Chapter one; Moving into your new apartment.

Falling For You


Gee is in this chappiee !
Gee - Girls' Generation.

Your alarm went on a lovely Sunday morning. You like it when you hear little cute birds chirping in the morning. So you decided to hear them greet you every morning. You slightly got up and found a pink sticky note stuck on your forehead. You took  it off your forehead and read it.
Good morning Jihye!
I found a place where we can live,
hurry and pack up your stuff. I’ll be back
later. I need to talk to the new apartment’s
 owner that’s all.
Jieun Eunni. xxx

After finish reading you got off your bed slipped on your panda slippers and went to the bathroom.
{your panda slippers look like this;}

You brushed your teeth and combed your hair into place. You grabbed a pair of jeans a singlet, a knitted jumper and your beanie your mum gave you when it was your 15th birthday. You put them on and started gathering your belongings and put them into bags.

Your sister came home. “Jihye-ah we are going to move into an apartment near Woolim High School.” Jieun said. “Does that mean I have to move schools?” You asked your sister softly feeling a bit sad. ‘”Ahh. Yeah. Mianhe.” She apologized. “It’s alright. As long as we are together Eunni, I’m fine with anything.” You smiled brightly.

Jieun got down to her knees and started helping you to pack yours and her belongings up. While you went to find your black petite glasses. You found them and popped them on. You then also knelt down and started helping your sister. In no time the two of you  walked out  the small apartment carrying bags of you and  Jieun’s belongings. You went to the old apartment’s owner and handed him back the keys for his apartment.

You and Jieun Eunni went off to your new apartment. You and Jieun eunni firstly went to the new apartment’s owner [Mr. Yong] and your sister asked him for the keys to go inside and asked for the address & number of your new home. Mr. Yong handed the keys,  told us the address & number and  walked upstairs guiding us where the little house is located. You and your sister followed him upstairs. On the way going up, Jieun told you that she needs to apply for Woolim High school as well you do too. You arrived at the little house  and Mr. Yong left, leaving the two of you standing in front of a door leading to your new home..  As your sister was opening the door to go in. 

A lovely pretty girl went up to say hi.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Minah imnida I will be your neighbour while your living here. “ She said as she smiled brightly. “Oh, annyeonghaseyo Jihye imnida and this is my older sister Jieun.” You said as you pointed to Jieun Eunni. Minah waved and went back inside her house.  “Oh, excuse me .” You said suddenly as Minah was about to go into her apartment next door. “Do you go to Woolim High School?” You asked Minah. “Yes I do, I’m a junior. Your going to apply right?” She replied. “Umm.. yeah, I’m applying to go today.”You answered her question. “Oh, do you want me to come with you?” Minah said. “Oh yes please, gamsamnida!” You thanked her with a brighter smile  than before. “When do you want to go to apply?” Minah asked again. “ Now because school is tomorrow,  because im too lazy to go in the afternoon “ you slightly giggled after the “lazy part” “I’ll bring these bags in and we can go.” You continued “ Okay , I’ll wait outside.” She said.

Your sister carried the bags inside one by one,. You carried the few last ones inside and hopped outside while your sister grabbed her purse, locked the door and went downstairs with us [Minah & Jihye]. We had to walk cause all of us were to young to drive. We got to Woolim High in like 5minutes? Lucky the school is open so we went through the gates. Jieun eunni and you just followed Minah around since we didn’t know the way. We stood in front of the office and knocked on the door. A lovely teacher asked us “What do you need girls?” “Oh, can I apply my friends to go to this school? They just moved houses.” Minah said looking at us and then smiled.  “Sure, fill these in girls and forget about the passport sized photo part.” The teacher said handing you and eunni 2 sheets of paper.  [one each.]

A Passport Sized photo;
l                                 l
l                                 l
l                                 l
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Full Name; Park Ji Hye
Preferred Name; Jihye
Date Of Birth; 17/12/1994
Place Of Birth; Seoul, South Korea
Parents/Guardian’s Name; Park Jieun [Sister/Eunni]
Address;o5 - o3/17 Seung Mi Apartments Dongshi Street, Seoul, South Korea
Parents/Guardian’s Signature                       Student’s Signature
_______________________                        _________________


You filled it in then you and Jieun eunni handed it back. Your sister bought your uniforms while you and Minah were just talking.  You said gamsamnida to the teacher and walked home with Minah and your sister . You said goodbye to Minah and went back into your apartment. Your sister started unpacking and so did you. Your sister suddenly got up and grabbed a  jumper. “Jihye-ah I’m going to get our furniture back here from the old apartment, so stay here and unpack okay? “ She asked. “Okays.” You answered your eunni.She walked out the door shutting it behind her.

