Who's the first girl? Wait, ka~i ba~i bo?

Hwasong Shrine's Love Department!


the first introduction - ka~i ba~i bo!

Suho felt vaguely uncomfortable as his three friends stared at him almost hungrily; he coughed and cleared his throat before ignoring the intense gazes. In a fluid motion, he quickly unrolled the piece of ghostly parchment and began to read out loud.

“My boyfriend and I have a problem. Lately, he has been very distant towards me and I am not sure what to do. He works as an intern at an established company in Seoul, and I am a just high school senior. We used to be really close despite our age difference, but nowadays, all we do is fight. He says it is because I am immature, and I am not sure what to do anymore. We fight over the smallest of things, and the situation is getting worse and worse. Please watch over us, and help us get through this.”

The usually noisy twosome (read: Saehyun and Chanyeol) were sitting in absolute silence, eagerly anticipating the name and description of their first client. They were rather excited since they haven’t had much business in a long time. They wanted to find her immediately! Suho, after reading the highly anticipated prayer, frowned.  “There’s no name or description.”

“Wait, are you sure there’s no name? Or description?” inquired Jihyun thoughtfully. “Maybe you overlooked it.”

Chanyeol, whose curiosity got the better of him, abruptly snatched the prayer from Suho’s hands and read it to himself. “Hey…he is right for once. I don’t see her name anywhere!”

“Yah! What is that supposed to mean Chanyeol?” exclaimed an appalled Suho.

Before Chanyeol could properly reply, Saehyun cut him off, whining, “I want to see the prayer too! Give me!” She snatched the prayer from Chanyeol, and quickly scooted over to Jihyun. Both female ghosts were looking over the prayer carefully before coming to the conclusion that Suho was indeed right. There was no name or description of the girl. There was no indication of her.

“I bet the messenger forgot to include the name and the description since they were probably rushing to get the prayer to Suho as fast as possible. Since, you know, because he has the greatest smile on earth.” joked Chanyeol. Jihyun and Saehyun giggled at the thought. (It was probably true though.)

“Well, because of Suho’s amazing smile,” Jihyun looked pointedly at the mentioned ghost, while he just smiled in response. “We have to figure out who sent the prayer before she leaves the shrine. Remember what happened last time?” stated Jihyun. Everyone nodded their heads in unison and collectively sighed.

Saehyun pouted, recalling the prior event. “That was a tough one.”

Chanyeol, who was eager to go, quickly agreed. “Okay! Right behind you Jihyun, let’s go find her right now!”

“And what are we supposed to do?” asked Suho.

 “Uh… Suho hyung, you and Saehyun can…spiritually clip bonsais together! It is a great bonding experience!” Chanyeol did a thumb up in approval and smiled brightly. Suho was speechless.

“Chanyeol, you cheater, we have to pick fairly!” cried an unhappy Saehyun.

Jihyun pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed heavily. This happened every single time. “Guys, calm down. Let’s just do it the old fashion way.”

“Aww Ji, we have been doing it this way for years! Don’t you ever get tired of it?” Chanyeol pouted.

Jihyun looked at him in disbelief. “No, it’s a classic way of settling things! Right guys?” She turned her attention to Suho and Saehyun; the duo was sitting awkwardly to the side, attempting to be excluded from the conversation. Suho smiled his ever so “charming awkward situation” smile, and Saehyun laughed nervously. They knew better than to mess with Jihyun when it came to this topic. It was Jihyun’s favorite game.

“Yep! Jihyun is right!” chirped Saehyun nervously.

“You should listen to her Chanyeol. She is always right.” agreed Suho, awkward smile still intact.

Chanyeol glared at them childishly. “You guys …fine, guys on three?” Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Ready? KAI BAI BO!” Indeed, rock-paper-scissors was a classic game for all ages.

All four ghosts confidently showed their hands. Suho grinned triumphantly as he saw his “rock” beat out Chanyeol and Jihyun’s “scissors”. Saehyun did a little cheer as she also put out “rock”. Chanyeol pouted pitifully while Jihyun looked down right betrayed by her hand.

The remaining two quickly went “kai bai bo!” again. He put out scissors. She put out paper.

Suho had won. That meant that he, and his ghostly partner of his choosing, would answer the prayer.  The question was though, who was he going to pick?

And then the flattery began.

Chanyeol casually swung his arm over Suho’s shoulder and smiled. “Hey, Suho hyung, did I ever tell you that you had the best smile in the world?”

Saehyun proceeded to push Chanyeol’s arm off and stood close to the ghost that won their little game. “Suho oppa, you know I always admired how well you spiritually clip those bonsais.  You are amazing!”

Jihyun laughed, thoroughly amused at Chanyeol and Saehyun’s attempts to win Suho over. She tsk-ed lightly and couldn’t help but remind all three of them about something important. “Saehyun unnie, what happened to Suho being boring? Also, I am pretty sure he didn’t forget you breaking the “Bro Code”, Yeol.”

