Chapter nine; Annoying Brat + Mrs. Rolling Eyes = ?

Falling For You

You and L.Joe walked side by side awkwardly. "Ahem.." L.Joe pretended clearing his throat. "I'll guess I'll get going, Annyeong." You waved as you left the opposite direction. L.Joe stood there scratching his head. He had nothing to do even if he went home. Only Ricky and Niel would be at home right now. Niel would be sitting in a spot in front of the tv playing video games and Ricky would be sleeping or would be taking selcas. L.Joe had nothing to do on a Saturday but to complete his dare. As soon as he turned back around to take a glance at you, you were already gone heading towards your house.

L.Joe walked down the streets wondering around figuring how to make you his girlfriend. He came across a small gift shop 'Morning Glory'. L.Joe did a double take and walked in the small shop. The little shop was filled with cute stationary, assecories, plushies ranged from all sizes, etc.

"Hello dear, are you looking for something? Maybe something for you girlfriend perhaps?" An ahjumma who is the owner of the shop nicely asked. L.Joe thought for a while and finally replied "Ah... ye." The ahjumma smiled and pointed to a large shelf with large and medium sized stuffed plushies. "I hope those plushies over there would capture the heart of your girlfriend." The ahjumma said smiling. L.Joe walked over to the plushies and had noticed a large panda. "This one." L.Joe pointed at the panda.

"Eunni! I'm home!" You knocked on the door while taking off your boots. "Oh Jihye, your home." Suzy opened the door. "Hi eunni." You greeted her smiling. "Hi C.A.P, Sunggyu and Dongwoo sshi." You waved at them as you walked pass the living room. "It's oppa Jihye, Oppa." Sunggyu said. "Arasso, Sunggyu Oppa, Dongwoo Oppa and C.A.P oppa." You said brightly waving again. Walking back to you bedroom, you took off your bag and threw it on the mattress.

You were just about to go to the bathroom when you heard the door bell ring and Suzy yelling "Jihyeeee~, We have something waiting for you at the door!" C.A.P, Sunggyu and Dongwoo took a glance at the door. You walked pass the living room and towards the door where Suzy was still standing.

You looked up to see L.Joe holding a super large stuffed panda with a pretty purple card stuck to it. "Is this for me..?" You looked at the panda smiling. "Who else would it be fore? Pabu." Suzy smiled and left you and L.Joe at the door. L.Joe just plainly gave you the panda and entered the small house.

You closed the door. C.A.P slightly widened his eyes at the sight and looked at L.Joe weirdly then smirked at the thought of the dare. You brought the panda with you into your bedroom and sat down on the mattress reading the beautiful card.

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

It was the same question that L.Joe had asked for the third time now. You looked at the panda and took your phone out to text L.Joe the answer.

You; -
Aniyo, mianhe Byunghun. I told you before.-

L.Joe didn't reply.

*How can she not accept being my girlfriend. Every girl in school would love to be my girlfriend. Why not her. Aish, so bothersome. She's so different to other girls. Is it because I'm short. Wait no, she's also short. What's the point. Aish. What the hell am I thinking?!* L.Joe thought and sat down next to C.A.P. "Having fun?"  He  asked. "
No..." L.Joe said.

Chunji pulled out a polaroid snap. He looked at the old photo and softened. The picture was him and Heejin cutely posing together. He smiled half smirking like an idiot and walked over to Heejin. "You left me without saying a word..." He sadly said while placing the polaroid picture in front of Heejin on the table and walked out the shop. Heejin looked at it as she remember when they both took the snap together. She softened at the picture as tears began to run down her angelic face on her cheeks as she remembers everything back when they were young.

She remembers when they had mini water fights at the small park they used to meet up at. She remembers when he bought her ice-cream every single time they met. She remembers when he used to cause she was so small and such a cry baby back then. She remembers the second last time they met, she told him that she will be going to America to live for a while. She remembers herself crying on the plane when she left Korea for America, regretting not to tell him she left that day.
She remembered everything that happened.

Silence was filled up as Nana put a hand on Heejin's shoulder. "I think I should tell you this.. The first time you met was at an ice-cream shop. And that ice-cream shop was this shop. Nana's ice-cream shop. Also the first time you met there was a little boy there too. It was L.Joe. He changed alot. Even though I know your sad I think you should make it up to him. You don't know hurt he is now and back then we you left him. He really missed you Noona." Changjo kindly said. Heejin looked up, wiping her tears away as she slightly nodded.

