Tale #2: Killer in the backseat

Urban Legends
Tale #2: Killer in the backseat

“98 FM reporting live. A patient has escaped from Kangnam Mental Institution early this evening and is now sought after by the authorities. Residents living nearby are strongly advised to lock all windows and doors. This man is said to be dangero-…” Junhyung changed frequency and settled for a more… lively radio station.

‘Tsk, what kind of mental institution lets its patients run loose like that?’

Despite the streaks of lightning dashing across the midnight sky, Junhyung wasn’t the least bit frightened about the news. He knew that as long as he was careful and cautious, he wouldn’t have anything to be worried about.

Realizing that his fuel was running low, Junhyung stopped his car at the nearest petrol station he could find and had his tank refilled.

The place was dim-lighted and it didn’t seem that many people knew about this petrol station located out of nowhere. The surroundings became misty from the brewing storm.

“Cold night eh?” Junhyung tried initiating some form of conversation with the petrol attendant.

The petrol attendant didn’t answer. After quickly filling up the tank, he motioned for Junhyung to come inside and make payment.

Once they were inside the comfort of the small kiosk, Junhyung realized that the electricity wasn’t working inside the small building.

“How do ya even work inside here without electricity?” Junhyung commented as he inspected his surroundings grimly.

And again, no answer.

He suddenly realizes that the man stood before him looked a little unusual... and a little odd from the normal crowd.

This man had major fidgeting issues as he tried to get the cash register to work. His unkempt hair hid most of his face and his awkward posture made him seem very suspicious.

Junhyung eyed the man cautiously. A thought suddenly clutched his mind as he remembered the news of the escaped lunatic. What if…

“You know what… it’s okay. Keep the change.”

“D-d-don’t, g-g-go…” the man finally said something when Junhyung tried to leave.


“I-I-I s-s-said d-d-don’t g-g-o…” the man tried grabbing for Junhyung’s arm but Junhyung was too quick for him and rushed outside to his car.

The man took out a pen-knife and chased after him. Junhyung knew that he was right about being cautious.

This man was definitely some loon, out preying on poor drivers on the road who happened to stop at his creepy petrol station.

“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEP!” Junhyung punched the guy in the stomach, dodging the weapon carefully, before quickly driving off.

But that was not the end of it. The loon wasn’t giving up.

As Junhyung took a look at his rear view mirror, the petrol attendant was already in a company truck and chasing after him on the road. The storm was howling, making Junhyung’s heart beat faster.

He drove faster, hoping to lose the maniac, but the clear straight road made it a futile attempt. Moreover, whenever Junhyung tried to speed up, the maniac would speed up 3 times faster.

Soon they were both running 100 miles an hour and Junhyung swore that the maniac’s truck was going to run over him.

“! How the hell am I gonna-…”


The flashing lights from the truck behind kept blinding him whenever he takes a look at the rear view mirror. It was a consistent flashing of lights and horning.

The maniac kept blasting its horns and at the same time, threatened to run him over.

Suddenly, something caught Junhyung’s eye.

The familiarity of the road kept Junhyung’s spirits high. He knew this place well enough to be able to foresee a sharp turn up ahead.

Many unfortunate accidents have occurred in the past due to this blind spot.

But no… not tonight. Junhyung was going to make sure he’ll survive this ordeal… but the maniac wouldn’t.

Junhyung pressed his foot onto the gas pedal and anticipated a sharp turn ahead. He managed to swerve successfully and hoped that the truck behind wouldn’t.


And he was right.

The maniac didn’t even know there was a turn coming up ahead and his truck stopped with a crash…

The engine of the truck gave way and soon burst into flames.

Junhyung stopped his car and stared at the burning wreckage behind his vehicle through his rear view mirror.

He knew that as long as he had been cautious and careful, he wouldn’t have to worry about anything.

Junhyung smirked and congratulated himself on his quick-thinking as he continued staring at the unholy sight.

But… a horrifying image from his rear view mirror suddenly appeared and destroyed all sense of confidence he had in him.

Right there and then, Junhyung knew he had been wrong. He had been wrong about the petrol attendant, he had been wrong about the crash, and most of all… he had been wrong about his gut instinct.

On his rear-view mirror…there was a man in the backseat, unshaven and ungroomed, with a glimmer of insanity in his eyes, holding up a huge butcher knife and revealing a nasty toothless grin.

The petrol attendant wasn’t trying to kill him… he was trying to warn him.

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Chapter 7: loved it!
strawbrykithes #3
reading old storys! lov it
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