Chapter 12

Enemy Lovers [Hiatus]

"Hey, hey, hey, wake up!" I groaned as I felt being harshly shaken.


"Yah! Wake up!" Then, I felt a sharp pinch on my arm, which caused me to wake up and scream but it was muffled since a hand managed to keep me shut. My eyes squinted as I try to adjust to the blinding light that was focused on me. "Oh, sorry." Then, it was turned off. I can see a silhouette of a guy. "Come with me."


Even though I didn't want to, I was suddenly pulled up to stand and being dragged away. I remember after that encounter on the office, I was injected with something like a sleeping serum or whatever. I just knocked out after that. I don't even know where I was from but all I could say is that it's dark. I was just being aimlessly being pulled by this stranger and I don't even care already. I expected to die here anyway.


"Yah, faster!" The guy shouted but in sort of a whisper as he tugged me. He walked faster with me on trail. I can sense irritation in his voice but I didn't care. He could kill me now if he wants. Who is he anyway? I can't seen to configure since I can only see his back. He's wearing all black, not like the Inspirit or Infinite uniforms that are gold. I haven't regained my energy yet to say something and all I could is to walk wobbly. My head is somewhat recovering now.


Suddenly, I bumped into something. I looked up and realized I bumped into the guy. He stopped walking and began looking around. I could see a little of his face and I'm trying to decipher. Wait- is he--?


"Yah, can you climb?" He asked turning to me. I squinted.


"Oh, Baekhyun," I said in a soft voice.


"You look disappointed. Expecting your boyfriend?" He scoffed then smirked. I glared at him and he immediately dropped down the cocky attitude. He sighed and repeated, "Can you climb?"


I stretched my limbs and cracked some of my bones."Yeah, I think so."


"Then, good." He turned his back on me once again and pointed at the ventilation system of the building above us. "You see that?" I nodded. "You'll go first 'cause I'll support you from here. I can handle myself so don't worry about me."


"I don't," I replied, earning an amused look from him.


With his help, I was already crawling my way to find an exit. Then, I heard a movement behind me but I didn't mind looking because it was just that boy again. He chuckled. "Nice ."


I immediately turned my head to him and gave him a death glare but he seemed to be unaffected but at least, he stopped the playfulness. As I was about to turn left, he grabbed my foot and as reflex, I kicked him back. "Ouch!" he yelped but not too loudly. "I was just going to tell you to turn right. I know the way. Trust me."


Having no choice, I sighed and turned right. Then after a series of turns in here and there, we managed to find an open end with the sunlight bursting on the little opening. I hurried going there and as I was about to go out, Baekhyun grabbed my ankle again, causing me to stop just in time to not fall because we were freaking high up the ground.


I turned at him."What are we supposed to do now?"


"Just wait." Then he fumbled on his jacket's pocket and retrieved a phone. He pressed some numbers, called it, and without saying anything, he just ended the line. It made me confused and weirded out.


The next thing I knew, there was a very strong wind and a deafening noise. The boy was saying but I couldn't understand due to the blasting sound. He leaned in to me and shouted, "Get inside the chopper!"


I turned around and it surprised me to see a helicopter directly in front of us. And what surprised me the most is Kiseop reaching out his hand to me. I turned back to Baekhyun with a questionable stare and he nodded. It was like saying that Kiseop's with us. I tried to reach his hand but he was far. I scooted closer to the end and tried again. This time, he held my hand tightly. I gulped as I looked down. My body is so not ready for this. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt another grip on my other hand and looked up to see the puppy-looking boy smiling at me, indirectly saying he'll assist me. All I need is to trust this guys to save my life.


With one last intake of breath, I jumped and Kiseop's hand tightened as Baekhyun let go at the right time for me to land; I barely managed to get a grip of the rope stairs. I was ushered up by Kiseop and we reached the inside of the helicopter safely. I looked at him with alertness. "Wait! How about--"


"Missed me?" Baekhyun suddenly popped out on the entrance which made me feel relieved. I sighed. I was just concerned. Hey, I owe the boy my life! I'm just trying to reciprocate what he did.


We landed safely on top of a building and they instantly went out. I followed them. When we were standing on the hot cement, the helicopter flew away. Suddenly, there were men in suits that approached us, one was carrying a briefcase and handed it to Kiseop. Kiseop turned to Baekhyun and gave it to him. "Here's your payment. I knew you have skills."


He gave a returning smirk. "I knew I have, too." Then, he turned to me. "So, goodbye noona."


I bowed at him though he was faaaaar younger than me. "Thank you for saving me."


"What can I say? I'm a natural savior." With a laugh and last farewell, he was escorted by some men and went away.


"That kid sure is full of himself," I muttered and Kiseop chuckled.


"He's just eight months younger than you."


I turned at him, shocked. "Really?!"




A/N: I promise Baek is just a minor character. This is the last of him. I just feel motivated writing when he's part of the story that's why he's here. haha. So, yeah. I'll update again sometime. This will end soon though. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for patiently waiting. :D :D :D I'm so grateful to still have readers. Everything just caught me up in my real life though that's why. Sorry again for the nth time.


The chapter just sums up on her escaping.

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Imma update soon, guys. I'm back! :D


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AThirteen #1
i have died everyday waiiiiiting for the update
lovehyunstal #2
Chapter 13: to say the truth i forgot about this story...but then i remember some part its like flashback...keke i'm happy that you update....welcome back authornim^^
Chapter 12: omo please update.. now i know coz i keep wondering why did L so nice..
Chapter 4: what they killed each other
this going to be hard and sad
Reyanna1015 #6
Chapter 12: Please update I really love ypur story!!!!
Chapter 12: please update author-nim..
Reyanna1015 #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon. Been waiting sooooo long!!!!! But if you are busy its okay. Focus on your stuff!!!!
Chapter 12: This is so interesting please update soon!! :)
nana4mir #10
Chapter 12: Wow L is such a jerk how can he get another girl unbelievable lol pls update this is so interesting!