
A ChaeKey story


I walked back slowly on purpose, in part because I didnt want the moment when he wanted me so much to end. I wanted him to be there telling me he was wrong, that we should put the past behind us.. To give him one more chance. 

As much as I hate that I love him, I love it when he says there's no one like me. I love it when he says he can never replace me, and if there's anyone he'll marry its me. I love it, because he cant get over me either.

When I think back to the times, we were such good friends in the beginning. We laughed together.. Oh, he made me laugh so much. He had the funniest jokes and the wittiest comments. He could talk his way out of any situation and hardly anything ever put him down. With his silly cat like eyes, and his snarky personality, he shone brighter to me than any other boy I'd ever met. Everyday seemed such a joy when I would meet him.

But people change, time changes.. Or maybe time changes people. At one time inseperable best friends, and another time strangers. Strangers that know they love one another. Strangers who have known for so long and tried to forget.

And I'm still trying. I'm almost giving up on trying, because its been so long and I still feel the same. Am I just running from myself? Maybe. People say there's something about a first love that doesnt go away. 

I reach the 2NE1 room backstage and sigh deeply. I open the door slowly to the sight of the members of my group. They were quiet today. Bom and Dara just looking bored and Minzy listening to music on her iPod. They dont really notice my solemn mood as I walk in, and I am so grateful. I dont want to be asked where I've been, or why I'm sad. I want to be left alone. 

A lady with a clip board walks in quickly into our room. "Okay 2NE1. You're up in 15 minutes."

We get up slowly, and make our way behind the main stage. Our make up was done hours ago so all we had to do was go up there and perform.  Which song were we singing today? Lonely.

As I sang that song that night, I sang it with all my heart. I was lonely, I really did want someone there. Someone who wouldnt hurt me, someone who would care. Someone to replace Key in my heart forever, so that I never look back at him and wonder what could have been.

I loved you so much Key. Too bad it didnt work out and you broke my heart.



A/N: Hey guys! I'm glad some of you guys want a complete fic ^_^ I think I would have a fun time writing this one. I hope this chapter wasnt monotonous.. I have a plan for this story an you'll see it in upcoming chapters. Please comment/critique and subscribe. Comments really keep me going through stories and encouraging me to post.

Take care!

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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 7: UPDATE,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
lovelyceel #2
Chapter 7:
wae ?
the 7th chapter is so short. i need more seriously.
i wonder what happen between chaekey at the past.
so please update soon authornim, and i think, bang yong guk from b.a.p can be the rival of key. kekeke ^^
Chapter 6: B2st or B.A.P!!!
Chapter 7: great they made a collaboration ... Hahaha
i wonder like what their act when they meet in their collab :D
cant wait for the next chapter author nim ^^
keep it up :)
Chapter 7: i cant wait for them to meet each other moahhahaha
Chapter 6: I Love Itttt!! Plz author-nim update soon!!

And I don't think you should find a rival for Key, but for chaerin (my personal opinion) keep it up, it's awesome :D
Chapter 6: woow chaekey story is daebak !!
i love it <3
n i think Yongguk BAP will be great to be rival with key :D
n author please update this story again its kinda long to wait :(((
so please update !!!