"Why are you calling her noona? We are older then you too, you know. And how'd you know-" Minah stupidly said as she got cut off by Minhyo covering . "Yah, it's a sad moment and you stupidly wrecked it!!" Minhyo whispered as she told Minah to shush.

It was now just around 6 in the afternoon. C.A.P, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, IU, Suzy and L.Joe were still at your house hanging around. You were in your bedroom texting your friends.

You; -
Can we go again tommorow? Meet at the mall this time.-

Minah; -
Arasso, but can the boys come? It's so much fun with them.-

You; -
Fine. Cause I'm nice. :)-

Minah; -
Alrights, meet ya tommorow at the mall, at 10;30.-

You; -

Minah; -
Bye shortie. :)-

You; -
Bye :)-

You sat there lying on your mattress staring at the ceiling boredly. You stared at the panda and smiled."Yah, we're hungry, make us something to eat, would ya?" C.A.P hungrily asked. "Yah, go buy food, I ain't buying or making you any!" Jieun argued back. "Well too bad, go make me food. I'm your guest here." C.A.P playfully said. "
Aish, here!" Jieun chucked a packet of chips towards C.A.P. "That's it? That's what your giving me to eat?" C.A.P looked at Jieun. "So, got a problem?" Jieun said smiling. "YAH, cut it out you two, you've been argueing ever since the two of you met. Now Shut Up, I'm watching Running Man." Suzy whacked both C.A.P and Jieun.


Opening one eye after another, you compeltely forgot about your plans with the girls today. "AHHHHHHHHHH! I;m late!!" You screamed while finding your glasses helpelessly. You looked at the time and it was 9:45. "AHHHH, I'm so dead, Minah's gonna kill me!" You screamed again. You found your glasses and popped them on. You brushed your ahir and teeth and went to change. You change in some nice comfortable clothes and headed your way towards the front door.You ran back to your bedroom and grabbed your bag and phone with some money your sister left you (Jieun went to work again LOL.)

You locked the door and made your way to the bus stop. You checked the time and it was already 10blank.gif0. You stood at the bus stop unpatiently while listening to your ipod. The bus came you hurriedly went on the bus.


"Yah, why are you so late lady?!" Minah asked while crossing her arms. "It's obvious that she slept in and forgot about it just like Jihyunnniee here." Nana said sarcasticly. "Where's the boys?"You asked. "Over there." Minhyo pointed at the entrance. "Ricky's here?" You raised a brow. "Yeah. He found out that we had plans and begged to go." Minhyo said. "And Jihyun just told him off a couple of minutes ago. AHAHAHAHA." Minah laughed.

You shrugged as you and the girls started to walk over to the boys. "Annyeong oppas!" You waved continiously while smiling. "Annyeong Jihye!" Chunji slightly crouched down to your height and waved continuosly waved imtitating you. The girls giggled. "Annyeong dongsaeng!" Ricky and Changjo greeted you. "Aish, let's go inside already, stop the waving and the 'annyeongs'." Minah said as she pulled you and Jihyun inside. "Kaja then!" Nana pulled Minhyo and Heejin. The boys shook there heads as they smiled and started to follow you and the girls.

"Yah, Chunji, since your dad owns this place, does it mean we can get free stuff?" Minah asked while staring at the shops. "Duh." Chunji smiled. He looked at Heejin who was being dragged by Nana and softened. "Oh My God, we totally have to fill our hands with bags today." Minah said while jumping up and down like a little kid.

You came by a princess's dress up shop and pointed at it while asking "Can we all be princesses instead for dress up day?"
YES, OH MY GOD, I love princesses!" Heejin squeaked as you and Heejin ran to the shop.

You and the girls were soon in the shop browsing through the princessy clothing and assesories while the boys waited on the seats in the shop. You and the girls took the different unique princess dresses you all selected and went to the change rooms. The lady who was at the cahsier came over to help you close the doors and curtains. You all came out looking all pretty and cute wearing cute little ballerina dresses and skirts. You, Jihyun and Heejin stood in front of the mirror looking at yoursleves happily. "You girls look so adorable." The lady complemented.