Suho pondered Jihyun’s reminder for a minute before nodding in agreement. “She did call me boring. And I still remember, Chanyeol.” He was obviously enjoying the attention.

“Hyung! Come on! Be the better man, be better than me!” begged Chanyeol. He clung onto Suho’s transparent legs and pouted. “Pretty please, Suho hyung?”

Saehyun, rather than going for the legs, (because Chanyeol got there first) clung on to his right arm. Using her best aegyo, she shamelessly proceeded to compliment Suho in hopes of being chosen. “Suho oppa! Please pick me, I will be good! I will never call you boring ever again. I will even clean up your spiritual bonsai clippings.” She said this earnestly, even though Suho knew that she would call him boring again sooner or later. He smiled affectionately at the girl at his arm and the boy clinging to his legs. He couldn’t help but think though, “these babos…”

While the two ghosts continued to praise Suho to the high heavens, Jihyun, who was standing several feet from the smiled knowingly. She had no intentions of joining the “flatter Suho” game so that she could get chosen. She had, after all, already predicted the outcome.

It was obvious really. Everyone knew Suho had a soft spot for his bubbly counterpart (that was not Chanyeol). Despite how much she tries to annoy him on a daily basis, the little piece of extra affection that Saehyun had from Suho was apparent. Jihyun was never wrong when it comes to these things. How was she never wrong, you might ask? Let’s just say she isn’t a matchmaking ghost for nothing.

“Suho Hyung! If you pick me I promise to not to call you Suhoisin Sauce behind your back anymore!” Chanyeol stated this as a peace offering, smiling widely.

Suho just looked offended. “You call me what?!”

“…Nothing hyung. So, who are you going to pick?” The wide smile was still on his face, as an attempt to look inoocent.

Saehyun was still resorting to aegyo. “Please oppa? I will be the best partner ever!”

Suho began weighing his options. If Suho picked Saehyun, Chanyeol would eventually get over it. They were bros for a reason right? Saehyun on the other hand might be bitter for…let’s just say a very long ghostly time, and well he couldn’t have that, now could he? Plus if another prayer comes, Chanyeol automatically gets Jihyun. Everyone would be happy eventually, and he would be the best hyung/oppa ever. Problem solved.

 “I pick…Saehyun. Sorry Chanyeol.” Suho apologized with a sheepish smile.

 Chanyeol pouted. “Aww man! Fine, be that way hyung! I don’t need you.” He ran (floated?) to Jihyun. “Ji! Suho hyung is being mean to me! And he always picks Saehyun! He doesn’t know how to be fair!” The whining started immediately.

Jihyun laughed and gave Chanyeol a pat on the back. “It is okay, you can always tease them for it.” Chanyeol was still pouting. Jihyun sighed. “And you can always get the next prayer.” Chanyeol looked at Jihyun expectantly while she sighed once more. “And you get me as your partner.”

Chanyeol brightened at Jihyun’s reply. “That’s all true~ Pssh, who need Suho anyways.” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms, looking away from Suho. Jihyun rolled her eyes and quirked a smile. He saw her little smile and couldn’t help but responding with his own.

Chanyeol could always count on Jihyun to make him feel better.

Saehyun and Suho started making their way to the main building in the shrine (with Chanyeol shouting distracting and immature things to their retreating backs), looking for the girl who sent the prayer. The more excited of the two, Saehyun, started weaving through the usual crowd of people on shrine grounds. She was hopeful of finding the young girl who made the prayer before the hour. Suho couldn’t help but laugh at his partner’s antics.  “You do know you can just go through the crowd, right? We’re ghosts.”

Saehyun stared at him blankly. “But that is no fun.” Suho sighed. There was no use arguing with her when she got like that. He followed her all around the shrine diligently because, lets all face it, who knows what she will do if left alone? Saehyun was starting to get discouraged until she noticed a girl standing behind the shrine texting on her cell phone. She had long brown hair, and she was dressed casually in a simple blouse with a matching skirt.

She was reading a text message, all while sighing and pouting. “I guess he will be working over time again.” She looked visibly upset, and that was enough of a sign for Saehyun.  

Her eyes lit up as she started to squeal. “Suho, I found her! That has to be her! Let’s go!”

“Are you sure? What if it isn’t her?” inquired Suho.

“I just know it is her! Come on, I wanna meet her!” Saehyun proceeded to float to their possible client with Suho in tow.

The young girl put away her cell phone and started to walk conveniently in Saeyhun and Suho’s direction. “This always happens.” She mumbled.

“What always happens?”

The girl looked up in surprise. Where did that voice come from? She started to look around for the owner of the voice.

“Over here! Right in front of you!”

She turned her head and saw a bubbly looking girl around her age making her way towards her. The only problem was that the bubbly girl was semi-transparent. That, and that no one else was paying attention her even though she was only semi-transparent.

Saehyun was revealing herself to her client. As a ghost, Saehyun could choose who saw her and who didn’t. “Hi, my name is Saehyun! By any chance, did you make a prayer involving love about an hour ago?”

