
Your true heart,


Hyun Mi's POV.

"Knock, knock," I heard. "Minho ah, go get the door," I said to Minho without taking my eyes glued from the television screen. "Urgh no," Minho replied, his eyes too glued on the television screen.
The knocking got louder, "BOOM BOOM BOOM," I heard. I swore and cursed under my breath. "Hyun Mi ah, I'll help you open it," Onew suddenly voiced out, getting out his buttock from the sofa. "Nah, it's okay, I'll go with you!" I said cheerfully as I grabbed his arm and swinging it with mine.
Me and Onew were the best of friends, he understands me so much and he gives good advices, comforts me and he is everything that I wished for in a brother, if I had one. But Onew is my brother, my god brother, and I love him.
Onew just looked at me and gave me his eye smile that got girls all over Korea and maybe the world falling head over heels for. I gave him back a smile and turned the doorknob, opening the door to only see ... Krystal. I looked at Onew and Onew looked at me, mouthing, "This is not going to be good," I just nodded in agreement.
Krystal looked up from admiring herself in the pocket mirror, jumping a little bit when she found out that we had opened the door and was staring at her. She adjusted her hair, gave her a little shake.
"Hey Onew new," Krystal said while pulling Onew into a hug.
"Oh! Key oppa!" Krystal voiced out, after spotting Key coming out from my room and half running and half strutting towards Key, totally ignoring my presence and that this was my apartment.
"Key!" Krystal said while embracing Key into a hug. I just looked confused, when suddenly Krystal looked at me and gave me one of her icy stares. "Oh, that, are food that I brought for my Key," she said while tickling Key's chin. I looked in disgust, how could she do that to somebody's boyfriend infront of the girlfriend? And "my" Key? Someone has to put that girl into her own place. "And of course SHINee. Please pick them up, there is pizza, chicken and also cookies for Key.. And SHINee and Jae In!" she continued and eyeing me up and down. "And also you," she said, puling off a disgusted face. 
I just sighed and picked up the bag that was on the floor. The first time ever, somebody mentioned "chicken" and Onew didn't seem happy or did his eyes twinkle, he just looked sour. "Here, I'll help you with this," Onew said while helping me carry up some.  I carried them to the chicken, laid them all out and called them all to eat. "Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Jae In, Key, Krystal, come and eat," I shouted from the chicken, preparing the table.
I was reluctant to say Krystal's name but I realized that I wasn't as mean as her and maybe that's the way she is. Soon, everybody came crowding in the kitchen. I was about to take my place, sitting beside Key when Krystal beat me to it. She quickly sat down beside Key, pushing me out of her way. I looked at the crowded table, all 7 seats were filled up, there was no space for me.

Onew looked at me, feeling sorry. I cleared my throat. "Erm, I'll just eat at the living room," I voiced out, walking towards the living room and seating on the couch, feeling miserable.

Key's POV.

I felt somebody holding my arm, I looked and it was Krystal. What was she doing at Hyun Mi's seat, I was about to ask her to scoot off when Hyun Mi said this, "Erm, I'll just eat at the living room," while walking off. I looked at the dining table, it was crowded, no place for her to seat.

"Erm, I'll go with her," Onew said while walking off to the living room.

"Me too! Wait up hyung," Taemin voiced out cheerfully while following Onew's lead, dragging Jae In with him.

"I guess me too, nobody likes to eat alone and besides I want to watch TV," Minho said while walking off.

I looked at Jonghyun.

"Well, me too!" Jonghyun said and getting up from his chair.

"Well, I guess I'll go to-" I said but was cut off because Krystal yanked my arm down, not letting me go anywhere. "Oppa, do you know that this is quality time? We have to treasure it," she said while playing with my hair, twirling it and let go before my chest.

I let out a weird chuckle and laugh and ate awkwardly, with Krystal looking at me half of the time. "Oppa," she voiced out. I looked at her direction, "Yeah?". "Let's order Chinese food," Krystal said with a twinkle in her eye. "No actually I'm kind of full an-" I tried to say but was cut off again. Krystal put her finger on my lips, hushing me off and her face inches from mine. 

She walked to the living room then. I heaved out a big sigh and continued eating alone.

Hyun Mi's POV.

I was watching TV peacefully when suddenly Onew, Taemin, Jae In, Minho and Jonghyun came along sitting beside me. I looked at them with a confused expression. 

