Chapter six; Lovin' Ice-Cream.

Falling For You


This song may sound childish at first, but it's one of my favourites!
Lovin' Ice-Cream By EZ Life & As One

“WOW!” Ricky and Changjo said while staring at Nana’s huge ice-cream shop. Changjo got back to himself. “Isn’t this the ice-cream shop we usually eat with Infinite.” Changjo asked innocently. “Yes, you idiot.” L.Joe rolled his eyes. Nana walked into the shop first. The rest of youse stood outside and waited till Nana would tell you to go in.
{ what inside of Lovin' ice-cream looks like;}

“Appa, Omma, I’m here with some friends can you open the shop till 8 or 9?” Nana asked Mrs.Yoon politely. “Oh, Hi honey, where have you been and sure tell them to come.” Mrs. Yoon friendly said. “There’s gonna be more then just them, Jieun Eunni’s friends are coming too later on. And I went to Lotte World with Jihye, Jihyun and a few new friends I made at my new school.” Nana answered. “Oh, I don’t mind if there are more children, the more the merrier.” Mrs. Yoon jumped in excitement.

Nana opened the front door of Lovin’ Ice-Cream and waved you and the others in. You stepped in the shop first. “Annyeonghaseyo Omma!” You and Jihyun bowed politely. “Annyeonghaseyo my little jagiyahs. Long time no see you two.” Mrs. Yoon came over and pinched you and Jihyun’s cheek. You slightly squealed. She let go.

“Omma?” Changjo and Ricky asked confusedly. “She’s not our mum, we just call her omma cause we love her as a real mum.” Jihyun said rolling her eyes. “Her attitude is cute.” Ricky beginning to daydream again. “Annyeong...” Minhyo said shyly. “Annyeong Mrs Yoon, Je ireumeun Minah imnida and that was Minhyo before. The shy one.” Minah said jumping up and down waving at Mrs. Yoon continuously.”Your so cute!” Mrs. Yoon squealed while pinching Minah’s cheek.  “You can stop your waving and jumping  now.” Jihyun said rolling her eyes again. “There goes that sweet attitude.” Ricky went off daydreaming of Jihyun.  “Yah, you three say hello already!” Minah yelled not afraid of them anymore. “Annyeonghaseyo, Ricky imnida!” Ricky said doing his aeygoos. “Awww.” Mrs Yoon staring at him cutely. “Annyeong Changjo imnida.” Changjo also doing his aeygoos. “Your so adorable.” Mrs. Yoon waved. “Annyeong... L.Joe imnida.” L.Joe said coldly.

There were a minute of silence. “Aisssh, Why are we standing here, go choose your ice-cream children.” Mrs. Yoon shoved you and your friends to the counter of delicious ice-cream. “Omma, I want-“ Nana said got cut off by Mrs. Yoon. “Yes, I know  strawberry for you and Jihye.” She said giggling. You and Nana went off to the biggest table to sit at. “Mango Jihyun?” Mrs. Yoon asked. “Yes, you know me so well.” Jihyun went over to join you and Nana. “Vanilla Choc Chip please.” Minhyo beaming. “Alright, what about you Minah, Ricky, Changjo and L.Joe?” Mrs. Yoon asked once again. “ Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles for me please.” Minah said jumping up and down. “Alright.” Mrs. Yoon squeezed Minah’s cheek softly again.

“Strawberry for me !” Changjo answered. “Whut?!?! I never knew you like mango, you liked  Chocolate Mint.” Ricky was confused. “He’s already changing so much in a day because of someone.”L.Joe added. “o0o0o0o0o0.” Ricky wiggling his eyebrows while oohing. “You too idiot. With Jihyun.” Changjo laughed and walked off to join you and the girls laughing. “Bubblegum flavour please ahj-“ Ricky asked. “Call me Omma like the others.” She said winking. “What about you L.Joe?” “French Vanilla.” He said in his cold tone as usual. “Hyung you always choose French vanilla, don’t you ever get sick?” Ricky innocently asking. “No, you got a problem?” L.Joe looked at him raising an eyebrow. “Ani.” Ricky ran off to sit next to Jihyun at the table. L.Joe followed behind. Omma came out with our ice-creams 10 minutes later and went back to sit at the counter.

“Annyeong Omma.” Jieun came in with the other 5. C.A.P and Chunji looked at each other confused at how Jieun called Mrs.Yoon mum like how Changjo and Ricky was confused. “Annyeonghaseyo.” Suzy and IU bowed. “Oh hello girls.” Mrs.Yoon waved at Suzy and IU. “Your sister told me you’ll be coming.” Omma added. Omma shoved the 4 sunbaes [Jieun, Suzy, IU & C.A.P] and 2 dongsaengs [Chunji & Niel] who just came to the counter of ice-cream like she did with you and the others. “Alrighty, what do you children want?” Omma asked writing the orders down. “Chocolate please.” Jieun Eunni squealed. “Chocolate as usual.” Omma shook her head. “Mango sorbet for me!” IU said. “Me too.” Suzy squealed. “Me three!” Chunji squealed like a 5year old boy.

