Chapter two; First day at Woolim.

Falling For You

Twinkle Twinkle is in this chappiee~
Twinkle Twinkle By Girl's Day


Your alarm clock went as usual. You tapped on it to make it stop tweeting you then looked around to find your sister, but she was nowhere to be found. You then heard the pouring sound of water in the shower and you knew she was in there. You looked at the panda clock and it was now 7 in the morning. You got up off your bed slipped on your panda slippers and went off exploring in search of your glasses. You found them and popped them. Went to the bathroom brushed your teeth and combed your hair as usual.  You got yourself into your new school uniform which had been hooked in your closet. Then started braiding your hair into two fish braids which looks like Suzy's hair in Dream High;

 {your hair when finish braiding, you also had a bang like hers [thats Suzy];}

You grabbed your bag to check if you were missing anything. There were nothing missing so you went and watched TV because it was only 7;30. You watched TV till it was about 7;50. Your sister came out of the shower wearing her school uniform while drying her hair with a towel. The two of you sat in front of the TV until there was a knock on your front door. You walked over to the door and opened it.

There you saw Minah and Minho dressed in their school uniforms. "Annyeong Jihye, wanna come with us to the ramen shop? I bet you still haven't eaten breakfast yet, and we are walking to school after we eat!" Smiled Minah. "Alrights, Eunni do you want to come to the ramen shop with us, we are going to school after and we haven't had breakfast yet." You said while picking up your panda bag. "Ok, wait, let me go in and grab my purse and my bag." Jieun answered. "Ahh, no need to bring your purse with you, I'll pay." Minah said smiling. "But.." You were cut off by Minah. "No buts, I'm going to pay okay?" She said as she hooked her arm around mine. Your sister came out with her simple Korean backpack on her shoulders.

{this is what the backpack looks like;}

Eunni came outside where you were standing and locked the door, the four of you walked downstairs towards the school. "I thought you said we are going to the ramen shop." You asked Minah. "We are, its across our school." Minah said smiling. Minho who haven't spoke finally said.

"I'm going to school, I don't want to eat." "Alrights, bye oppa." Minah said, "Bye Minho" You waved. "Bye.." Eunni said. She didn't know Minho obviously. [you don't say.] He left and headed his way to the school gates.

You, Minah, and eunni then walked to the ramen shop called 'Mr. Ramen'. You slightly giggled at the cute name and walked in the little shop which was the size of two of your bedroom put together. A lovely ahjumma came and took your orders. She later came out with 3 bowls of different ramen that we ordered. Minah said gamsamnida and we started eating. You ate a few strands of the noodles. "Whaaa..they are so" You said but was cut off by Minah again. "Delicious right?" Minah said with full . "Yeah." You said giggling at Minah.

Your sister ate in silence. You then quickly ate all of it cause it was so delicious. Then Minah. Then Jieun eunni. Minah went over to the counter to pay. "How much is it ahjumma?" "24,000 won, Minah." Minah without saying anything gave the ahjumma a 100,000 won note. You stared at the note like you never seen it before. "Here's your change Minah" The ahjumma gave the change to Minah and smiled. "Gomowa ahjumma." Minah smiled as she took the change.

You and Jieun eunni were waiting outside of the ramen shop waiting for Minah to come out. Minah finally came out. "You know that ahjumma?" You asked her. "Well, I guess so. I  have breakfast at her shop everyday I have school." "Oh." You said.


"I have a friend I want to introduce to you anyways, kaja." Minah linked arms with you on the left side and linked arms with your sister on the other side. The three of you walked through the school gates. The school was pretty empty. "Where's all the students?" You sister asked. "They're all gone after Teen Top and Infinite." Minah answered. "Oh." You said plainly. "There our school's Kingkas, Teen Top and Infinite are groups, Teen Top has 6 boys which are C.A.P, Chunji, L.Joe, Niel, Ricky and Changjo. Infinite has 7 boys, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo *squeals* oh and Sungjong." "So thats why you named your bear Myungie, and I know who Teen Top and Infinite are, the girls at my old school squeal and scream for them everyday !" You giggled while poking her. She slightly shoved you away and blushed a deep rose colour.

The three of you continued walking towards the the office to get your schedules. The lovely teacher from before gave your the schedules. You left the office with Minah and Jieun Eunni and walked towards the lockers.

 "Ahh where's number 175?" You mumbled, while searching for it. Minah bent down to tie her shoelaces and got back up. "Oh! Its there!" She said while pointing to the locker with the number 175 on it.  You ran up to it and opened it put the spare books you brought with you inside and locked it. Then you walked over to your eunni who was also searching for her locker in a different aisle. "What number is yours?" You asked your sister who was busy finding her locker. "371" She replied without looking at you cause she was so busy looking for her locker. "Let me help." You asked brightly. You started searching for her locker.

