Teaser Three

Hwasong Shrine's Love Department!


t e a s e r  t h r e e

The girl looked pleasantly surprised as she saw a very familiar dongsaeng. “Oh, Youngmi ah! Annyeong!” She greeted Youngmi with a bright smile and wave. The two girls exchanged pleasantries and quick updates about their lives before Youngmi smiled mischievously. “Unnie, you’re going up to Hwasong Shrine?” She nodded. “Are you going to do a love prayer for who I think you will?” teased the younger girl.

Her cheeks colored pink slightly as she pouted slightly. “Yah, Bang Youngmi!”

Youngmi laughed a little before quickly apologizing and then announcing that she had to leave. “Unnie, I have to go! I’ll see you later~”

The older girl just waved her goodbye while smiling; she wasted no time in continuing her hike up Hwasong mountain. She was determined to get to the shrine, after all. She hummed a little tune to keep herself occupied as she walked the trail. Before long, she upgraded to singing.

We got the power~ woah~ I got the power~ woah~


“That Youngmi girl was nice.” remarked Chanyeol, taking offhandedly.

“A little shy though.” mused Jihyun, starting her float back to the garden area. As Chanyeol and Jihyun talked about everything (and at the same time, nothing at all) during their walk back, they heard a familiar gong ring. Jihyun stopped all movement immediately while Chanyeol’s eyes widened in surprise.

He turned to her slowly and asked, almost hopefully, “Is it another assignment?” She didn’t reply to him, instead choosing to purse her lips in curiosity.

“No way, that would make it the third new assignment today.” reasoned Jihyun. “That’s more than we had in the last three months.” They shared a look of disbelief and for a moment, neither moved. And then they floated off at top speed, gunning for the praying grounds.

What greeted them when they arrived was a very familiar looking messenger that just looked at Chanyeol and Jihyun, but said nothing. She didn’t have to say anything though; her face said it all. “You two again? Where’s Suho?”

(From a ways off, Suho and Saehyun were both discussing their battle plans for Crystal, and could not be bothered to rush to the praying grounds; if questioned later, Saehyun would indignantly say that they didn’t hear it.)

“Sorry neither of us are your Suho oppa.” huffed Chanyeol, sensing her displeasure at seeing the duo.


“I don’t think she calls him oppa, Yeol.” remarked Jihyun, smiling slightly at the messenger. “But yeah, sorry we’re not Suho.”

“You don’t even know if it’s a girl or not, Ji. It could call Suho ‘oppa’ if she wanted to.” Jihyun’s partner corrected hers smartly, smiling while he did so.

(If Chanyeol bothered to look at her, he would realize that she looked vaguely offended at his commentary.)

All Jihyun did in response was roll her eyes and turn her attention back to the spiritual messenger. “Hi. Disregard this one.” she said, pointing all the while at Chanyeol. “Did someone pray to the love shrine?” she asked this hopefully, but was prepared to call it a false alarm. They had a lot of those. Stupid false alarms.

The messenger pouted slightly at them, hiding a piece of paper behind her back. It was obvious that she didn’t want to hand it over.

“...are you saving that for Suho oppa?” asked Jihyun, tone almost awkward. She really wanted the prayer, but she didn’t want to take it from the messenger if she didn’t want to give it.

“He’s not even here!” pouted Chanyeol, protesting her want to withhold a prayer from them.

“We can’t just take it from her.” reasoned Jihyun, tone still awkward. She did want the prayer though…

Chanyeol stared blankly at her for a couple seconds before disappearing for another couple of seconds, only to appear behind the spirit messenger. He promptly plucked the prayer from her hands and asked, “What do you mean we can’t just take it from her?”

“Park Chanyeol!” groaned Jihyun. She looked at the spirit messenger awkwardly. “I’m sorry…you know how he is…”

All Jihyun got in return was an offended look. I’m not even surprised. I don’t know how you can stand him. She sighed noiselessly as she looked at her empty handed hands.

“He’s actually quite tame most days.” explained Jihyun. “He just gets overexcited when love prayers are involved. And then he’ll, as you just saw, get a love prayer by any means. I am sorry though, I know you wanted to give that to Suho oppa.”