Chunji stared at Heejin as he remembered the first time he met her, Heejin wore a pretty white dress, just like now. "She's still so pretty, just like the first time we met..* Chunji thought. "
YEPPEEOO! JIHYUUUNNNNIEE YOUR SOO PRETTY AND CUTEE! AEYGOO~!!" Ricky embarrasingly yelled across the shop. 'I-Will-Kill You.' Jihyun mouthed. "Can you like not Ricky!" Minah shouted.

"You're beautiful." Changjo said smiling at Nana who blushed. "Thankyou~" Nana pecked Chanjo's cheek. "Yah Maknae! Why do you get a kiss but not me!" Ricky pouted. "Well,
umm... I GUESS THAT'S BECAUSE YOUR SO ANNOYING!" Minah yelled. Ricky stood there in silence until "Yah Jihyunnieee~ I want a kissssyy wissssy too!" He whined. " Please." Jihyun rolled her eyes. "AHAHAHAHAHA." The shop was filled with laughter.

Minhyo stood at the mirror hopelessly wishing Woohyun would be here."
Awww, don't worry Minhyo, Woohyun will see you in this pretty dress tommorow!" You winked at her who brightened up.

"Yah, hyung aren't you gonna say something to Jihye?" Ricky whispered while elbowing L.Joe. L.Joe elbowed the younger one back and said "You look pretty." You blushed. "
Ooooooooooooooh, I see the midget's love !" Minah said jokingly as the others oohed.You blushed.

You and the girls returned to the change rooms to get changed and came back out. Chunji gave the lady his 'Mall Pass'
[I seriously dunno, let's just say its card that Chunji got form his dad to get free stuff from the mall. All the other Teen Top members have one too.]. The lady scanned his card and gave him back it with a reciept. The dresses were all packed in the bags. You grabbed the bags and gave them to your friends as your held yours. Changjo being the gentlemen held Nana's bag for her. Ricky snatched Jihyun's bag from her hands and linked arms with her. L.Joe did the same to your bag. "Do you need help?" Chunji asked Heejin. Heejin stared at him. He didn't get a reply so just took the bag.


[A couple of minutes later, walking throught mall pass the food court.]
"You know I still havn't had breakfast." You said pouting. "Me too." Jihyun joined in pouting. "Arasso, arasso, I'll get you guys food." Chunji said shaking his head. "Yay!" Minah and Nana did a little dance. "I'm hunrgy too hyung." Ricky aeygooed and also pouted but tend to fail. "Psh, go away Ricky." Chunji jokingly said as he pushed Ricky away. "Hyung! Chunji hyung pushed me!" Ricky pouted. "Do I look like I care?" L.Joe rolled his eyes as the others just laughed.

"Okay, what do you ladies want for breakfast?" Chunji asked. "
PANCAKES!" Minah and Nana shouted. "But we want dubbokki!" You and Jihyun yelled. "And we want an english breakfast!" Minhyo and Heejin pouted.

"Okay okay, you all gonna mke me deaf! Let's just go seperate ways to eat then. Heejin and Minhyo come with me, Jihye and Jihyun go with Ricky and L.Joe, Minah adn Nana can go with Changjo, there done." Chunji said. "Actually I want an english breakfast now." Minah said while smiling a suspicious smle that everyone knew what she was planning. "
MINAH!" Nana whined. "Mianhe!" Minah said with a happily apoligizing look.

"Wait, you guys brought your passes right?" Chunji asked the boys. "I did." Changjo took his card out. "I did too!" Ricky looked inside his wallet. "I didn't." L.Joe said. "Blehh, Ricky has his card so whatever." Chunji said. "Okays see you guys later." You waved as you seperated ways with your friends following Ricky and L.Joe as Jihyun followed behind.

"I'm so full, I'm think I'm gonna die." You sat there lazily holding onto your belly. "Me too." Jihyun shot Ricky a glare. "What?" Ricky asked innocently.
"WHAT? WHAT? WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S WHAT? YOU FED ME, THAT'S A BIG WHAT! WHO ASKED YOU TO FEED ME ANYWAYS?!!?!" Jihyun angrily said as she was embarassed from Ricky feeding her in the restaurant before. "It's fun feeding you, you look cute eating." Ricky sheepishly smiled. "Aish, lets just go find the others now." Jihyun said changing the subject. "Let me text Minah." You said taking your phone out and beginniing to text.

