The second girl? "Oh hey, she talks!"

Hwasong Shrine's Love Department!

*main image is what it is because HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUHO. YOU FRIGGIN' ANGEL.

the second introduction - "oh hey, she talks!"

After Crystal broke out of her trance, Saehyun glared childishly at Suho. How dare he dazzle her new best friend? (because anyone in a daze around Suho meant that, in Saehyun’s mind, Suho was using his powers of evil to dazzle them.) She then proceeded to push him out of the way. “Suho, stop using your attractive ghost smile to win her over! She is my new friend.”

Suho was about to retort over the audacity of her statement before stopping and pointing out, “So, you’re saying that I have an attractive ghost smile?”

“Pssh! Who said that?!” exclaimed Saehyun obviously flustered; but before Suho could take advantage of the situation Crystal (Saehyun’s new best friend) couldn’t help but ask the question Suho dreaded the most.

“Um, if you guys don’t mind me asking, what are- I mean, who are you guys?” Crystal shifted uncomfortably in front of the bickering ghosts.

Upon hearing the question Suho groaned, “You just had to ask.”

On the other hand Saehyun face lit up. “INTRODUCTION TIME! Hwasong Shrine’s Love Department here! We’re up and ready to give you that fateful push in the right direction! I am Saehyun and he is Suho, and we are your ghostly matchmakers!” Saehyun started to clap gleefully to herself.

Crystal, who seemed slightly wary of the ghostly twosome, nodded her head apprehensively. “So let me get this straight, you guys are…ghosts?”

Suho nodded. “Yeah, we are ghosts. I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope you will accept our help.”

Crystal’s face softened at his words. “Thank you so much for offering, but I don’t know. Things are getting pretty bad, and I wouldn’t want to trouble you guys.”

Suho chuckled, “Well there is not much to do in the afterlife, and I am pretty sure if you said no, Saehyun would be devastated.” Saehyun on cue, pretended to wipe a tear on her cheek.

Saehyun made her way towards Crystal and proceeded to pout excessively. “Please! We will be the best pair of matchmaking ghost you ever had!” (Somewhere across the shrine, Chanyeol felt the vague urge to correct Saehyun, and he didn’t even know why.)

Crystal couldn’t help but smile at Saehyun. She seemed so innocent and genuine. “Well you guys will be my only pair of matchmaking ghosts.”

Saehyun, upon hearing those words jumped for joy. “SHE SAID YES! Thank you Crystal! I will make sure you won’t regret it!” She started to float around in circles, squealing.  Crystal gave her a motherly smile.

“That was very nice of you.” Crystal looked up to Suho with a blank expression. Suho politely smiled in return.  “You have no idea how much it means to her.” He chuckled. “Thank you. Like she said, you won’t regret it.”

Crystal smiled. “No, thank you guys, I honestly didn’t think I would have people watching over me. I am really thankful.”

After Suho managed to calm Saehyun down, the newly befriended proceeded to sit under a tree for shade. Not that Saehyun and Suho really needed it, but they couldn’t let their new friend get sunburn now could they?

“So…” Suho began, “Tell us more about yourself.”

Crystal shyly began her introduction. “Um…My full name is Ekisho Crystal Jung-Matsua.”

“Woah, that is a long name.” commented Suho

Saehyun had a semi intrigued/frustrated face on as she tried to pronounce her new best friend’s name.  “E-Eki-Sho…You know what? I am going to call you Crystal! I think Crystal is a lovely name, it suits you perfectly!”  

Suho, quirked a smile and couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped him. “You know, if you couldn’t pronounce her name you could have just said so.”

Saehyun frowned. “You are mean.” She turned to Crystal with a sad pout on her ghostly face. “I am sorry!”

Crystal smiled genuinely and replied, “It is okay. I personally like being called Crystal more anyways.”

Saehyun smiled her ever so dorky smile, and urged Crystal to continue her introduction.

“I enjoy baking probably because I am really close to my mother. She is a pastry chef in Paris. I have an older half brother, he is pretty cool. We are really close. My dad owns a fashion company. He is very strict, but I know he means well.” Anyone could tell by the way she spoke of her family she was very fond of them.

“You must really love your family. Do you get to spend time with them often?” inquired Saehyun thoughtfully.