Suho’s messenger just quirked an eyebrow, giving another pointed look that Jihyun could somehow interpret. You are like the opposite of him; how do you two even get along?

With a nonchalant shrug, she replied, “We get along because he’s the Yeol to my Ji.”

In the background, Chanyeol could be heard letting out joyous and loud whoops of glee as he floated around in crazy circles and intricate patterns, holding the piece of paper closely to his chest.

The spirit messenger glared mildly at Chanyeol, looked at Jihyun almost sympathetically, and then disappeared without a word.

But it’s not like she talked to them anyway.


“If you keep stealing love prayers from little spirit messengers, I’m going to go on assignments with Saehyun instead of you.” reprimanded Jihyun.

Chanyeol pouted at her and almost whined, “Don’t do that~ I won’t steal them anymore~”

“Good.” replied Jihyun. “Now, who is the person who prayed?”

Chanyeol looked at her blankly for a moment before suddenly remembering that he was holding the ever so important prayer. He coughed awkwardly before reading her name aloud. “Kim Li-lil-…Lill-i-an.” The male ghost scowled slightly. English had never been his forte.

“Kim Lillian, huh? What’s her prayer say?” asked Jihyun, sounding out the name carefully.

“It says, ‘I have a little problem with this guy…who is acting really strange, especially when I am around my friends nowadays. He means well and I know he is concerned about me, but…it’s becoming too much. Please help me!’ Aw, poor her.” pouted Chanyeol. He waved their newest client’s picture in her face, still pouting. “We should definitely help her!”

“I think we kind of have to anyway, Yeol. She already prayed to us.” said Jihyun, laughing slightly as she began her search for Kim Lillian.


The spirit messenger sighed softly. While she wasn’t exactly angry that Chanyeol had stolen the most recent

It was pretty safe to say that she felt cheated. She honestly and sincerely felt gipped and was now pouting softly as she sat in the praying grounds.

Well, she was pouting…until she was summoned by the head spirit messenger once more.

A new prayer had arrived.


“So who looks like a Lillian to you?” asked Chanyeol, wandering around aimlessly.

Jihyun eyed her partner in amusement. “They gave us her picture for a reason.”

He pursed his lips in agreement and merely said, “Oh yeah.” Only five seconds passed before he started talking again. “But if we didn’t know what she already looked like, who looks like a Lillian to you?”

They began nearing the entrance of the shrine, searching diligently for their newest client. “I don’t know, her?” Jihyun had pointed randomly to the first girl she saw, who looked to be leaving the shrine.

“Really? Her?” questioned Chanyeol, looking at her intently.

“Wait a minute.” paused Jihyun, still pointing. “That is her.”

Chanyeol grinned excitedly, saying, “Really, really?” Before Jihyun could properly respond, he was already racing off towards her. In his excitement, he already dropped the concealment power that stopped humans from seeing him.

“Hi, my name is Park Chanyeol and you prayed to me.” he introduced himself as soon as she was in front of him.

“What he means is that Hwasong Shrine has received your prayer and that we’ve been assigned to help you.” corrected Jihyun, appearing besides him.

The girl that they knew as Kim Lillian stared at them, wide-eyed and in shock. “Woah.” she mumbled.

“We’re ready to help give you that fateful push in the right direction~” cheered Chanyeol.

“No prayer back guarantee, but we’ll work hard so that your love gets the chance that it deserves.” said Jihyun, smile in place.

Lillian stared at them blankly for one second, and then another, before breaking out into a bright and open smile. “Nice to meet you both!”

“Well, she accepted us quickly.” said Chanyeol, looking at Jihyun happily.

Jihyun nodded and looked at Lillian with her own bright smile in place. “Now, lets talk. Tell me about this guy.”

“Well, his name is Bang Yongguk…”


Suho and Saehyun were busily writing on transparent paper, writing down “battle plans” as quickly as they could think of them. The duo was eager and willing to help the person that prayed to them in any and all ways possible, which was why they were writing down plans.

All of a sudden, there was a gust of wind that sent all of the transparent paper flying.

“Our paper!” cried Saehyun.

In place of their piles of fake paper stood the very familiar looking spirit messenger. She looked a bit tired, like she rushed to get in front of them from the farthest place possible.

