Frozen Confusion

The Legends [hiatus]
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“Whoa~,” Chanyeol murmured in awe as he snuggled in between Luhan and Kris as they lied down in the middle of a courtyard inside the huge castle. They were all looking up at the night sky while Suho was lying down next to Baekhyun who was on the other side of Luhan. The two eldest smiled as they watched Suho take water from the atmosphere and moved it to hover above them in a thick sheet of water as Baekhyun kept his arm up, palm facing towards the water and sending in beams of light to reflect in the water, creating a beautiful night lightshow.

“It’s so pretty…” Luhan muttered out as he created an invisible shield around the five of them to make sure they don’t get wet as they all continued to stare at the show the water and light users were creating. “It’s amazing you’re only twelve, Baekhyun,” he mentioned as he looked beside him to see Baekhyun wearing his chains on his hands again and smiled at him. Baekhyun kept a concentrated face on as he looked away for a minute to smile at his elder.

“You five!” Taeyeon’s voice suddenly called out from the entrance of the courtyard. She smiled seeing the show the others were creating before frowning, “It’s time to go to bed!”

Baekhyun retracted his hand as he heard the goddess’ voice then sat up to turn and look at her. He pouted, “But it’s still early!” Suho sighed as he moved the water to a nearby fountain and watered the trees in the courtyard as well.

Luhan stopped his concentration of the barrier and sat up with Baekhyun before turning around to look at her, “Already?”

Taeyeon nodded as she watched Kris and Chanyeol sit up last, “Come on… Go sleep!” She smiled as they all got up, begrudgingly and started to walk towards the entrance. She laughed as Baekhyun kept making little light balls float all around them while Suho created little balls of water around it to enhance the effects.

It’s been a few months since Suho accidentally found them, but he already knew so much about his powers. It was amazing to see how much he could already do on his own without the extra training from CAP.

The five of them followed the goddess until she left for her own chambers and the five turned in the direction of their own. Kris laughed as Luhan started floating in the air next to him, “That lazy?”

Luhan turned his head and smiled at him cheekily, “Yup. Didn’t feel like moving my legs anymore.”

Chanyeol pouted at the eldest in front of him before he turned a little then ran to jump onto Kris’ back. “Hey! Chanyeol! What are you doing?!” the latter yelled out at the sudden weight that latched himself onto his back, “You’re getting taller and heavier every day. You’re going to throw my back out before I reach an awesome age!”

“But I’m tired too~,” the younger whined, trying to stay onto the taller one’s back… even as the elder tried to make his wings appear and spread them to throw the younger off. Suho and little Baekhyun laughed as they watched the scene unfold in front of them and continued on their way to their rooms. The other turned to the younger next to him, “You’re still a whole lot more mature than him.”

Baekhyun turned to look up at the other before laughing, “It’s because I am!”

“No, you’re not!” Chanyeol instantly yelled back as he turned around to glare at his best friend who stuck his tongue out at him. He was still clutching onto Kris’ neck who was desperately trying to get the other off of him so he could breathe easier.

Kris groaned, “Luhan!” He turned to his side to see the other still floating next to him but with his eyes closed, “Stop being lazy and get this thing off of me!”

Chanyeol’s eyes widened before he turned back around to glare at his friend, “I’m not a ‘thing!’”

“Oh yeah?” the elder bluntly responded back with a roll of his eyes. He sighed when they finally reached their rooms. He had his wings appear before he forced them to open and sent Chanyeol falling to the ground.

“Ouch!” the younger exclaimed out before Suho walked up to him and gently helped him up.

“How are you still so energetic at night?”

Baekhyun laughed as he walked forward and grabbed onto Chanyeol’s arm, “I think it has to do with his powers.” He turned to the other, “Come on~. Let’s go sleep already~!”

Chanyeol pouted but obediently followed the other until their room closed shut behind them. Suho and Kris sighed before they turned around to go to the other room down the hallway from the younger two. They started walking their way to their room before Kris noticed Luhan still floating in his original spot where they separated from the younger two. He grinned deviously as he turned to Suho. The younger looked at him questioningly when all he did was point in Luhan’s direction and made movements with his hands.

Suho looked at him questioningly before realizing the hand movements were what he did when he manipulated his water. He silently laughed before he nodded. He turned to Luhan and faced his right palm out towards Luhan before a shot of water gently smashed the eldest in the face, instantly waking him up.