“I do get to see my family, but it is very rare that we are all in the same room. My brother and father both have companies to manage, and my mother is a professor at the Culinary Institute in Paris. They are all very busy.” explained Crystal.

“What about you and your boyfriend?” asked a curious Saehyun.

“My boyfriend’s name is Kris. He is an intern for a company is Seoul. We would do everything together. He is kind and caring, even though he doesn’t look like it sometimes. There would be times where I would sit in his office and do my homework with him. He would often help me with my assignments.” Her brilliant smile contorted itself, leaving a sad expression on her face. “Now it is different, he doesn’t seem like he is the same person anymore. He seems to be trying to distance himself away from me as possible. I don’t know what is going on anymore.”  Crystal began to tear. She tried to wipe her tears with her sleeve.

“It is okay to cry. We won’t care if you do or not, and we’ll help you as much as possible.” comforted Suho.

“You can always lean on my ghostly shoulder.” offered Saehyun.

“Saehyun cries a lot anyway, so I’m used to it.” joked Suho, smiling slightly.

“Hey!” Saehyun cried, indignant.

“Thank you. I-” But before Crystal could finish her sentence her phone rang. She quickly took out her phone and answered the call. “Hello? Oh I am behind the... Oh okay I am coming. I will be there in a few minutes. Bye.” She slowly put away her phone safely in her pocket. “Sorry guys I have to go.”

Suho nodded. “We understand. We will see you again really soon. Oh, can you tell us what company your boyfriend works at, just for future reference?”

“Oh, he works at MH corporations.”

Saehyun stiffened slightly, but quickly recomposed herself. “Well you don’t want to be late, and don’t worry, you will see us again really soon.” Saehyun winked playfully, “Take care!”

Crystal nodded happily. “Hope to see you soon! Bye Saehyun! Bye Suho”

Saehyun and Suho waved cheerfully from under the shaded tree. After Crystal was out of sight Saehyun turned to Suho and asked.“So...Suho what’s the plan?”

“No idea.”


A familiar gong rang, shocking two very inactive ghosts on duty. Jihyun sat up from her place on the floor (she was napping!) while Chanyeol immediately started gushing. (From halfway across the shine, Suho could be heard saying, “I bet Chanyeol’s freaking out right now.) “Oh my god, we get to answer a prayer too? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my- Hey, where are you going, Jihyun?” In the middle of Chanyeol’s spazzing, Jihyun decided to get up and float over to their destination.

“I’m heading over to receive the prayer?” said Jihyun, floating nonchalantly.

“Why would you start leaving without me?” He said this with a pout, floating behind her obediently.

“Because you were too busy spazzing and I knew you would follow me.”

Chanyeol hummed a noise of agreement, saying nothing more.

Chanyeol and Jihyun floated quickly to the main shrine of the Love Department and waited patiently (well, Jihyun did. Chanyeol, not so much).

The spirit messenger from earlier materialized in front of them and looked around blankly.

“Come on, come on, come on!” whined Chanyeol, gesturing for the prayer with his hands.

The messenger looked at Chanyeol in distaste and asked stiffly, “Where’s Suho?”

“You sent him off this morning, remember?” reminded Jihyun, amused. This was definitely Suho’s messenger.

The messenger sighed and bypassed Chanyeol’s hands, giving the prayer to Jihyun (which got an indignant “what about me?” from Chanyeol) and started to dematerialize. “I’ll say hi to Suho for you!” offered Jihyun, smiling because she had a prayer in hand.

The messenger (who needs a name and a gender) smiled slightly before giving a shy thumbs up and disappearing.

“She’s so cute for Suho oppa.” remarked Jihyun.

“How do you even know it’s a she?” muttered Chanyeol.

“Don’t be bitter.” said Jihyun, rolling her eyes. “Here, you can read the prayer.” She handed Chanyeol the prayer, to which he took eagerly.

"Here goes nothing! Hi, my name is Bang Youngmi and I can't confess to the person I like. I really can't. I just don't know how and...I'm scared to ruin our friendship. Please help me?"

“Oh, she put her name.” mused Jihyun. “Nice~.” She flipped the prayer over and it revealed a small picture of the said girl. “And they even included a photo this time. Now I really need to say hi to Suho oppa for that messenger.” mumbled Jihyun.

