
A ChaeKey story

Who the hell was this texting me in the middle of the night? I looked at the number and had no idea who it was. It was some private number.


It really was probably just a fan.. trying to be cute or get a reaction. You'd be surprised at the type of stuff I get from fans.. A few girls even send me love letters - I found it so weird at first, but now i'm so used to it, it would take a lot to surprise me.

Usually I dont end up replying to the few fans who manage to get my number. Today however, I wasnt really getting any sleep and was too sick of turning from side to side on my bed, hoping fo my lids to get heavy and my eyes to close. I sighed and looked at the number. Maybe you could entertain me?

What do you have to offer? I typed in bluntly, sending the message off. Ofcourse, a lot of people would want to marry a kpop star.. but what was in it for me?

A few minutes later my phone vibrated and a reply appeared in my inbox. What would like to have?

I laughed out loud despite myself, this seemed to be one clever fan.. Not giving me any answers. It was like he wanted me to give my own answers, so that maybe he could know more about me..

My stomach suddenly rumbled. I hadnt ended up eating my precious ramen that I wanted to tonight, thanks to our precious trainer landing up at our dorm, ready to supervise our meal. Sulkily, I had refused to eat even what he had told us to, instead opting to just tell my apetite to go to hell and getting into bed. He might go complain to people at the company that I wasnt listening.. but oh well!

Ramen.. I typed back, a very truthful reply. I really, really was craving something filled with carbs.. but we're on a low carb diet now, especially since some delusional fan started a thread about me being fat. I sighed. I really wanted to know what the weight of the fan that made that thread was. 

I got a reply almost immediately. I'll give you all the ramen you want!

I almost laughed. Yeh right! Where's my ramen then? I typed, letting out a yawn. I was finally beginning to get sleepy.. Maybe this entertainment was good for sleep..

You'll get some, dont worry! =) a reply told me. Promise you'll marry me then?

I smiled to myself. I rolled my eyes. Finally feeling sleep creeping onto me, I placed my phone on my bed and closed my eyes, finally drifting off to dream land.




I woke up the next morning, quite a bit tired because out of the 5 hours I had been given to sleep, I had managed to sleep for only 3. I guess you cant sleep sometimes, no matter how tired you are. My body aching, I limped out of bed and begrudgingly got into the shower. I had half an hour to get ready, otherwise our manager might kill me with his bare hands..

I had a strange conversation with Dara a few nights ago.

It had started with truth and dare.. She wanted to know whether I'd ever been hurt by anyone in my life. Now usually I wouldnt ever give out any details about what happened between me and Key. It was just too touchy of a subject. Just talking about him felt like someone was drowning me, like a rush of feelings were flooding my body. Thats why I hate hearing his name, I hate seeing him, even from a distance. 

But that night I was drunk, and so was Dara. We were on the rooftop of our building, looking across the city at all the tiny lights. A thousand stars seemed to shine above us, as if adding to all the beauty that was the city of Seoul. 

I sighed as the bottle rolled and it was my turn. I took a glug of alcohol into my system, its effects taking hold of me. "Truth" I said calmly, not wanting to get up from my place in case she gave me a physically exhausting dare.

She was pretty drunk too. She liked sitting here on the rooftop, all alone, looking at the world. I liked it too, to be very honest. It made me calm, loking at all the lights. I looked at each light and felt like it represented atleast 50 stories of people of Seoul. So many people beneath all the lights in the city - street lights, room lights, building lights - and each of them with their own stories and their own troubles. Their own loves and their own families. 

A deep sigh from Dara interupted my flow of thoughts. "Tell me, Chae Rin.." she said looking into the distance and sipping her beer quietly. "Has anything ever hurt you? Like.. the type of hurt that doesnt go away? Something that you want to erase but it just stays there.." 

She was obviously lost in her own thoughts, probably talking more about herself than me, but I felt like I wanted to answer anyway. "Yes unnie. There's a know in my chest. Its not always there.. but when I see him, it comes back.."