"Hey, we don't want you to be alone, what's friends for anyway?" Onew said while ruffling my hair, messing it up. "Yah!" I said while playfully beating his arm.

"Where's Key and Krystal?" I asked, looking around.

"Oh, them, at the kitchen eating," Jonghyun replied, like nothing happened.

"Oh," I just let out, continuing to eat, unhappy that my boyfriend is alone with Krystal. Suddenly, I felt somebody faintly squeezing my arm, I looked at the person. "It's okay, I hate her too," Onew whispered in my ear, tickling my ears. I just playfully pushed him away and a big smile crept on my face. I continued eating while watching the television.

"Hyun Mi, order Chinese Food," Krystal said, suddenly strutting towards us with her heels going "klick klack," everytime. 

"But why? We have food, and you order," I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Firstly, because me and Key oppa wants to eat and I don't know your address, how would I say it to the worker on the other line?" Krystal replied smartly, smirking at me. 

I thought, that was quite true. I reached out for my pocket, but my handphone was not there. "Oh, my handphone is not here," I said while trying to get out my of from the sofa and heading to my room when Krystal said, "Here, use mine." while handing hers to mine. I was thinking on why she was being so nice, handing me her phone, her "baby", well she calls her phone her baby since those baby cost a bomb. 

"Well, faster," she said while tapping her feet impatiently and furiously on the ground. "Oh," I said while taking her handphone and tried to dial, but it was locked. I tried to unlock it but I don't know how.

"Tsk, seriously, I don't know why Key got together with an idiot like you," I heard Krystal hissed under her breath while unlocking it. She smirked a little before handing me her phone.

I took it back and .. 

I felt betrayed, I felt sad, I felt angry, mixed emotions was bubbling inside me, wanting to erupt, because I've had enough. I looked at her display picture. It was a picture of her and Key kissing. On the lips. All the 4 months me and Key has been together, he has never kissed me before on the lips. It was always a peck on the cheek or the forehead. I felt betrayed. 

Tears welled up inside my eyes as I continued to stare at the display picture, they looked so intimate. The tears were too much and soon hot tears were streaming down my cheeks. Krystal just looked at me and smirk.

"Hyun Mi, what's wrong?" Onew asked me after realizing that I was crying.

I handed the phone to him and he looked in disgust before handing it to the other members who were curious to know the reason why I was crying. 

"Oh, so you've seen the picture? Me and Key had a wonderful night together," Krystal voiced out, with a smile plastered on her face. I just want to wipe that stupid smile out of her face and punch the out of her. 

"I've had ENOUGH!" I screamed in her face pointing my finger at her. "You want him so much? Take him. I don't care," I said furiously, trying to be as calm as possible. Krystal looked shock but tried to keep her calm.

I stormed off to the door and bumped into someone. I looked up, it was Key. He noticed the tears, "Baby, what's wrong?" he said, looking curious.

I pushed him at the chest, "Don't you baby me. I'm not your baby. You ain't no Justin Beaver or Justin Bieber either, just get out of my way jerk. BETRAYER!" I said while beating him on the chest. He looked shocked and taken aback, just glaring at me with his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Key asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"What's wrong with me? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I said, pointing my finger on his chest.

"You're crazy," he said, shaking his head and looking at me.

"Don't you're crazy me, at least I'm not a jerk that cheats on his girlfriend while on a tour," I said as a matter of factly just in time when the SHINee members came to witness it, followed with Jae In and Krystal. Krystal smiled as it was all going like how she imagined it.

I glanced at the SHINee members and Jae In and forced a smile before putting on my shoes and running away. Running away to my secret place. Where only one person knows.


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Purplelovve #1
Amazing story
connieehyunmi #2
HAAI ^.^ nega park hyunmi imnida <3 ahahaha, i'm in your story.
this should be pretty interesting......o.O"
update soon, please! kamsamida <3
saranghaedongho #3
Update Update Update !
this story is great!
pororo_girl #4
new reader update please:)<br />
i hate krystal only in this story :O
electricz #5
@ohmysweetheart, <br />
<br />
updated ;D
ohmysweetheart #6
update pleaaseee~
electricz #7
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
thanks dear.
love it.<br />
please update soon:)
update soon :D
electricz #10
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
HA, thanks new reader, will work on chapter 4 now :D.<br />
*inserts flying million hearts*