You were sitting on the floor in the living room unpacking your stuff then Jieun Eunni’s belongings. You started to go explore through the small little house. It was actually alot better than your old apartment. There were one bedroom one bathroom/toilet ,a small kitchen and a living room. You walked back to the living room to finish unpacking .

Half an hour later your sister came in with a few men following her, carrying the furniture. Your sister told them where to put them while you just stood there watching her. They left and you and your sister cleaned the house. It was now super clean.  It was time[4;00pm] for your sister to go to her part time job at the supermarket as a cashier. So she said bye to you and left with  red t-shirt [uniform at the supermarket] and a pair of jeans on.

You got bored so locked the door  and went over to Minah’s apartment. You walked up to her door and knocked on it gently.  A teenage looking boy opened the door. You looked at him and blinked a few times before speaking He had no shirt on which showed his body. “Hi.. Is Minah  home?” You asked trying to be polite, inside you were full blushing. “So your looking for Minah? Minah-ah, a girl is looking for you.” He yelled loud enough so that Minah could hear. Minah came out and saw you and was embarrassed that her brother had his t-shirt off. “ Mianhe Jihye.” Minah said softly looking at you then shifted her gaze at Minho [Minah’s older brother and is not the one fom SHINee] telling him to go inside. He walked back inside into a room, probably his bedroom of course. “Is anything wrong Jihye?” Minah went back to you. “Oh, I just got a little bored so I decided to go to your apartment for some company.” You answered her. “Oooh, come in.” She pulled you inside then shut the door.

The apartment looked so plain and dull on the outside [LOL well no . Hehe~]  until Minah grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. Your eyes fluttered open at how beautiful her living room was.  Her apartment was much much bigger than yours and your sisters’. You looked around the living room and found it was beautifully decorated with decoratives [e.g. vases, flowers, pictures etc..]. 

Then she suddenly grabbed your hand again and asked “Jihye-ah you wanna see my room right?” She asked smiling brightly. She then dragged you upstairs [her apartment is in the “rich area”, and it’s a two-storey one too.]. Minah yanked on the doorknob of her room then threw it open. You blinked few times before speaking like before. You open your mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead you just had your mouth wide open in the shape of an o. Minah’s room was beautifully decorated with colourful cute plushies. She had the most colourful room you ever seen. Her bed was queen sized. You looked at it and just ran to it bouncing on the bed many times. You really missed having a bed. The last time you would sleep on a bed was about 2 years ago [which was when your parents left you to go overseas]. You turned around and a large chestnut [a type of a brown] coloured bear caught your eyes.

{This is what the bear looks like;}

It was just sitting next to Minah’s white closet. You went over and cuddled it. Minah came over and said “Do you like it? He’s name is Myungie. Say hello Myungie!” She grabbed Myungie’s arm paw and waved it at you. “Hello Myungie, my name is Jihye, nice to meet you” You said cutely. “Nice to meet you too” Minah said in a “bear voice”. The two of you ended up giggling, you an Minah ended up lying on the floor laughing like little cute idiots. Minho was in his room and heard their laughter from next door. He rolled his eyes and music to listen. He turned it to the max and started to enjoy himself. You and Minah stopped laughing then you two both heard ‘NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA , WOW FANTASTIC BABY DANCE WOOHOO...’ .

Minah stomped out of her room while you just followed her [Minah hates Fantastic Baby. She use to like it but now she’s sick of it.]. Minah went to her brother’s white bedroom door and just barged through. You stood behind her in silence. “Oppa turn your volume down I can’t even hear Jihye even though she’s right next to me!” Minah said trying to find an excuse. “Wae, you two have been laughing for about three hours now.” He said.

While the two ‘Oppa and dongsaeng’ argue you started comparing Minho’s room and Minah’s room. Minah’s room is like a princess’ while Minhos’ is like a wasteland. He’s room was filled with buckets of chicken bones. He had heaps and heaps of posters on his wall. They were all SNSD posters especially Jessica and Taeyeon.

{SNSD posters [Minho has more but I'm just showing examples];}

“Oh, we were just talking about stuff and got a bit excited.” She said. “Whatevers, I’m going to listen to my music that way, in case if you two  laugh again.” He said in a ‘duhh’ voice. “Fine , be that way.” Minah said in an evil voice. Minah and you left Minho’s room and went back to Minah’s room. You still blinked even though it was the second time entering Minah’s room like princess’s palace. She went straight to computer and sat down. She clicked on a Gee By Girls’ Generation on iTunes. She the speakers and also turned it to the max. “What are you doing?” You asked Minah innocently. “Having a K-POP war, my oppa doesn’t like SNSD and I don’t like Big Bang. Whenever we turn on music to enjoy ourselves, one of us would go to one another’s room and argue, or we just sit in our own  rooms and put on random songs to annoy each other until the other person gives up and turn their music down or off.” Minah said explaining it to you. You then got confused and asked “But I thought your brother likes ...” Before saying ‘SNSD’ you got interrupted by Minah. “He likes their faces and ‘bodies’ other than that he hates them, he hates their songs especially Gee.” “Oh.” You just said plainly. Minho finally gave up  and turned off his music, Minah also turned hers off too.

