teaser o2

Hwasong Shrine's Love Department!


*please remember to read the author's note at the bottom! <3


Jin Jihyun was just minding her own business, floating around, when she saw a very spaced out Han Saehyun. She decided to investigate.

Jihyun floated over to Saehyun, who had a dreamy look on her ghostly face. "Saehyun? Han Saehyun?" Jihyun waved a translucent hand in front of Han Saehyun's face. There was no response. "...unnie?" Again, there was no response. The dreamy look stayed. "Should I be concerned? Since, you know, we're already dead and all...nothing else can really happen..."

At that moment, two other ghosts floated towards Saehyun and Jihyun. "Hi Jihyun~" she was greeted cheerfully by Chanyeol, while Suho just had to ask.

"Why is Saehyun looking at nothing like that?"

"I really don't know. Should I be concerned?" Jihyun pouted slightly and wondered what the hell Saehyun was dreaming about, because it was obviously good enough to make her ignore the rest of the world. (or at least the waving hands of Jihyun.)

Chanyeol waved a hand in front of Saehyun's face, much like how Jihyun did, and (much like Jihyun) did not get a response. "I think you should be concerned, Ji."

Ever the voice of reason, Suho looked skeptic as he said, "She's probably just daydreaming about mudskippers or something."

Chanyeol cocked his head in mild confusion and responded to Suho's previous statement. "Would she look like that if she was thinking about mudskippers though? I think she has her romantic face on."

"It does kind of look like her romantic face..." Suho agreed with the comment lightly, but then realized something else about it. "You know what her romantic face looks like? How?"

Chanyeol blinked, and then realized he unintentionally created the perfect chance to tease Suho. "I know about it because I've seen it before~ does that bother you~?"

Suho glared awkwardly in retaliation (because that boy just wasn't made to glare) while Jihyun rolled her eyes. "Saehyun ah, Chanyeol is making fun of Suho without you."

Almost instantly, Saehyun broke out of her trance, blinked rapidly, and went, "huh?"

Suho, sounding almost exasperated, asked, "Really? Because of that, you stopped?"

"What?" Saehyun actually didn't know what was going on. She was basically spacing out.

Jihyun smiled and asked, "Had a good daydream?"

"Yes!" she nodded happily at the question, choosing to forego Suho at the moment. She had to tell Jihyun about her daydream, after all. "Someone made a prayer to us! It was amazing!" Saehyun was short of just gushing about it. "We got a prayer about a girl who adored someone, but he didn't know she existed. I was going to spring into action, but I stopped daydreaming." She said the ending statement with a pout, obviously a little sad.

"There, there." Jihyun comforted her awkwardly, patting her head. "Maybe we'll get a prayer like that soon."

"I was so excited too~ I would have done so much for them~" Saehyun sighed sadly in resignation of her lost daydream.

"What would you have done?" asked Suho, amused. It was always fun hearing how Saehyun answered these types of questions.

"Ooh! Ooh! I could send them both letters to go and meet up with each other, and then they'll see each other, know they were meant to be, fall in love, dance the waltz, and live happily ever after!" Saehyun was definitely the hopeless romantic out of the four.

Suho looked at her blankly, while Jihyun stifled a smile. Chanyeol just looked confused. "Waltz?"

"And you call me the old-fashioned one?" Suho asked this, still looking at her blankly.

(Jihyun could be heard explaining the importance of waltzing and whispering "bonsai trees!" to Chanyeol.)

Saehyun pouted and looked slightly offended. "Well, what's your big way of helping out?"

Suho did a mini shrug and said, "I'm all for a straightforward confession."

"You're such a romantic." Jihyun quipped, obviously teasing him. The comment slipped, but she didn't mind it. She talked like this to Suho a lot.

"I'm just saying that all anyone needs to say is "I like you, you like me, lets go out" and then they're set!" Suho felt the need to defend his reasoning, and pouted.

"Suho, what kind of love ghost are you?" Chanyeol looked at Suho in minor disbelief. "That almost never works out!"

"You know not everyone looks like you, right?" Saehyun asked this in all seriousness. "Because your way of helping out isn't very good."

"Are you implying that I look good? Because-" Jihyun cut off Suho before he could make an awkward situation out of Saehyun's comment (even though practically every ghost at the shrine knew Suho looked good, Suho didn't need to know that) and inserted her own opinion.

"I'm into realistic romance, to be honest. I would probably set up our next client on a bunch of cute little dates though. But they need to have interesting dates, because if they're not interesting, I might walk out on them." After a moment, Jihyun added, "I meant float out."