Jieun, Minah and Jihyun laughed at his childishness. Cuteness to Jihyun though.  

“So, 1 chocolate, 3 mango sorbet and what about you two boys?” “Pandan for me.” C.A.P said walking off to your table with the others leaving Niel standing at the counter alone. “Coconut for me please.”  Niel asked. “Alright.” Omma said shooing him to our table while she went to scoop the ice-creams.

Nana finished her ice-cream first as usual being the  food eating monster. “I’m grabbing some more.” Nana walked off to her mum. “Me too.” You squealed following Nana.

“Ahjumma! We are here for ice-cream again.” Myungsoo quietly yelled. “Isn’t that Myungsoo Hyung’s voice?” Ricky asked. “Yes you , he’s right behind you at the counter.” L.Joe smacked his head. "Ahh, that hurts!" Ricky wined. “ Myungsoo Hyung!” Ricky and Changjo waved at Myungsoo from your table doing their aeygoos. Myungsoo turned and saw them. “Those aeygoos won’t work on me, I’m not gay.” Myungsoo laughed walking towards your table with Infinite.

“Minah, I see someone.” Minhyo said who just sat there nudging Minah. “Yahh..” Minah yelled but then got quiet due to the fact that Minah is now staring at Myungsoo. “Sup dongsaeng.” Myungsoo held his fist so L.Joe would pump it. “Sup hyung.” L.Joe pumped Myungsoo's fist with a bored expression. “Omma, can you get us another table so Infinite can sit with us?” Ricky yelled across the shop. “Sure honey.” Omma yelled back.

You and Nana came out with new ice-creams in cones in your hands. You sat down in your old spot. So did Nana. “Aren’t you the new girl in my class? Jihye? Or was it Jieun? Or was it Jihyun or Ji Na?” Sungjong asked innocently. “Yes, I am Sungjong. And It’s Jihye the first one.” You smiled at him.  “Jihyun is one of Jihye’s friends sitting right there next to Ricky who is hogging her.” Chunji rolled his eyes.

“Who’s that cutie pie over there?” Woohyun asked pointing to Minhyo. “Minhyo.” You replied. Minhyo blushed. [Minhyo has a massive crush on Woohyun remember but she doesn’t show her feelings. Even Minah her best best best friend don't know.]   “And that one next to Cutie Pie Minhyo?” Woohyun continued his greasiness. “Yah, Hyung we don’t wanna hear your greasiness and cheesiness so I’m just gonna introduce them to you, next to Minhyo is Nana, Minah is the one next to Jihye. And thats about it. Oh and Jieun is the one next to Suzy who is Jihye’s sister.”

“Ooooohh, I see. That’s why Jihye looks so much like Jieun.” Woohyun examining you and Eunni. “You didn’t even take a glance at Jieun you idiot.” Sunggyu whacking him on the back.  “OMG HI-5 Sunggyu!” Minah standing up sticking her hand up ready to hi-5 him. “erggh?” Sunggyu looked at her with confused look. “Ugh, nevermind.” Minah said scratching the back of her neck embarrassed. Minah loves hi-fiving for some reason [LOL, I didn’t know what to write honestly.].

Infinite had so much fun talking about random crap with Teen Top and the others, they forgot about eating ice-cream.

“Bye Teen Top, Infinite Suzy and IU sunbae.” You waved them all a good bye. “Yahh, it’s EUNNI, how many times do I have to say it. “ IU and Suzy said. “Alright bye Suzy and IU eunni.” You giggled.

“Bye  C.A.P the so called ‘smartass’, Bye Chunji seriously I don’t know what to call you anyways, Bye L.Joe you scary shieet, Bye Niel the quiet one, Bye Ricky you Jihyun freak, Bye Changjo the Nana obsessed one, Bye the 'Sung Brothers', Bye Dongwoo, Bye Woohyun you cheesy hamster, Bye Hoya and Bye Myungsoo *eeeeeek*.” “Goddamit Shut Up, you just really had squeal and say all those names.” Jihyun rolled her eyes. “You couldn’t have said Infinite and Teen Top.” Nana added. You and Minhyo stood there giggling.

“Good Bye Infinite, Teen Top, Suzy eunni and IU eunni.” Minhyo cutely said. “Bye Cutie pie.” Woohyun winked then blew Minhyo a kiss. Minhyo blushed and blushed until Teen Top and Infinite walked away going home.

