Chapter 6

A ChaeKey story


A few hours and interviews later, we sat in the YG building, eating lettuce for lunch. Our diets are so strict, sometimes I forget what certain things taste like. I dont eat them for so long, that when I do I end up wondering if I'd ever eaten this before. All the tastes seem alien to me. Its okay for me, I'm pretty disciplined about my eating habits. I even coach other people on how to do it... I havent succeeded with Bom though. She will just go on a rampage and eat whatever the hell she wants. Her face seems to have food written all over it!


"We have a collaboration offer." Our manager said, walking in with some papers.

I looked up at him blankly. We usually just rejected all collab. offers that came our way. What a surprise we were accepting this one. Oh well, better sometimes than never. I personally was indifferent to collaborations of any kind. I'm not into meeting too many people or hanging out excessively. I like my social circle small and well knit.

I silently chewed on my food and thought of the friends i had made in the last 3 years. Nicole was at the top of the list, so sweet and kind. She was always there when I needed help with anything -  from helping me to survive variety shows to teaching me some doky dances. She pretty much introduced me to all her friends, and they all became my friends. Well, all except Key. I didnt like their friendship honestly, I thought she was too nice for him. But hey, what she doesnt know cant hurt her too much. She tried introducing Key and I to each other once, but it was so awkward being forced into a conversation with him. It was right after our single for I Dont Care came out. We were on top of the charts and had become overnight sensations. Nicole had called me over backstage after we won our trophy, and I walked in not knowing what she had planned. Voila, there he was, looking as awkward as I looked shocked to him.

"Come over!" Nicole  had said sweetly, signalling me over to where they had been talking. This was such a trap, I thought to myself.

"Let me introduce you guys!" Nicole said. She pointed at me "This is CL. She's-"

"Yeh, I know CL."  Key had begun, cutting her short. "We used to-"

"From where?" I feigned ignorance,  looking at him with my eyebrows furrowed. To Nicole it would seem like a genuine question, but if you saw my eyes you would know they were looking at Key with such coldness and hatred." I dont really know you," I said blankly.

Key's face fell immediately and his  head bowed towards the ground, eyes darting from one point to another at the floor. I guess he had expected me to be friendly with him. To be nice to him and forgive and forget. I would have none of that now. I hated him so much. I wanted him to be restless in the awkwardness, to know the worth of me. 

I let the awkwardness fall all around us, neither of us speaking, while Nicole was in the background not really knowing what was going on. 

"I guess I dont know you then," Key said suddenly, putting his hands in his pockets and rolling his eyes indifferently, though not at my face. His words struck me a blow, and I momentarily wanted to hit him in the head with the trophy, but the conversation was interupted by Nicole. I guess she got we didnt like each other, and she took me away, never asking me to meet him again. Me and Key avoided each other like the plague after that, to the extent that his mere mention would bring a condescending smirk to my lips. 

People started avoiding his topic when they were around me, because they could see how irritable I would get when he was brought into the picture. Slowly, people realised that for some reason we didnt gel too much, and now even though we shared some common friends, we never talked about each other. 

Once in a while, I would hear of him asking about me.. but I would never pay much attention to it. That time had come and gone I guess..


Back to the present, I was suddenly interupted from my thoughts by my manager looking intently into my face. " So are you up for this then?" he asked cautiously.

"Huh?" I asked abruptly, clearly not understanding him. "Up for what ?"

"The collab, Chae Rin!" Bom said impatiently. "This girl zones off anywhere these days.."  she mumbled.

"Yeh yeh its all good!" I smiled, returning to my lettuce salad. I better eat up while I have the chance. I took in a huge bite and stuffed my face with food.

"Ok, so then I've texted the other managers, and the collab is up.. I think practice would begin next week.."

I nodded absent mindedly. 

The Manager left the room and I continued on eating. "Nice," Minzy spoke, blushing a little "I always wanted to do a collab with them.."

I laughed. "Why are you blushing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 

"Dont !" Dara said protectively.

"No seriously," I said. "I dont know why she's blushing!"

"Her Taemin oppa will be there thats why..." Bom teased Minzy, sending Minzy into a spazz attack. 

"Wait a minute," I said suddenly. "We're doing the collab with who?" I was getting a huge knot in my stomach.




I'm sorry if this chapter was bad :( I dont really know... Please leave loads of comments as it helps me in writing, improving and also one more thing!!


I plan to add one more kpop group to the Collaboration between 2NE1 n SHINee... which group should it be?? Let me know cos I'm still thinking of a good rival for Key... Hmmmmmm



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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 7: UPDATE,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
lovelyceel #2
Chapter 7:
wae ?
the 7th chapter is so short. i need more seriously.
i wonder what happen between chaekey at the past.
so please update soon authornim, and i think, bang yong guk from b.a.p can be the rival of key. kekeke ^^
Chapter 6: B2st or B.A.P!!!
Chapter 7: great they made a collaboration ... Hahaha
i wonder like what their act when they meet in their collab :D
cant wait for the next chapter author nim ^^
keep it up :)
Chapter 7: i cant wait for them to meet each other moahhahaha
Chapter 6: I Love Itttt!! Plz author-nim update soon!!

And I don't think you should find a rival for Key, but for chaerin (my personal opinion) keep it up, it's awesome :D
Chapter 6: woow chaekey story is daebak !!
i love it <3
n i think Yongguk BAP will be great to be rival with key :D
n author please update this story again its kinda long to wait :(((
so please update !!!