
Your true heart,

Key's POV.

I was shocked when she had tears streaming down her face, and I asked her nicely and curiously about it only to be replied by a harsh and rude reply. I walked as she put on her shoes messily and hastily, looked at the others behind me and gave a unsincere and half-hearted smile before running away.

I was paralysed with shocked, why would she do like a thing? After seeing her run away, the image of what happened just now began to replay in my mind like a broken tape that goes on and on and on again. I stood rooted to the ground, thinking that I may have been to harsh to her, after all, a girl crying is like a sleeping lion sometimes, and it's best to leave sleeping lion alone before they eat your head up. That's how I felt right now, my head being eaten up. I was confused, sad, angry. These emotions kept bubbling inside me and I thought about what happened just now.


She pushed me at the chest, "Don't you baby me. I'm not your baby. You ain't no Justin Beaver or Justin Bieber either, just get out of my way jerk. BETRAYER!" she yelled at me, screaming her head off at me, tears streaming unstoppable from her eyes.

"Don't you're crazy me, at least I'm not a jerk that cheats on his girlfriend while on a tour," shesaid as a matter of factly just in time when the SHINee members came to witness it, followed with Jae In and Krystal. 


Those two sentences that she yelled at me kept ringing in my mind. 

"What did she meant by "BETRAYER" and "a jerk who cheats on his girlfriend while on a tour?" I asked to myself, feeling rather confused.

Suddenly, a name popped up in my mind, followed with the message I got, "Krystal,"

I was deep in though thinking about that message, a few words came to my mind, "kiss," "favourite oppa". What brought me back to reality was Onew suddenly falling down head down while attempting to run to the door. I looked at him and gave him an icy glare, he looked at me innocently and just shrugged his shoulders, picked himself up and wear his shoes, while shouting, "I'll be looking over Hyun Mi, don't worry, be happy," he said while running off, eventually out of side.

"Don't worry be happy? Tch, does this hyung have a screw loose?" I mumbled to myself angrily under my breath. It's not fair how Onew hyung gets to find Hyun Mi. Yeah yeah, they're close, so what, I'm also close to her. I suddenly thought about the other SHINee members, Jae In and Krystal. I spun back and saw them looking at me while, ice cold glares that could kill me. If looks could kill, I could probably be dead right now.

If looks could kill, Minho's flaming stare would send me burning, Taemin's icy cold stare would send me terrified, Jonghyun's stoned face with evil eyes could sent me begging for mercy and Jae In's piercing stare could cut me into half and Krystal's stare ..

Wait, Krystal didn't stare, instead a smirk was plastered on her face, she was grinning ear to ear. "Krystal," I mumbled under my breath while walking towards her, wanting to lay everything on the table for once and for all.

Krystal was with SHINee and apparently when I was walking to Krystal, the others thought I was walking to them, so Minho walked past me and managed to tell me, "I didn't know you were like this," while walking away.

"Hyung, you've really disappointed me," Taemin said with an angry voice while going into the room he shares with Minho, slamming the door shut after that, showing off his anger built up in him. It's the first time I've seen him this fuming mad. What have I done?

"Hyung, you've beat it. Get yourself out of the crap," Jonghyun said while going inside Onew's room. I shared a room with him and he probably didn't want to see me right now, and he seemed mad, or else he would call me "Yeobo,".

Jae In just looked past me and shook her head disappointedly while walking out of the dorm, head hung low. I looked at their responses and I was screaming in my head, "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG?!" when I realised that Krystal was still infront of me.

"Krystal, answer me truthfully," I said to her while giving her my meanest stare and coldest voice, as I should have thought that she did all of this, since everything seems to fall into place when I suspected her.

"I love you," she just said calmly, taking everything with a pinch of salt, while brushing her lips upon my cheek, and walking away.

"YAH, KRYSTAL JUNG, STAY WHERE YOU ARE, WE HAVE TO SETTLE THINGS OUT YOU ... YOU .. YOU KRYSTAL!" I said, trying as hard as not to speak vulgarities.

She just looked back at me and smiled, "I have schedule oppa, next time," she said while walking out of the dorm, strutting away with her 5 inch high heels, that goes "klick-klack," everytime she walks.

I walked back to the sofa and I noticed something, I picked it up and noticed that it was Krystal's handphone since it was bedazzled with gems that spelled "Krystal,". I picked it up, pressing random buttons to release my anger and stress when suddenly the phone got unlocked.

I got paralyzed when I look at what her display picture was. My mouth stood open, jaw dropping to the ground, eyes open wide, looking at the photo that me and Krystal was kissing. "When was it? I don't remember it, I swear I do-. Wait, I was drunk. This was at the hotel, KRYSTAL!" I thought in my head, screaming my head off.

I threw her handphone to the ground and went inside my room, laying down on the bed. "How should I make it up? I swear I didn't even knew, and I called her crazy. What's wrong with you Kim Ki Bum?" I asked myself, looking infront of the mirror, scolding myself but later found myself admiring at my remarkable features and outstanding jawline with high cheekbones that have a say in my face and those lusc- Wait wait wait, what am I doing? 

I sighed and walked back to the bed, looking at the photoframe before laying down in bed, closing my eyes.

Park Hyun Mi's POV.

I ran out of the dorm, I ran to my secret place, at least thats what I called it. Only a person knows about it. It's that secretive. My parents brought me here the hour before they were involved in a murder scene, which they were the victims. The scene could be played vividly in my mind, eventhough I was just a 7 year old when that happens, I could remember detail after detail. The words exchanged from them to and from to my parents, the stabbing, the killing, the blood shed, the tears shed, the agony, the pain I had to go through without anyone. After much running, my heels felt like burning, my soles were burning, I was burning. Burning with anger.

I sat at the bench along the lake, under an oak tree that shades me through the sunlight and I tried to put my head in rest while trying to skip rocks. He had taught me before, how to skip rocks.

He was the one that comforted me after my parents died, his parents were the one that took me in when nobody wanted to, he was the one that stayed by my side everyday to ensure I was okay and to be with me, he was the one that took great care of me, and sometimes he stands right infront of my eyes but I don't realize it. 

I really wanted him to be here, I wanted him to find me, I wanted him to comfort me and say those cliche words to calm me down, I wanted him to be here for me. I'm a selfish person. 

I found it funny when you overlook the person when the person had always been infront of you, and you only need that person in times of crisis. It's funny when you -

"Hyun Mi," a voice said sounding soothing, melodious and calm.

Was it him? Was that his voice? Did he come to find me? Was he here? God, I was waiting forever.

I spun behind and ...


Its not really a cliff hanger, but oh well :P.

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PS: in case you dont know, this story is a sad one.

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Purplelovve #1
Amazing story
connieehyunmi #2
HAAI ^.^ nega park hyunmi imnida <3 ahahaha, i'm in your story.
this should be pretty interesting......o.O"
update soon, please! kamsamida <3
saranghaedongho #3
Update Update Update !
this story is great!
pororo_girl #4
new reader update please:)<br />
i hate krystal only in this story :O
electricz #5
@ohmysweetheart, <br />
<br />
updated ;D
ohmysweetheart #6
update pleaaseee~
electricz #7
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
thanks dear.
love it.<br />
please update soon:)
update soon :D
electricz #10
@kprincess1995<br />
<br />
HA, thanks new reader, will work on chapter 4 now :D.<br />
*inserts flying million hearts*