"Oh my gosh, Jihyun! We have to help her immediately!" said Chanyeol, already excited.

Jihyun had already left to find the girl. "Hey! Wait for me!" Once Chanyeol caught up, he asked her, “What is with you and leaving me today?”

“Because I know you would follow me. We’ve been over this, Yeol.” said Jihyun, not even sparing him a glance.

Chanyeol just made a noise in understanding. It was true. They have been over this.

With the use of the handy-dandy (black and white) photo (because they were a shrine, not Walgreens), it took Chanyeol about three minutes to find the girl they were looking for. “I found her!” announced Chanyeol, racing over and appearing in front of her without any warning. He didn’t even appear in front of her slowly. It was just her trying to leave the shine with no person in her way and then bam- shimmery ghost figure in front of her face. “Hi!” he cheered. “We’re your messengers of love!”

She squeaked in surprise and Jihyun face-palmed herself. She herself materialized slowly, coming to stand next to Chanyeol. “Hi, we’re your messengers of love.” repeated Jihyun, tone flat and looking pointedly at Chanyeol (who just smiled brightly like he didn’t possibly scare a girl out of her mind).

The girl, already known as Bang Youngmi to the ghosts, stared blankly at them as if not really believing what she was seeing. She looked a little shocked, but otherwise seemed unaffected. Jihyun vaguely noted that their client didn't seem to scare easily.

“Did you make a prayer to the shrine?” asked Jihyun, going through the standard procedure.

She got a nod in response.

“And did it involve you not knowing how to confess~?” teased Chanyeol, still smiling brightly.

Again, they got a nod.

The two ghosts shared a look and wondered if this was the Bang Youngmi person they were supposed to find.

This person seemed completely different from the person that wrote the prayer, but...

"We found the right girl, right?" asked Chanyeol.

"Her name is the same and she looks the same. It has to be her." Jihyun stared at the photo given on the back of the prayer.

The girl smiled slightly and said quietly, "I can still hear you two..."

"Oh hey, she talks!" Chanyeol said this excitedly, and clapped his hands twice.

"...Chanyeol..." Jihyun looked slightly exasperated at her partner.

"What, you didn't think she could talk either, did you?" asked Chanyeol, defensive. “I thought maybe she didn’t know how to confess because she couldn’t talk.

Youngmi laughed lightly, smiling at the bickering.

Jihyun smiled apologetically while Chanyeol laughed sheepishly. “Right. Back to business. We’re the ones that will be answering your prayer about love.” explained Jihyun. “We live and work as ghosts at Hwasong Shrine and we’re stationed in the Love Department, which is why we’re, well, here. We’ll work hard to give your love story a fateful and ghostly push in the right direction.” Jihyun promised this sincerely, smiling nicely at her new client.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Chanyeol!" Chanyeol took her hand and shook it wildly. She looked a little surprised at the fact that a transparent being was touching her, but she took it well.

“Jin Jihyun~” She gave a handshake as well, albeit not as excitedly as Chanyeol.

After the two ghosts introduced themselves, the girl seemed to be more comfortable. Brighter, if you will.

"I'm Bang Youngmi~" she said, cordially introducing herself with a cute smile. “It takes me a little while to get comfortable to talk to someone.” explained Youngmi, smiling.

"Well, Bang Youngmi~ It’s nice to know that you’re comfortable talking to us now~ We'll be your ghostly assistants for the duration of your love story~" said Jihyun, smiling while Chanyeol jumped and flew around behind her.


Youngmi made her way down the shrine happily, amused with her new friends. They made a date for her to come back and decide their “battle plans” and “plan of attack” and she couldn’t help but laugh at how eccentric the male ghost was (and how much of a contrast the girl was). Youngmi decided then and there that they would all be great friends.

While going down the trail, her eyes widened as she saw a person she didn’t think she would ever see here.

“Oh, unnie annyeong!”