Dara unnie didnt ask me who I was talking about. Just the fact that I felt that way for someone must have come as news to her. She let out a small hiccup. "Can you tell me more?" she asked quietly, not wanting to intrude where she wasnt supposed to go.

"He's there unni." I said, lifting my hand slowly and lightly punding it against my chest. "I try to erase him. I'm okay most of the time. I think he's gone. But then he appears... and.."

"and.. everything comes back?" Dara completed for me. She obviously knew what I was talking about, she seemed to have had a similar experience.

"Yes." I said sadly, pouting in my drunken state and staring at the ground. 

"I'm such a loser.." I continued, "why not just let things go? Why not just see him as another boy and forget about him?"

"Its hard, Chae Rin ah.." Dara said, moving closer to me and rubbing my back with her hands. 

I dont usually like sympathy.. I dont usually even talk in such a way that would attract sympathy. I go out of my way to seem self sufficient and in need of nothing. But really, what was my life right now? My family, my friends.. my career. But no love. No one to call my own, and feel special around. 

"I want to move on, unnie.." I said sincerely, "I dont want to think about him anymore. When I think of love, I want someone else to come into my mind, not him. I hate him.. So much."

Even though unnie had no idea whom I was talking about, she nodded in agreement and understanding, knowing that I had someone who had hurt me hidden in the back of my mind somewhere.

"You know what you should do to get rid of someone like that?" she asked me, suddenly standing on her wobbly feet. 

"If I knew.. wouldnt I do it?" I asked irritatedly.

Dara's spirits must have ignored the tone of my voice and her own lack of soberity, as she stood up and declared. "Burn him!"

"What." I said. It wasnt even a question. Of all the things she could come up with.. She told me to go and burn Kim kibum.

"No I mean, burn his photograph!" she said, wide eyed and looking into my face, as if it was the most logical thing she could have ever said.

"Burn. His Photograph?" I scoffed."Unnie, you really are drunk!" I began getting up and leaving. She was obviously long gone thanks to the alcohol, and I wasnt staying around for her to tell me to throw him off the roof next.

"It'll make you feel better!" she said excitedly. "Burn the picture! Burn it! BURN HIM, LET HIM BURNNN!" she said, suddenly bursting into a rage of Tagalog that I had no idea what she was saying. I could guess though, because she moved her hands about like she was talking to a child, moving them up and down, letting me know that she wanted me to burn Key, hang Key and God knows what else. 

"No!" she cried, grabbing my wrist just as I was about to sneak through the roof door and go to the safety of people that were sane. "You have to do this!" she said again, almost whining and stomping her feet in desperation. 

"ALRIGHT, unnie!" I said, quite irritated at drunk Dara. Enough was enough, anythingto get off this roof.

"Yes !" Dara said happily, as if she had gotten through to me.

We had finally come down, she happy and I just plain bemused at the situation. Burn a Key photo - my .

Now that I stood in my washroom, toothbrush in my mouth and in need to get ready quickly, I suddenly wonder.. was Dara actually talking sense?



Hi Guys! I hope this chapter was alright :s.. Take care of urselelves! Please comment so that I get feedback and post up another chapter sooN! Luv ya!


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Shroomies123 #1
Chapter 7: UPDATE,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
lovelyceel #2
Chapter 7:
wae ?
the 7th chapter is so short. i need more seriously.
i wonder what happen between chaekey at the past.
so please update soon authornim, and i think, bang yong guk from b.a.p can be the rival of key. kekeke ^^
Chapter 6: B2st or B.A.P!!!
Chapter 7: great they made a collaboration ... Hahaha
i wonder like what their act when they meet in their collab :D
cant wait for the next chapter author nim ^^
keep it up :)
Chapter 7: i cant wait for them to meet each other moahhahaha
Chapter 6: I Love Itttt!! Plz author-nim update soon!!

And I don't think you should find a rival for Key, but for chaerin (my personal opinion) keep it up, it's awesome :D
Chapter 6: woow chaekey story is daebak !!
i love it <3
n i think Yongguk BAP will be great to be rival with key :D
n author please update this story again its kinda long to wait :(((
so please update !!!