
Your true heart,

Park Hyun Mi's POV.

I opened the door to find a delivery man infront of me. He was carrying, or maybe dragging, since it looks heavy, a big package with a bow on top. 

"This is a delivery for you. Here, sign here," he said, breaking the awkward silence between us, while handing me a paper and a pen. I grabbed it from his hand and signed it on the paper. "Here you go," I said while handing it back to him.

He slid the package towards me, and vanished. I slid it into the living room, since it was so heavy, and closed the door after me. I was about to open the package when I heard faint sounds coming out from it. I pulled my hand away and sat down on the couch, wondering what the hell could be in that package. I took a closer look and I realised the package had small little holes poked all over it. 

"Is it something alive?" I asked myself. Sooner, my curiosity dominated me and got the better of me, I took a step to the package and tore it open, only to find myself surprised at what was inside. It was a cage with a dog in it. A chihuahua. Hairless.

"Why would somebody send me dog? A chihuahua and a hairless one at that," I thought to myself and I noticed a card slit messily in the cage. I took it out and read it's contents. 

Dear Park Hyun Mi,

Happy 20th birthday, keke ^^, you're getting older!!!

Anyway remember that you always wanted to have a dog but since I was allergic to hairy things, and dogs are hairy okay, I opposed because that means I can't go over if you have a dog ^^.

So, the SHINee members and Jae In thought about this.. Since you want a dog so much, why not you have a hairless dog!!! I'm also quite fond of dogs, and the SHINee members too, so we got you a hairless chihuahua!!

Keke ^^, hope you can stop quarelling with me about the dog issue, so here it is, your dog! And I named it too..

It's name is Candy.


From :

SHINee, Key,  Jae In!

I smiled while reading its contents. Key can be such a sweetheart at times. I got so worked up, I forgot that today is my 20th birthday. I'm officialy an adult, I can go clubbing anytime and drown myself in alcohol! I squealed in delight and jumped around.

I opened the cage and a cute hairless chihuahua stepped out of it, doubting its environment. I picked it up and let it sit on my lap. "From now on, you're Candy! Hi Candy!" I said while holding Candy. Candy just barked at me in approval. I smiled at her and held her up, letting us meet eye to eye. She was the cutest thing ever, she had big black eyes and she had perky ears, and a small body and seem to follow me wherever I go in the house.

"Candy, I'm going to buy your food and needs, just stay here okay?" I told Candy while rummaging for my keys in my purse and finally closing the door and locking it afterwards.

I headed off to the Pet Shop and bought neccessities for Candy such as her food, treats, leash, and a cushion for her to sleep on. I bought dog shampoo and shower gel.

I headed back home and I unlocked the door, opening it. I was shocked to see Candy running to the door, and barking at me happily. I still had to get a little used to a dog in the house. 

Finally, it was dinner time, I took out the refrigerated cake I bought just now, when going out to buy Candy's stuff and poked 20 little candles on it.

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to Park Hyun Mi, happy birthday to me." I sang to myself while clapping my hands to the rhythm. I felt really alone, it was my 20th birthday, celebration of me being an adult, but nobody was there to celebrate with me except for Candy, I didn't expect I would be celebrating it alone. I heaved out a heavy sigh and thought about Key was doing in Japan.

When night time approached, I snuggled Candy to sleep, and drifted off to my dreamland.


Sorry if that was short, :P. In a hurry, will update more soon. 

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Purplelovve #1
Amazing story
connieehyunmi #2
HAAI ^.^ nega park hyunmi imnida <3 ahahaha, i'm in your story.
this should be pretty interesting......o.O"
update soon, please! kamsamida <3
saranghaedongho #3
Update Update Update !
this story is great!
pororo_girl #4
new reader update please:)<br />
i hate krystal only in this story :O
electricz #5
@ohmysweetheart, <br />
<br />
updated ;D
ohmysweetheart #6
update pleaaseee~
electricz #7
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
thanks dear.
love it.<br />
please update soon:)
update soon :D
electricz #10
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
HA, thanks new reader, will work on chapter 4 now :D.<br />
*inserts flying million hearts*