You; -
Where are you Loudmouth? (: -

Minah; -
Rainbow Swirls, come join us shortie. blank.gif-

[I made Rainbow Swirls up obviously LOLOL.It's a candy store btw. :)]

You; -Alrights Loudmouth ! blank.gif-

"Their at Rainbow Swirls." You said. "I'm to lazy to walk there, so far away." Jihyun moaned. "Want me to carry you Jihyunnniee?" Ricky asked eagerly nodded. "Umm, how bout no." Jihyun smiled as she walked out the restaurant.

{I feel so}
"Yeonhsaeyo... Oh... Nana... Oh, we are heading towards Rainbow Swirls where the others are at.. ye.. okays see ya later!" You finsihed talking to Nana on the phone.

"Boooo!" Nana tried scaring Minah. "Wow, I'm so scared Nana, So scared. I'm gonna pee in pants wow." Minah pretended to be scared as she made a face. "Not funny!" Nana pouted. "Where's the L.Joe hyung and the others?" Changjo asked. "Still walking, there like on the other side of the mall." Minhyo said as she joined in. "Thank god your here maknae, my god, Minah and Minhyo kept making me go in the Hello Kitty store. Like Oh My God." Chunji squealed. "
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. What?! You do like Hello Kitty don't you? AHAHAHAHHA." Minah laughed.

Minhyo, Nana and Changjo also joined in laughing. Heejin giggled. Chunji shot them all glares.

"Why are you guys laughing so much?" You asked the 'chickens' laughing. "Ah, nothing, it's just we forced him to go to the Hello Kitty store,
AHAHAHAH." Minah wiped a tear at the corner of her eye. "Cincha?! AHAHAHA." Jihyun started laughing.

"I swear, I am bored." Jihyun whined. "Let's go watch a movie!" Minhyo suggested. "You guys wanna watch a movie then?" Chunji asked the others. They all nodded. "Alrights, let's go." Chunji smiled. "
Yay!" Nana yayed.

Which movie should we watch?" Chunji asked. "I want to watch a scary movie!" Suggested Minah, the brave one. "Okay, Scissors, Paper, Rock. If I win we watch a romantic movie." Said Heejin smiling.

"Kai, Bai, Bo!" Minah and Heejin shouted. "
YAY, I WIN!" Minah did a little dorky celebration dance. "Do we have to watch a scary movie?" Whined Ricky. "Yes, because rock beats scissors." Minah smiled evilly.


[In the Cinema Place, LOL.]

{The seating was like this;}
Ricky l Jihyun l Jihye l L.Joe
Nana l Changjo l Chunji l Heejin
Minhyo l Minah

Chunji only bought 5 buckets of popcorn, which meant you and your friends had to share. You ended up sharing with L.Joe. *Sighs* *Why does everything I do or with is involved
L.Joe?Is Teen Top and the girls planning rhis? Can't be.. That would be just mean.* You thought innocently. [They are actually planning it AHAHAHHAHA]

The movie was a quarter way through and then 'BAM!' "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" You, Heejin and Minhyo screamed. Minhyo clung her arm on Minah which mad her annoyed "Yah, It's just a loud noise, calm down!"

You clutched on the popcorn bucket tightly as you closed your eyes. L.Joe looked at you cyriously and smirked L.Joe moved in closer and layed your head onto his shoulder to lean on. *Aish, What am I doing? Aish I think the dare has influenced me into doing so many strange and weird lovey dovey things. So bothersome.* He thought. "Byunghun.." You stared up at him. "Ssh." L.Joe shushed you as he smirked again.

'DUN DUN DUN BAMM!' The movie had a louder bang. "Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Oppaaaa!" Heejin screamed while hugging on Chunji's right arm. *Still the scared baby Heejin I know.* Chunji thought and smiled. You gripped on L.Joe's arm as tou didn't care anymore cause the movie is getting scarrierand scarier. L.Joe smiled You slightly flinche at the music created by the movie. You kept quiet while the others screamed. You didn't scream or squeal even though you knew tou were very frightened. "Aaaaaaaaah!" Minhyo let out a loud yell and went to sleep.