Author’s Notes:

Hey guys, I just wanna thank everyone for subscribing and commenting. I never get tired of reading your thoughts on the story. Haha. Guess what? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KIM JOONMYUN. You and your killer smile will forever be my definition for perfection. <3

Happy birthday to the perfection that is Kim Joonmyun! You friggin’ bias list wrecker D:< how dare you come in and show off that smile and voice and body and-  but in all seriousness and sincerity, happy birthday to the guardian of EXO/leader of EXO K. Your smile is the best I’ve ever seen and I am happy you never gave up your dreams- you waited seven years to debut and I hope it was worth it to you. You’re knocking people down with your voice, smile, and sweetness (Hannie unnie can attest to that). You’re not even my official bias (LOL, hi Chanyeol) but I feel like I could write a paper on you. ;D Happy Birthday, Kim Joonmyun! You’re beautiful, inside and out.

Hannie unnie and I were like, “Oh my god, it’s the 22! Must post in honor of Suho’s birthday!” And here you guys have it! Haha.

Here’s more about Crystal and congrats to Gingi_306! ;D I hope you liked how we portrayed Youngmi, and if you don’t…PM me and I’ll make the changes? OH, OH, AND BROWNIE POINTS TO YOU FOR PICKING KRIS. I approve. ;D he is one amazing male god! Haha.

Did you guys like this intro? This is the first time Hannie unnie and I divided sections for this type of writing haha.

By the way, anyone else loving Suho’s messenger as much as I am? Haha. She seriously needs a name. And she will get one! I swear it! …eventually, she will! 

The next girl will be revealed…eventually. LOL. No, but seriously, she’ll be revealed soon-ish. ;D there's even a little hint at the end! (although it's super subtle and probably only hannie and i get the hint because we read all the applications LOL)

Till next time, lovelies!

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Holy fudge you mention
Tokimeki Memorial
I didn't noticed before.
I played all 3 of girl story XD
I find the messenger really cute, aww she has a thing for Suho.
Congrats to Wildboyz8059 and to InfinitelyForYou
I'm glad you guys are back ^_^
I'm getting excited!~
Oh hey we have four girls
I liked the connection between YoungMi and Lillian
i'm curious about the cutie panda Saewa.
Is she the youngest? she seem cute.
Ok, I seriously love the guardian, they are just so cute, wah and their relationship ;3 are cute.
Yay~ Another chapter x3 Congratulations to wildboyz8059~! And yay~ I got chosen <33 Thank you so much! x3

I've really taken a liking to the messenger~ She just loves Suho Oppa! I mean, who doesn't?! His grandpa-like self and that smile of his kyaa~! >//< Chanyeol was so impatient that he grabbed the prayer right from behind the messenger! D: Chanyeol, you need to calm down lol XD OMG at Chanyeol and Saehyun's little battle of who got the most prayers XD This chapter was so adorable! I just can't anymore~~ XD
Take your time to update, we'll wait~~ x3 Can't wait to read more! :D
Congratulations to Gingi_306 for being chosen~! ^^

I love how each time you end the chapter, the next girl appears~! I'm like, asdfghjkl~ I want more T~T I love how Youngmi's character was quiet and first and then she became more comfortable with Chanyeol and Jihyun~ :D Ok, what I got for the next girl is that she's older and she's a female lol XD Can't wait for another update! I'm so curious to know the third girl! >.< !
congrats to both of them!
Thank you for choosing me!
Don't worry you couldn't have portrayed her any better!
Also congrats to Crystal. She seems very nice.
I wonder who the third girl is! OH IM CURIOUS YEAH!
Congratulations! Crystal & Youngmi!!!! Nae it's weird and scary to have host friends keke. HWAITING!!
Yeah my name is long
my ghost friend cute
Wait saehyun why did she seem scared at the name of kris' office and who called me, was it kris who everu it they were snappy
Okay now im really curious about the third girl
bang youngmi, is cute, congrats im so curious about the next girl
Chanyeol finally gets action, interesting
Yeah kris is an amazing god and dragon, suho is so amazing
Happy birthday
Woah a long and pretty name Crystal has ^^
Don't worry Crystal,we will help you !!!!
You and him will be back in like before in no time:)

Poor YoungMi,she must have got the shocked of her life seeing 2 ghosts XD
I can't wait for to see what funny idea Chanyeol will come up with >.<
That's a hint? I only can tell its a girl =P
Unni!!! I'm back from vacation!!! WHAT? Exo performed Sorry Sorry? Wahh I missed it probably! Unni I missed you guys! Wahhh the first girl is here! Congrats unni-ahhh!!! As usual the four ghosts was funny & entertaining! HWAITING! <3 <3 <3