Minah who was just standing then squealed. "I found it" "Where?" You and your sister both yelled. "Right here." Minah walked over and opened the locker. "So there it was." Your sister made a face. "Your really good at finding things Minah, you should become a detective." You giggled cutely. Your sister also put her spare books inside her locker.

The three of you went to a bench in the school gardens and sat down. "So what’s your first period Jihye?" Minah asked. "Let me see." You said as you took out a paper with a table on it from your panda backpack.  "I'm A9 with Ms-". Before you could say the teacher's name. "I'm in your class!" She squealed. "Really! I don't want to be a loner in class and its a bit awkward." You said slightly giggling. "What about you eunni?" Minah asked. "Umm.. I have Science in LABE41 with Ms. Yong." "Your in my brother's class!"

Then the school bell telling the students to go their first period. Your sister waved goodbye and went to her first period. You slung your bag onto your shoulders and walked with Minah towards A block. You followed Minah to all the way to A9 cause you didn't know the way. You came in and Minah apologised the teacher.

"Mianhe, Ms Kim we were sitting in E block, and we have a new student. PARK - JI - HYE." She spelt your name and told the teacher. "Yes, I know Minah, now go to your seat." Minah walked off towards her seat and sat down. "Annyeonghaseyo Jihye , I'm Ms Kim." Ms Kim said smiling. "Annyeonghaseyo Songsaengnim." You greeted her with a smile. "Okay, Jihye- ah introduce yourself to the class." "Annyeonghaseyo, Park Ji Hye imnida. I am new student, please be kind to me and help me! Gamsamnida!" You said brightly as you bowed down 45 degrees. "Jihye go sit between  Minhyo and L.Joe." Ms Kim said.

You walked up to sit next to L.Joe and Minhyo. You sat down. You turned to your left and said "Annyeonghaseyo, your Minhyo right?" Minhyo turned around and just nodded and said. "Oh, Annyeong." She said softly a bit shy. You turned to the right and brightly smiled. "Annyeong, your Lee Byunghun right?"

Everyone suddenly started staring and gasping at you, which made you confused. No one would ever call L.Joe by his real name. He didn't like it when people called him Byunghun. He kept his anger in today cause you were new. He just sat there ignoring you. Everyone in the class was surprised that L.Joe didn’t blow up.  

“I’m just trying to be nice, my god.” You said as you blew your bangs up. You focused back to the board. You hated maths the most in all subjects. You got bored. After a couple of minutes you found your self sleepy so just slightly laid your head on your table and fell into a little sleep. “Yah Yah, Jihye-ah wake up, Yaaaah!” Minhyo being nice not to get you into trouble. “Yah!” She repeated poking you with her rilakumma pen. You woke up yawning.
“We have a new student in our class today.” Ms. Yong announced. Jieun walked in the classroom. C.A.P woke up from his nap. “Annyeonghaseyo, Jieun imnida, please take care of me, thankyou!” Jieun said. “We have another beautiful Jieun in our class!” Suzy shouted. “Anyways Jieun go sit next to the spare seat next Suzy, the one just shouted.” Jieun bowed to Ms. Yong and walked off to the spare seat next to Suzy. “Annyeong, Bae Su Ji imnida. But please call me Suzy.” “Oh, Hi Suzy, umm... who’s the other Jieun?” Jieun asked her. “The other Jieun is my best friend, there.” Suzy pointed to a quiet and pretty girl next to her on the other side. “Annyeong, nice to meet you Jieun.” Your sister waved at the other Jieun. “Hi, call me IU, we have the same names so its confusing.” She said smiling.   

 After awhile the bell rang signalling the students to go recess.
You packed up your stuff back into your bag still yawning. L.Joe saw you and just rolled his eyes. You stood up and waited Minah and Minhyo at the door.

“How’s first period and this who I would like to meet Shin Minhyo, my best friend.” Minah asked. “Boring, sad how we have to start our first period of the week with maths, I really hate maths, I always come last and there’s nothing interesting to learn in maths. ” You said puffing your cheeks. “Hi Minhyo.  Again.” “What subject do you like then?” Minah asked. “ART, VISUAAAAAAAL ARTSSS. THE TEXTURE . THE COLOUR. THE PATTERN, EVERYTHING IN ART INSPIRES ME.” “Wow!” Minah said amazed at those words you just said. “But I really at it.” You said while making a face like this =.= . “Anyways I’m hungry, let’s grab something at the cafeteria and sit down somewhere to eat.” Smiled Minah.