The movie was now playing normally half way through, then suddenly
"BANGGG, BAAMMM!" again it went. Nana yelled this time instead of Minhyo who fell asleep. Nana accidently held onto Changjo's hand without noticing it herself in terror. The loud noise went again. Nana face hugged onto Changjo's arm, trying distract herself from the monster in the movie. Changjo had the chance and held onto Nana's hand and led her head onto his shoulder to lean on.

Nana flinched at Changjo's movements but she liked it. Her heart started to flutter again, as butterflies filled her stomach. Changjo kissed Nana's head softly and smiled. Nana blushed and blushed. She even felt herself getting hot as her face began to heat up bright red. Lucky it was dark in the cinemas so noone can see her face. She held his hand back tightly as the scary music was getting louder as in confirmation of Changjo's movements towards her.

Jihyunnnieeee! Oh My God, the monster Ah!" Ricky screamed while covering his eyes with one hand and the other hooking arms with Jihyun. "Yah, get your hands off me NOW!" Jihyun shook his hand off. "But Jihyunnnieee!" Ricky whined as he clutched on tighter. "Your hurting me let go!" Jihyun yelled. Ricky let gi as he sat there covering his eyes. Jihyun rolled her eyes as she looked at the annoying brat.

L.Joe held your hand suddenly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked again. You stared at him. "A-Aniyo.." You whispered back at him slightly mumbling. Tou let go of his hand and took your head of his shoulder. You looked away as the movie just finished ending. L.Joe ruffled his hair angrilly as you rejected him for the 4th time.

"I needa go pee!" Nana yelped as she ran out the cinema. "Me too!" You blushed. You and Nana went to the toilets while the others waited outside.

[7 minutes later.]
"Much better." Nana came out of the toilets with you. Nana remembered what had happened in the cinema and blushed again which drew attention to the Teen Top boys who . "Yah, Did you do something to her maknae or what? It seems like Nana is really red." Chunji teased. "
Ooooooh." You and the others oohed. "Yah! Hyung!" Changjo also bluahed and made a face. Nana blushed more.

Aaah, I didn't do my homework!" You suddenly blurted out remembering you had english homework. "I didn't either." Minhyo sai while yawning. "We are gonna get skinned alive by Mr.Park!" You shrieked. "Blehh, you guys can copy me, Oppa helped me." Minah smiled. "Thankyou~" You hugged Minah. "Yah, get off me, are you tryna suffocate me or something?" Minah yelled. "Sorry." You apologized.

"Well, see you girls at school tommorow, it's already 7:00pm and we are gonna get skinned by C.A.P hyung I we don't get home." Chunji said. "Why?" You curiously asked. "Because C.A.P hyung and Ricky makes dinner.
AHAHA." Changjo laughed. "They really are the girly ones ! AHAHAHA." You eventually found yourself laughing too. "OMG, the Hello Kitty makes it worst. BWAHAHAHA." Minah retartedly laughed. Heejin slightly giggled. "Okays we should go now, bye oppas!" You waved. "Bye maknae Jihye!" Chunji waved back.

"Bye Jihyunnnieee, bye everyone." Ricky cutely yelled. "
That's it, You-Are-Dead." Jihyun went to chase Ricky. "Oh , runn~" Ricky ran. "Funniest couple I've ever seen !" Minah laughed.

Haaai guise~
Jihye here,
how'd you think of my update?
Sorry, It took long. Also sorry for the mistakes.
I couldn't be bothered editing, hehe. ^^
Please comment more often pleasee. :3
I'm sorry if my fic is getting boring
or a little too chessy.
I gotta go byeeeee. /waves.

Here's the cute adorable aeygo prince ! aka. Jihyun's annoying brat. ;)

Here's cutie pie L.Joe. hehehe.~ ^^



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☆Falling For You; It'll take longer to rewrite it. orz. ;A; I'm currently more focused on my other fic.


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Goldie #1
Chapter 10: Please update soon honey...
jeanie update plz ;-; changjo bby
ya take 5eba to update y'll
KPOP_survivor #5
haha KYEOPTA and so sweet love this fic hehe=^^= one of my favs daebak
Awwww, this story is so cute x) and the way you described Heejin was cute too <3
I love this! It gets better and better with every update. Keep up the good work!
They met eachother when they were young? :O
Beautiful~ update soon chubby. Thanks to me you won't be able to finish writing ze chaptah~
Update soon chubbasaur~
Update soon^^