She looked at the time on Minah’s hello kitty clock and slightly squealed “Omo, it’s already 7 I think I should go now and I guess your parents will be home soon.” “Ahh, don’t worry my parents are coming home late today, their going to formal party for their business. So stay yeah? Just 1 more hour huh?” Minah begged. You nodded, and continued on your conversation, till it was about 8;30. You stood up and said “ I think i should go now.” “Stay here, I’m having dinner now.” “Alright.” You said. Minah made ddubokki and served it on three plates. She yelled at Minho to come down and eat. You , Minah and Minho sat in the dinning room eating in peace. Suddenly Minho broke the silence. “You actually look pretty cute.” You blushed. “Oppa!” Minah yelled.

You finished eating and brang it to the kitchen. You washed it up, and left in in the dishing rack. You then said “Ah, I need to go now, my sister will be home soon, chalga.”  You walked to the door, as Minah followed behind. “You slipped on your pink flats. Waved at Minah & Minho and walked towards the direction of your apartment.

You went upstairs, opened the door to your little home, and laid on the mattress [on the floor in the bedroom, remember you have no bed.] . “Wow, I already made Minah as a friend in 7hours.”

You got up and grabbed a pair of pyjamas. You suddenly remember Jihyun and Nana. You immediately threw your pyjamas on the mattress and grabbed your iPhone [If you were wondering how she got an iPhone is that her parents bought her one when she started high school]. You turned it on and went to contacts. You scrolled it down to where it says ’Nana Banana <3’ and called her. You then later added ‘Nichkhun Lover Jihyun <3’ to the call, you waited till they picked up. “Yeongsayo.” They both said. “Nana Jihyun, I have something to tell you.” “What?” Nana said curiously. “Boyfriend?” Jihyun joked. “ANI, I moved houses and I also have to move schools now. I’m going to attend Woolim High School.” You said. “W-W-WHAAAAT?” Jihyun yelled at her phone.  While Nana just asked calmly “Why?” “The owner of my old apartment kicked us out, he said that someone else is going to rent it.” “Oooh.” They both said. “I won’t be seeing you guys tomorrow how sad.” “We will” Nana said. “Huh..?” I said confused. “I’m gonna come to your new apartment. So what’s your address?” Nana asked. “Oh, o5 - o3/17 Seung Mi Apartments Dongshi Street.” “Okays, we’ll visit you tomorrow after school.” Jihyun popped out of no where. “Alrights. Anyways I’ll see youse tomorrow, I’m going now bye.” You touched the the end call button and left your phone on the mattress.

You grabbed your pyjamas once more and walked to the bathroom. You took a shower to refresh yourself.  Once you finished showering and changed into your pjs you went to your bedroom and grabbed a few exercise books of your bookshelf. You packed them in neatly along with your panda pencilcase that was filled with panda pens and pencils into your panda backpack.

{your panda pencilcase looks like this;}

{your panda pens and pencils look like this;}

{your panda backpack looks like this;}

You then went back into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Finish brushing you started combing your hair. It was 9;25 after all your cleaning and brushing up. You decided to watch TV until your sister comes back. You got sleepy and went to bed. You turned off your lights and your panda lamp. [you have a habit of sleeping with your panda lamp on]
{your panda lamp looks like this;}

You soon fell into a deep sleep. Your sister came home and opened the door [with another pair of keys she had cut earlier]. She saw you sleep so quiet and so sweet. She got changed into her night gown and went to sleep next to you.

HEYOO. This is pretty much a long chapter i guess, and it's my first chapter too !
Sorry, most of the characters haven't appeared yet, but I'll try in the next chappieee ~
Please subscribe and comment. :)

BAI BAI *waves*
Jessica says bye too.  ♥

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☆Falling For You; It'll take longer to rewrite it. orz. ;A; I'm currently more focused on my other fic.


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Goldie #1
Chapter 10: Please update soon honey...
jeanie update plz ;-; changjo bby
ya take 5eba to update y'll
KPOP_survivor #5
haha KYEOPTA and so sweet love this fic hehe=^^= one of my favs daebak
Awwww, this story is so cute x) and the way you described Heejin was cute too <3
I love this! It gets better and better with every update. Keep up the good work!
They met eachother when they were young? :O
Beautiful~ update soon chubby. Thanks to me you won't be able to finish writing ze chaptah~
Update soon chubbasaur~
Update soon^^