While you were skipping you accidently knocked over someone with your arm. You turned around and bent down to picked up her books. You handed it to her. “Jihyunnnnnieeee!” You screamed. “Oh, Jihye.” You gave her a tight hug and saw Nana walking towards Jihyun.

“Jihyun-ah, I can’t find it, where did you put it?” She said flicking through pages of a book. She looked up and screamed. “Jihye, there you are, we were looking for you!” “Omg, you go to my school now!” You squealed. “Yeah, I told my parents, they didn’t care so let us move schools.” Jihyun said while fixing her side fringe. “Me too.” Nana squealed.

 Minah and Minhyo looked at each other clueless. “Oh, meet my new friends Minah and Minhyo.” You pointed to them. ''First day and you've made new friends, Im surprised'' Laughed Nana.“Annyeonghaseyo.” Minah and Minhyo beamed. “Annyeong!” Jihyun said excitingly waving her hand. “Annyeong.” Nana said softly. “Anyways, you hungry? Me, Minah and Minhyo are going to the cafeteria want to come?” You asked the other two. “Of course I’m starving, I’ve been looking for you and the cafeteria all day!” Nana said. 

You saw eunni and a girl sitting at one of the tables. You came over to your sister’s table with your friends. “Annyeong eunni.” “Oh, hi Jihye.” Your sister said. “So that’s Jihye? She cute.” The girl next to your eunni said. You looked at your sister confused. “Annyeong Jieun Sunbae” Minah and Minhyo beamed. “Jihye, this is Jieun. It’s amazing how I have the same name as her. Anyways just call her IU.” You sister said. “Annyeong IU Sunbae. “ You bowed 20 degrees smiling. “I’m going to grab some food, see you later Eunni and IU Sunbae.” “Call me IU eunni.” IU winked cutely. You giggled.  Suzy walked back to Eunni’s table from the cafeteria counter as you walked towards the cafeteria counter with your friends. “That was Jihye right?” Suzy asked. “Yeah.” Jieun answered. “Jihye is cute, her friends are too!” Suzy squealed.
You, Jihyun and Minah went to buy food while Nana and Minhyo went to find a seats for us. You grabbed some food for Nana while Minah grabbed some food for Minhyo. You went back to Nana and Minhyo who found some seats near the school gardens. “Here.” You handed Nana a muffin to munch on. “Here, I don’t know what to get you so just bought you a cheese & bacon.” Minah said handing Minhyo the bread. You guys finished eating and started talking about random stuff.  You started giggling at the funny sounds Minah made, Nana started giggling too.

Girls were surrounding 2 tables the Teen Top table and the Infinite table. Annoyed L.Joe stood up and told them to piss off.
''We have a new girl in our class, Jealous?'' said Chunji. Changjo was bragging about how he 'enjoyed' what he did last night.''You guys all lost it right?'' Every one nodded. Except for L.Joe. ''What, hold on, L.joe you haven't had yet, your still a .'' Changjo said bursting into a laugh. L.Joe shot him a glare.

''He never had a girlfriend either.'' Ricky added. ''Lets play a game. You see the new girl?'' Chunji asked pointing to you. ''I bet you can't even get her to be your girlfriend and get her to have with you.'' Said Chunji.''What if I do have with her.'' Said L.Joe with a smirk on his face. ''If you do it, We will go to the street and and .. dance to Twinkle Twinkle'' Ricky said smiling. ''Costume and everything.'' Said Chunji. ''I never agreed to any of this. '' Said C.A.P.

''But, If you lose. You have to walk down the streets.'' Chunji said with a pause. ''.'' Chunji said while giving L.Joe the I-BET-YOU-CAN'T-DO-IT-LOOK.


HAAAAI. finally finished chapter two yay.
Infinite hasn't quite appeared yet. sorry. I'll try to.
I'll probaly update chapter three today or tomorow. :D
Anyways heres 2 Teen Top & L.Joe gifs. :33


I was with my family in the computer, i was searching photos by L.Joe and appeared this gif:



Mum & Dad:


was an awkward moment! The gif just appear..

My mum and dad are thinking that i search dirty things online .. LOL





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☆Falling For You; It'll take longer to rewrite it. orz. ;A; I'm currently more focused on my other fic.


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Goldie #1
Chapter 10: Please update soon honey...
jeanie update plz ;-; changjo bby
ya take 5eba to update y'll
KPOP_survivor #5
haha KYEOPTA and so sweet love this fic hehe=^^= one of my favs daebak
Awwww, this story is so cute x) and the way you described Heejin was cute too <3
I love this! It gets better and better with every update. Keep up the good work!
They met eachother when they were young? :O
Beautiful~ update soon chubby. Thanks to me you won't be able to finish writing ze chaptah~
Update soon chubbasaur~
Update soon^^