Teammates!... Or Not.

It's Not Always that Easy [DISCONTINUED]

"You wanna join our group?" CL asked, carefully looking at you up and down.

"Excuse me?" You replied, as if you heard wrong.  "Me? The 'lonely, pathetic girl'?" You used air quotes on KARA's insults.  You put your hands on your hips and narrowed your eyes.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" The girl gang leader smiled.  You started to walk in circles around her, kinda suspicious of her invitation.  You knew that she didn't mean any harm, unlike somebody... *cough* KARA *cough*, but you still didn't want to do anything with the event.

"Pass." You put your hands in your pockets and started to walk home.  CL pouted.  It wasn't long before Big Bang spotted you and blocked your path.

Before that...

As you were walking, your head was nodding to the rhythm of the music that was blasting through your sky blue-colored earphones.

"I don't want you to say a single word

Hush hush hush hush

I've already spoken, our love is broken

Baby hush hush


I never needed your corrections

On everything from how I act to what I say

I never needed words

I never needed hurts

I never needed you to be there everyday"

You sang the lyrics softly out loud.  It was your favorite song, after all.  This song was always special to you because it was your oppa's favorite song too.  You kept on walking until you bumped into something hard but warm.  You looked up.

It was GD.  He smirked.

You rolled your eyes for the billionth time today. Gosh.  No wonder why he's titled as the one that messes around a lot.  Because he's messing with the wrong person right now.

You tried to brush past him to go into your apartment.  Apparently, he didn't budge.  The rest of the Big Bang members cracked up.

"Move it, dammit." You gritted your teeth.  If he didn't leave, then a certain SOMEONE won't be able to have babies in the future.

"And what if I don't?" He teased.  He's probably one of those idiots that underestimate my strength.

You moved to the right side of him, but he still blocked your path.


You glared at him.  "What do you want?" You asked coldly.  There was no humor in your voice.

"For you to join our team," He winked.  "C'monnn girl! You know you want to~"

"No." You pushed him aside with your amazing strength and walked on, leaving him dumbfounded.  Most girls he knew were practically strengthless.  And to top it off, his request was rejected.  It's not an everyday thing where a girl rejects an absolutely hot guy like HIM.

Daesung laughed.  "Bro, you just got owned by a GIRL."

"Shut up." The leader muttered and glared at Daesung.

Before you could make one step into your apartment, which wasn't far from where GD had tried to block you, Seungri shouted, "YAH."

Everyone stared at the maknae, including you.

"The hell do you want now?" You shot daggers at him.

If looks could kill, he'd probably be dead by now.

HE smirked and asked, "Why don't you want to join our group? Everyone would be dying to be in your place right now."

"That's because they're idiots just like you guys.  Why don't the five of you find something better to do than try to recruit ME? I'm no one special." You scoffed.  What you asked was a rhetorical question.

Not expecting an answer, you twisted the knob to your apartment door, walked in, and was about to close the door when someone said, "Well first, you're the only girl in the whole school who's knees don't go weak just by the sight of us.  You don't really care about how others look at you.  Aaaandddd you're cold towards everyone.  Do you not call a person like that special?"

You were about to reply when Daesung added, "Oh yeah.  You can sure own a when you want to, although you seem a bit shy most of the time." Damn his accurate observations.

"Gee, thanks.  That SURE did make me feel a hell lot better." You replied sarcastically.  "Like I've NEVER heard that before."  You've actually never heard someone say that to you, but you didn't want to show that.  Especially not to Big Bang.  You didn't want to make them feel even more SPECIAL than they did already.  You slammed the door and leaned against it.

You walked to your bed and flopped on top of it.  You looked at the picture of your oppa, who was smiling happily and hugging you, and a tear escaped one of your eyes.

You missed him so much.

Just then, someone threw rock against the window and you instantly shot up.

"I swear, if it's some drunkard, I will make sure he can never throw a damn rock again." You muttered darlky and opened the curtains.  "THE DO YOU WANT?"

"For you to join our team." Seungri smirked again.

You mentally facepalmed yourself.  When will these guys stop? "NO." You shouted and roughly shut the curtains.

Damn them.


This chappie prolly , right?


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 11: Wow.... She sure is a tough cookie aint, she ~~ and also in chapter 10 when i first reading it at the first paragraph i was like 'WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS ?!?' and then 'WHAT THE SEUNGRI WITH ABUSING AND ING HER BESTIE BEHIND HER' ... Well i was literally bersecking at the in restaurant i was in... And my lil brother was like 'What-the-hell-big-sis?!?' look at me.. And i got grumpy for a few minutes till i continued it again... It was really worth it though.. Haha.. Updates more pleasee ~ i wanna know the past and the future though
Kiwiann #2
In chapter 10 I was like oh my gosh what happened it is six years later and abusive with everything piled on I was freaking out and then I kept reading and figured out it was a play and I was like oh.:)
oh god it was shocking i think it was truth
o.o wahh...the act...was shocking....
Update soon you awesome writer you <3
Welcome to the team indeed.
TROLOLOL. Finally updating? >:)
You have one more story ~ xD
And didnt you get the new poster? :0
Catalina390 #8
huhuhu sad~ why Kara being bad girl here?? sobs sobs~ sad again~
seungri....omg lol
lol the duo is pretty funny!
update soon