She looked at both of them wearily; she held out a shaky and translucent hand with a prayer in hand.

“Oh my gosh! Is that what I think it is?” squealed Saehyun, reaching for the prayer. The spirit messenger ignored her completely, gesturing for Suho to take it instead.

Saehyun stopped short and pouted. “Of course.” she deadpanned. “Of course she gives it to you.”

Suho took the prayer with an angelic smile in place, patting her head affectionately. “Thank you~”

The little spirit messenger immediately shied away in embarrassment and more affection than she knew what to do with; she bowed quickly three times before disappearing once more.

Saehyun idly commented, “She’s cute.”

After receiving the prayer and thanking his messenger properly, Suho made his way over to his ghostly partner Saehyun, who was waiting patiently with a knowing smile on her face. Suho raised his eyebrow in confusion. “What are you smiling about?”

“Nothing, nothing at all.” She sang giddily. She stood up and pointed in direction of the Shrine. “Let’s go back! I want to show Chanyeol and Jihyun the prayer!”

 Suho gave her a curious look, surprised that she didn’t try to persuade him into giving her the prayer, but decided against inquiring about it. After all it was already obvious that she wants it, but maybe she wanted to give it to Chanyeol since he was sulking last time they saw him. That would have been very thoughtful of her. That was probably it; she wanted to give it to Chanyeol. If she gives it to Chanyeol his plan will work out perfectly! (See Chapter 5) Suho smiled at the thought. (What an angel <3)

Suho nodded, and they proceeded to make their way back to the shrine.  As they were about to cross the bustling courtyard they fatefully bumped into a pair of rather familiar looking ghosts.

“Jihyun! Chanyeol!” exclaimed Saehyun, she proceeded to wave enthusiastically until she caught their attention.  Chanyeol eyes lit up at the sight of the ghostly duo. He then proceeded to float merrily towards Suho and Saehyun with Jihyun in tow.  

“Jihyun! Guess what!” chirped Saehyun cheerfully as she floated up and down.

Jihyun, who was just forcefully dragged halfway across the courtyard, dusted off her transparent clothes and gave Chanyeol a stern look of disapproval. Not that he minded of course. 

As Jihyun was about to reply Chanyeol cut her off. “We got two prayers! IN YOUR FACE!” He not so humbly began to wave the two rolls of parchment in a childish manner.

“I still can’t believe you just took it from her.” Jihyun shook her head in disapproval.

“Hey, you wanted the prayer too. I know you did.” Chanyeol smiled happily. “And now we have two!”

Jihyun looked at Suho strangely for a moment before recognition flashed through her eyes. “I told that messenger that I would say hi to her for you. Hi Suho.”

 Suho blinked at her, almost confused, before saying greeting Jihyun with a wave when he realized what Chanyeol just admitted. “Wait…you took it from her?” The happy male ghost nodded. Suho sighed, as he was about to reprimand Chanyeol for not asking for the prayer nicely (Not like she would have given it to him regardless.) he was cut off by a fuming Saehyun.

“Oh yeah?! We have two prayers too! WHAT NOW CHANYEOL!”  Saehyun had her competitive face on.

Chanyeol who wasn’t going to take that countered with a comment of his own. “Did you find both of them yet? Jihyun and I found AND talked to both of our new clients! Beat that!”

Suho pinched the bridge of his nose and let out and exasperated sigh. There goes his ‘everyone will be happy’ plan.  Before he could settle the hyperactive duo’s petty competition, Saehyun abruptly snatched the prayer and read it out loud.

“Lately I feel that a certain someone is avoiding me. He usually isn’t like this. Every time I see him he usually greets me and we have great conversations, but now he won’t even look at me. Did I do something wrong? I am really worried about him. Please help us.”

“Hm…avoiding her?” inquired Jihyun.

Suho nodded. He slowly floated behind Saehyun in order to read the scroll. “Looks like it. What is her name?”

Saehyun who was still reading the scroll answered absentmindedly. “Hyun Saewa.”

A young girl standing several feet in front of the four ghosts, with light brown hair and a cute panda sweater turned her head reflexively and answered. “That is me!”