“Can we sleep at your place tonight?” Nana and Jihyun begged. “Alrights.” You said smiling. “YAYAYAYAYAYA, I can’t wait to have pillow fights.” Nana said jumping up and down, while Jihyun shook your arm happily. “Can I join too?” Minhyo asked with puppy eyes. “Alrights, Your eyes, Omo, how cute.” You squealed. “Save those eyes for Woohyun, that Greasy Hamster. Are you a lesbian Jihye? Falling for Minhyo's puppy eyes.” Jihyun laughed. "No I'm not." You said in a 'duhh' voice. You, Jieun Eunni and the girls walked home.
“Can we borrow your clothes Jihye?” Nana asked twinkling her eyes. "Me too." Minhyo and Jihyun asked. "Alrighty, just go grab my clothes in the closet in my bedroom." You said walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

You came out of the bathroom drying your hair with a purple towel. "Ooh Ooh, my turn to shower!" Minhyo said grabbing the clothes she got from your closet and sped into the bathroom. "Haha." She stuck her tongue. "But I wanted to shower first, I'm so sticky." Jihyun moaned. "I bags the bathroom after Minhyo." Nana said who also stuck her tongue out. "Yahh." Jihyun chased Nana around until Minhyo finally come out of the shower like 1hour later. [It was actually 25minutes.]

"I thought I was gonna die waiting for you to come out." Nana shoved herself into the bathroom and pushed Minhyo out. "Yahh." Minhyo yelled. Nana came out 20 minutes later. "Your turn." Nana came out. "Finally!" Jihyun squealed. Jihyun came out 7minutes later. "That was fast." You said. Jieun slid in the bathroom and went to shower.

*Ding Dong* Minhyo walked out of your bedroom to open the door. You and Jihyun followed Minhyo to the living room. "Wassup my girlies, I came home and found my brother lecturing me for at least 1 hour. So I went to bed and I got bored, so decided to party with you guys too." You found Minah at the front door jumping up and down. "Do we look like we are partying?" Jihyun rolled her eyes. "Your eyeballs never stop rolling don't they. I don't get how Ricky finds it cute." Minah said bursting to a loud giggle. "Agreed." Minhyo high fived Minah while you were sitting on the sofa laughing. "Shut Up." Jihyun said a little pissed.

A few minutes later..

"I'm bored, and it's only been a few minutes." Jihyun moaned. "Me too." Minah moaned after Jihyun. "Do you have any cucumbers Jihye? I wanna keep my face fresh." Nana asked. "No not the mask thingy again, I almost killed myself last time, It was so slimy and wet and eww." Jihyun complained. "I wanna try!" Minhyo nodding her head. "I think I have some in the fridge." You replied. Minhyo rushed to the fridge and got some cucumbers out while Nana went to get a knife.

You and the other two ran to the living room and sat on the sofas. Nana carefully cut the cucumbers into thin slices.

1 hour and 30 minutes later...

"Why do we have to do this?" Jihyun moaned making a face -_- under her cucumber mask. "Erggh, cause Nana chased us around making us to do it?" Minah said in the duh voice. "I'm friggen suffocating under this green slimy mask." Jihyun moaned once again. "Aisssh, what's the point." Minah took the cucumber slices off. You took them off too. So did Jihyun who manly peeled them off. "Bye guys I'm going to sleep." You walked to your bedroom. "Wait for me!" Jihyun and Minah squealed running after you leaving Minhyo and Nana in the living room.

Half an hour later...

"I'm going to sleep, this is so boring." Minhyo took the slices and left Nana alone in the room. "Yah, you can't just leave me here." Nana sat up which caused some of her cucumber slices to fall off.
"Decided to join us?" Minah raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I decided to join you guys. It's so boring. And my face is not even flawless after 2 hours of laying there staring at the ceiling." Minhyo said touching her face. "It takes weeks to get a flawless face you dope and I thought you said you were gonna go sleep." Nana came in the bedroom. "I didn't feel like sleeping." You said.
You guys ended up sleeping at 1 o'clock which caused you to come running late to class that morning.

hai guise~
so that's pretty much what I wrote in 4 days?
I'll write more next time. ^^
& please bare with my mistakes.
bai guise.

no gifs, im not bothered anymore. ^^

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☆Falling For You; It'll take longer to rewrite it. orz. ;A; I'm currently more focused on my other fic.


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Goldie #1
Chapter 10: Please update soon honey...
jeanie update plz ;-; changjo bby
ya take 5eba to update y'll
KPOP_survivor #5
haha KYEOPTA and so sweet love this fic hehe=^^= one of my favs daebak
Awwww, this story is so cute x) and the way you described Heejin was cute too <3
I love this! It gets better and better with every update. Keep up the good work!
They met eachother when they were young? :O
Beautiful~ update soon chubby. Thanks to me you won't be able to finish writing ze chaptah~
Update soon chubbasaur~
Update soon^^