Looking for me?

I Can't Have You

A new character comes in this chapter! (:

Hope you all enjoy!



After two days with the boys, I finally returned back to my lonesome condo. I placed my purse on the side table and plotted my arse on the couch. Cheon Doong walked me home, like always and returned to practice with the other members. It was always like this; he would always walk me home, even though I was capable of walking home alone. He would always refuse.

My phone rang and I quickly answered, “ Hello?”

“Hello,” A male voice replied “Uh, is this Kim Na Young?”

“Yes, This is her.” I replied as I perked my body forward “May I asked who’s speaking?”

“My name’s not that important.” He murmured darkly “But, I have something of yours that you might want back.”

I rose up and remember my wallet. “ You have my wallet?”

He chuckled “Indeed I do. Would you like it back?”

“Yes, I would. Where are you?” I applied my shoes and grabbed my purse and keys.

“No need, I’ll come to you.” He offered. “What’s your address? Are you at home?”

I scratched my head. “N-no, its okay, I’ll come to you.”

“You think I’m a stalker?” He asked

“No.” I said “It’s just that I’m already outside.”

I was clearly lying to his face, but he doesn’t know that. I’d like to keep it that way.

“Okay. I’m at club answer, near the bar. I’ll be wearing blue polo and black jeans.” He hung up leaving me with a dial tone.

I sighed and exited, I guess I won’t be relaxing today.


As I entered Club Answer, I searched the area for the mysterious stranger I talked to the phone twenty minutes ago. I scanned the bar area but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Looking for me?”

I spun my head around to find an attractive boy, probably a year or two older than me. He was dressed in a blue polo and black jeans. He held my ID card in his hand, looking at the picture and back at me.

“Yup, you’re my girl.” He grinned. “You look better in person, even though you’re wearing slacks.”

I looked at my attire. Right, I’m still wearing Cheon Doong’s clothes. I looked at my wallet in his hand and my ID card.

I stuck out my hand and ignored his comment. “Can I have my wallet?”

He placed my ID inside the wallet and hid it behind his back. “Not so fast. Aren’t you going to thank me for retriev-“

“Thank you.” I butted in “Now pleas-“

“Hey, It wasn’t that easy to get this wallet, I had to pry drunkards from taking your money and .” He kept a smile on his face, but his tone was serious.

“What do you want me to do? You want me to kiss you?” I asked jokingly

“Now that’s a good idea.” His grin grew wider. He puckered his lips and closed his eyes.

I glared up at the boy and crossed my arms. “I’m not going to kiss you”

He opened his eyes and frowned. “You offered, I was just going along with the idea.”

“I asked you jokingly. I wasn’t serious.”

“Okay, uh how about a peck on the cheek?” He suggested

I shook my head at him and he frowned again.

“Okay, then go on a date with me.” He ordered

“I’m not going on a date with you.”

“Oh come on. I don’t bite.” He leaned closer “Unless you want me to.”

“No date.” I stated “Come on, just give me my wa-“

“Not unless you repay me. How about you buy me a drink?” He looked over to the bar.

“I need my wallet for that.”

“Oh, right.” He smirked. “Then let me buy you a drink”

“I don’t drink.” I told him, placing my hands in the pockets of the sweater

“Aishh,” He was getting annoyed. “Fine, then let me drive you home.”

“You don’t even know me.” I replied “I could be some car hijacker or something.”

He chuckled and crossed his muscular arms. “First of all, you don’t seem like the type; second of all, why would you steal 2pm’s Taecyeon’s car?”

My eyes widened. No wonder he looks so familiar. He smirked some more and smiled.

“You know me, don’t ya?” He question and leaned closer until our faces leveled up.

“I do.” I kept my cool. “Can’t you just give me my wallet back, please?”

He sighed and retrieved the wallet from this back pocket and placed it in my hands. “Here.”

I looked inside to find my parents picture still in there.

“Don’t worry, I’ve made sure that no one took your 10,000 won.” He said. “Who brings  just 10,000 won to a club anyways?”

“A girl who doesn’t drink” I shook my head disappointedly “I thought we went over this already?”

“Okay, fine. Let me drive you home!”

“Walk me to the bus stop.” I ordered. “It’s that or nothing.”

“Fine, the bus stop, it is.”

Yes, I’m very stubborn.


soo, how's Teacyeon? (;


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hellopanda23 #1
hmm..uh oh? ha ha ha ha gahhh
RamenLuver118 #2
Aww so cute :D
I love the Mir and Na Young moment.
So adorable !
Update soon !
hellopanda23 #3
Cuteeeee :) hee hee jealousy much
update :D
RamenLuver118 #5
Short but so good!! I hope Na Young end up with Mir :3
hellopanda23 #6
ahhh so short again.. when it was getting.. hot? ha ha ha ha
RamenLuver118 #7
Short but still good! (:
hellopanda23 #8
Ahhhhh so short!!! But thanks anyway :)
hellopanda23 #9
loving your fic... love the relationship she has with the mblaq members especially Mir..but the cheon doong too. he is so caring of her
update soon :) i really really love this fic