Saehyun looked at her three companions blankly before breaking out into a wide grin.  “Damn we’re good.”


xQueenHanniex: Hey guys! I am super sorry about the long break. We both had a lot of stuff going on like graduation and registration. *cough*cough* Summer made us both lazy or at least summer made me lazy. LOL. *cough* I AM SUPER SORRY YOU GUYS. Mianhae! Thank you for supporting us and I hope that you guys will enjoy our long anticipated update. Keke. I hope you guys grow to love that adorable little messenger like I did! She needs a name though. Congrats to wildboyz8059 and InfinitelyForYou! Haha. See you guys next time. ^^

iheartsoojung: Congrats to wildboyz8059 and InfinitelyForYou ;D Points to you for picking Yongguk! He will for sure be a fun character to write ;D and now the “unnie” hint makes sense, right~? Youngmi and Lillian know each other because of Yongguk xD we figured that we might as well reveal two girls at once since we made you guys wait so long. I wish we had some legit excuses for you guys, but in all honesty…life just got in the way for both of us and we lost major drive to do this. I was ready to up and mark this as discontinued, but somehow…this got written! Hope you guys didn’t lose complete interest in this >< but once again, congrats to wildboyz8059 and InfinitelyForYou! :D


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Holy fudge you mention
Tokimeki Memorial
I didn't noticed before.
I played all 3 of girl story XD
I find the messenger really cute, aww she has a thing for Suho.
Congrats to Wildboyz8059 and to InfinitelyForYou
I'm glad you guys are back ^_^
I'm getting excited!~
Oh hey we have four girls
I liked the connection between YoungMi and Lillian
i'm curious about the cutie panda Saewa.
Is she the youngest? she seem cute.
Ok, I seriously love the guardian, they are just so cute, wah and their relationship ;3 are cute.
Yay~ Another chapter x3 Congratulations to wildboyz8059~! And yay~ I got chosen <33 Thank you so much! x3

I've really taken a liking to the messenger~ She just loves Suho Oppa! I mean, who doesn't?! His grandpa-like self and that smile of his kyaa~! >//< Chanyeol was so impatient that he grabbed the prayer right from behind the messenger! D: Chanyeol, you need to calm down lol XD OMG at Chanyeol and Saehyun's little battle of who got the most prayers XD This chapter was so adorable! I just can't anymore~~ XD
Take your time to update, we'll wait~~ x3 Can't wait to read more! :D
Congratulations to Gingi_306 for being chosen~! ^^

I love how each time you end the chapter, the next girl appears~! I'm like, asdfghjkl~ I want more T~T I love how Youngmi's character was quiet and first and then she became more comfortable with Chanyeol and Jihyun~ :D Ok, what I got for the next girl is that she's older and she's a female lol XD Can't wait for another update! I'm so curious to know the third girl! >.< !
congrats to both of them!
Thank you for choosing me!
Don't worry you couldn't have portrayed her any better!
Also congrats to Crystal. She seems very nice.
I wonder who the third girl is! OH IM CURIOUS YEAH!
Congratulations! Crystal & Youngmi!!!! Nae it's weird and scary to have host friends keke. HWAITING!!
Yeah my name is long
my ghost friend are.so cute
Wait saehyun why did she seem scared at the name of kris' office and who called me, was it kris who everu it they were snappy
Okay now im really curious about the third girl
bang youngmi, is cute, congrats im so curious about the next girl
Chanyeol finally gets action, interesting
Yeah kris is an amazing god and dragon, suho is so amazing
Happy birthday
Woah a long and pretty name Crystal has ^^
Don't worry Crystal,we will help you !!!!
You and him will be back in like before in no time:)

Poor YoungMi,she must have got the shocked of her life seeing 2 ghosts XD
I can't wait for to see what funny idea Chanyeol will come up with >.<
That's a hint? I only can tell its a girl =P
Unni!!! I'm back from vacation!!! WHAT? Exo performed Sorry Sorry? Wahh I missed it probably! Unni I missed you guys! Wahhh the first girl is here! Congrats unni-ahhh!!! As usual the four ghosts was funny & entertaining! HWAITING! <3 <3 <3