"A love life needs to be exciting." Chanyeol said this like he was declaring a law that could not be defied. "With rollercoasters, and pranks, and couple fights, and jealousy and-"

"We're shrine ghosts, not movie directors. All you need is a simple confession!" Suho looked pretty adamant about this statement.

"Says the romantic." Jihyun's tone and comment was obviously sarcastic and a reference to her earlier statement. She said this with a cheeky smile in place.

Suho pursed his lips lightly and spiritually poked Jihyun’s head. "Yah, Jin Jihyun."

Jihyun obviously wasn't taking Suho's "yah" or poke very seriously because she just turned and pointed to the other male ghost. "Park Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol looked surprised for a moment, but good-naturedly continued the sequence. He pointed to the other female ghost. "Han Saehyun!"

Saehyun smiled brightly before pointing to Suho. "Kim Joonmyun!" It came full circle, much to Suho's exasperation.

"Oh my god, you guys."



*here's a little more info on the four main ghosts of the love department and how they work in regards to love :D

*there will be one more teaser after this, and then we'll start revealing the girls!

We need to address something with the applications. To the people that said they had a problem somewhere along the lines of not being able to choose between three guys, that means that you basically have three love lines/interests and that's not exactly fair to the other applicants who only have one interest.

We're not saying that you automatically won't get picked if your problem involves three guys liking you, but we would like it if that romantic problem changed, just so it would be easier on us and fair to everyone else. If you don't change it, we might PM you and ask for permission to change your love problem.

Thank you for your time! <3

Also thank you to everyone that applied and subscribed! :D <3

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Holy fudge you mention
Tokimeki Memorial
I didn't noticed before.
I played all 3 of girl story XD
I find the messenger really cute, aww she has a thing for Suho.
Congrats to Wildboyz8059 and to InfinitelyForYou
I'm glad you guys are back ^_^
I'm getting excited!~
Oh hey we have four girls
I liked the connection between YoungMi and Lillian
i'm curious about the cutie panda Saewa.
Is she the youngest? she seem cute.
Ok, I seriously love the guardian, they are just so cute, wah and their relationship ;3 are cute.
Yay~ Another chapter x3 Congratulations to wildboyz8059~! And yay~ I got chosen <33 Thank you so much! x3

I've really taken a liking to the messenger~ She just loves Suho Oppa! I mean, who doesn't?! His grandpa-like self and that smile of his kyaa~! >//< Chanyeol was so impatient that he grabbed the prayer right from behind the messenger! D: Chanyeol, you need to calm down lol XD OMG at Chanyeol and Saehyun's little battle of who got the most prayers XD This chapter was so adorable! I just can't anymore~~ XD
Take your time to update, we'll wait~~ x3 Can't wait to read more! :D
Congratulations to Gingi_306 for being chosen~! ^^

I love how each time you end the chapter, the next girl appears~! I'm like, asdfghjkl~ I want more T~T I love how Youngmi's character was quiet and first and then she became more comfortable with Chanyeol and Jihyun~ :D Ok, what I got for the next girl is that she's older and she's a female lol XD Can't wait for another update! I'm so curious to know the third girl! >.< !
congrats to both of them!
Thank you for choosing me!
Don't worry you couldn't have portrayed her any better!
Also congrats to Crystal. She seems very nice.
I wonder who the third girl is! OH IM CURIOUS YEAH!
Congratulations! Crystal & Youngmi!!!! Nae it's weird and scary to have host friends keke. HWAITING!!
Yeah my name is long
my ghost friend are.so cute
Wait saehyun why did she seem scared at the name of kris' office and who called me, was it kris who everu it they were snappy
Okay now im really curious about the third girl
bang youngmi, is cute, congrats im so curious about the next girl
Chanyeol finally gets action, interesting
Yeah kris is an amazing god and dragon, suho is so amazing
Happy birthday
Woah a long and pretty name Crystal has ^^
Don't worry Crystal,we will help you !!!!
You and him will be back in like before in no time:)

Poor YoungMi,she must have got the shocked of her life seeing 2 ghosts XD
I can't wait for to see what funny idea Chanyeol will come up with >.<
That's a hint? I only can tell its a girl =P
Unni!!! I'm back from vacation!!! WHAT? Exo performed Sorry Sorry? Wahh I missed it probably! Unni I missed you guys! Wahhh the first girl is here! Congrats unni-ahhh!!! As usual the four ghosts was funny & entertaining! HWAITING! <3 <3 <3