closed and his body collapsed on mine.




Seems like you did need me


Poor Mir, trying to act tough when he’s really weak


Still short, I know.  I’ll try to write longer next time. ^-^

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hellopanda23 #1
hmm..uh oh? ha ha ha ha gahhh
RamenLuver118 #2
Aww so cute :D
I love the Mir and Na Young moment.
So adorable !
Update soon !
hellopanda23 #3
Cuteeeee :) hee hee jealousy much
update :D
RamenLuver118 #5
Short but so good!! I hope Na Young end up with Mir :3
hellopanda23 #6
ahhh so short again.. when it was getting.. hot? ha ha ha ha
RamenLuver118 #7
Short but still good! (:
hellopanda23 #8
Ahhhhh so short!!! But thanks anyway :)
hellopanda23 #9
loving your fic... love the relationship she has with the mblaq members especially Mir..but the cheon doong too. he is so caring of her
update soon :) i really really love this fic