The girl meekly nodded, obviously shocked to see a floating translucent ghost girl.

“Yay! I finally found you. We are going to get along gr-” but before she could finish her sentence another voice cut her off.

“I think you scared her.”

“No I didn’t.” replied see-through Saehyun. “We are getting along just fine.”

 “You don’t even know her name.”

“So? This is a friendship in the making.” Beamed Saehyun confidently.

Suddenly, a good-looking male ghost appeared right next to the semi-transparent girl. He was also semi-transparent, and he wore a dazzling smile. “Hello, my name is Joonmyun, but you can call me Suho. Sorry, my friend Saehyun is very…forward.” He gave Saehyun a stern look. She returned the look with a childish pout. He returned his attention to the young girl still stunned by the duo’s ghostly appearance. “Can we get your name?”

She broke out of her dazed trance and replied. “My name is Crystal.”



xQueenHanniex: Congratulations to MulticultureINSPIRIT! I really liked your character. Keke. I am pretty sure you can already guess who your ‘boyfriend’ is right? Haha. I hope everyone will enjoy this teaser! 

iheartsoojung: Hey everyone! The application process is officially closed and we have revealed our first girl! I hope you don't mind that you were only revealed at the end though. ;D Even though Hannie unnie has already said this, once again, congrats to MulticultureINSPIRIT! ;D I loved the problem that you put! So with this introduction, we have officially started! Hehe. The next time we update, there will be more on Crystal and the next girl will be revealed. I hope you guys enjoyed this and don't mind that we're revealing the girls in this way. I also hope that you guys liked this teaser ^^ The four lovable (i hope that they're lovable, at least) ghosts will take a back seat as they start to do their jobs and develop love stories between the chosen people and their partner. Don't worry though, they'll still be as crazy as ever when they try to help out! (By the way, I really do love kai-bai-bo. It had to be included!) :D Until next time, lovelies!

*by the way. I pretty much died watching EXO perform Sorry Sorry. And then I died again after seeing this and this. PARK CHANYEOL, YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN A TUXEDO. >< haha.

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Holy fudge you mention
Tokimeki Memorial
I didn't noticed before.
I played all 3 of girl story XD
I find the messenger really cute, aww she has a thing for Suho.
Congrats to Wildboyz8059 and to InfinitelyForYou
I'm glad you guys are back ^_^
I'm getting excited!~
Oh hey we have four girls
I liked the connection between YoungMi and Lillian
i'm curious about the cutie panda Saewa.
Is she the youngest? she seem cute.
Ok, I seriously love the guardian, they are just so cute, wah and their relationship ;3 are cute.
Yay~ Another chapter x3 Congratulations to wildboyz8059~! And yay~ I got chosen <33 Thank you so much! x3

I've really taken a liking to the messenger~ She just loves Suho Oppa! I mean, who doesn't?! His grandpa-like self and that smile of his kyaa~! >//< Chanyeol was so impatient that he grabbed the prayer right from behind the messenger! D: Chanyeol, you need to calm down lol XD OMG at Chanyeol and Saehyun's little battle of who got the most prayers XD This chapter was so adorable! I just can't anymore~~ XD
Take your time to update, we'll wait~~ x3 Can't wait to read more! :D
Congratulations to Gingi_306 for being chosen~! ^^

I love how each time you end the chapter, the next girl appears~! I'm like, asdfghjkl~ I want more T~T I love how Youngmi's character was quiet and first and then she became more comfortable with Chanyeol and Jihyun~ :D Ok, what I got for the next girl is that she's older and she's a female lol XD Can't wait for another update! I'm so curious to know the third girl! >.< !
congrats to both of them!
Thank you for choosing me!
Don't worry you couldn't have portrayed her any better!
Also congrats to Crystal. She seems very nice.
I wonder who the third girl is! OH IM CURIOUS YEAH!
Congratulations! Crystal & Youngmi!!!! Nae it's weird and scary to have host friends keke. HWAITING!!
Yeah my name is long
my ghost friend are.so cute
Wait saehyun why did she seem scared at the name of kris' office and who called me, was it kris who everu it they were snappy
Okay now im really curious about the third girl
bang youngmi, is cute, congrats im so curious about the next girl
Chanyeol finally gets action, interesting
Yeah kris is an amazing god and dragon, suho is so amazing
Happy birthday
Woah a long and pretty name Crystal has ^^
Don't worry Crystal,we will help you !!!!
You and him will be back in like before in no time:)

Poor YoungMi,she must have got the shocked of her life seeing 2 ghosts XD
I can't wait for to see what funny idea Chanyeol will come up with >.<
That's a hint? I only can tell its a girl =P
Unni!!! I'm back from vacation!!! WHAT? Exo performed Sorry Sorry? Wahh I missed it probably! Unni I missed you guys! Wahhh the first girl is here! Congrats unni-ahhh!!! As usual the four ghosts was funny & entertaining! HWAITING! <3 <3 <3