Luhan’s eyes opened wide as he dropped to his feet on the ground. He turned to glare at the other two, “What was that for?!”

Kris and Suho laughed before they turned around and ran towards their room. “You need to wake up sometime!” the latter yelled out as he and Kris reached the elders’ bedroom before closing it after Kris got in.

“I’d rather wake up tomorrow like a normal person instead of in the middle of the night!” Luhan shouted back before frowning even more when the door was shut in front of his face. He banged his fist on the door once, “You guys are so mean!”

“It’s not locked, you weirdo,” Kris calmly said behind the door before he quickly changed and jumped into his own bed. Suho laughed some more before he followed the eldest’s movements and got into a different bed next to him.

The door creaked open before Luhan timidly walked in, “…Oh.”

Kris chuckled as he his side in his bed facing a different empty one, “Go sleep already.”

For some reason, both their room and Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s room had six beds in each of them, and they had no idea why. The other two softly laughed before they followed his example.


“Key? Key!” Onew yelled out after he regained consciousness from his dreamlike state again to not see the man in his bedroom like usual. “Kibum!” he called out again when the younger ran into the room from another side door.

“What is it, Onew? What happened?” Key questioned immediately after he walked out of the bathroom. It was the middle of the night and he saw Onew running towards him, barely tripping, but collided against his body as he fell on him.

“Oh my goodness…” Onew muttered as he felt the other boy’s body under his own feeling very real. He picked himself up and helped the younger up before he enveloped him in a tight hug.

“Jinki? What’s wrong?” Key asked, feeling the god’s panicked state. He tried rubbing the other’s back soothingly trying to calm him down. “I’m here. I was just using the bathroom. What is it?” he softly told the elder.

Onew calmed down his breathing enough to think clearly. I can’t tell him… He slowly loosened his grip around the younger and pulled away to give him a soft, small smile, “It’s… nothing, Kibum. Let’s go sleep now, okay?”

Key just stared at the god, “I know it’s not nothing, Jinki. What happened?”

Onew sighed as he dragged the younger to his bed anyways and made the other get in before himself, “It’s nothing, Kibum. It’s only a few more hours until it’s light outside. Let’s get some rest in.”

The younger just sighed as he climbed into the god’s big bed and waited for the other to lie down next to him. It’s actually become accustomed for them to sleep in the same bed whenever Onew kept getting more and more visions. Key looked into Onew’s eyes as the other lied down next to him, “You won’t tell me, will you?”

The god frowned before shaking his head, “Let’s sleep now.”

Key sighed as he turned around so his back was facing the other. After a few minutes and managing to trick the god he was sleeping, he felt the other slowly wrap his arm around his thin waist and pulled himself close to him.

Onew sighed, taking in the scent of Key and relishing how close his body was to his. He closed his eyes, feeling sleep tug at his eyelids. Please don’t die… “Don’t… leave…”

Key opened his eyes wide at hearing the god’s last words. What does he mean by that?


“Suho! You’re back!” a voice called out as the unknown man was sitting on a fallen tree.

Suho popped his head up out of the water and looked to the familiar spot where his old time friend sat in his usual spot. He smiled as he resurfaced from the water and walked onto the sand since his home was next to the ocean. “Xiumin! How are you?”

The other smiled back as he stood up from his makeshift chair and went to hug the other, “I’m good! Missing my best friend, of course. I heard from your parents you’re training with the gods and goddesses now?”

Suho laughed as he pulled away from the hug, “Haha, yeah… It’s still unreal though. They’re all really nice.”

“Suho!” they heard a deep voice yell out from above them. They looked up to see a man flying with a woman in his arms. They saw three other boys flying behind them.

“Hey, Kris!” Suho yelled up to his friend as he waved at them happily. “How did you find me?!” Xiumin watched in awe as the guy with wings named Kris flew down a little away from them and landed, gently putting the woman down on the ground.

“How do you think?” Kris responded back as he pointed up to where Luhan was concentrating on carrying Baekhyun and Chanyeol with his powers down to the ground safely.

“Haha, of course,” Suho said as he motioned to his best friend. “This is Xiumin! He’s actually an ice user and the same age as Kris and Luhan!”

Xiumin nodded and waved, “Hi?”

Luhan looked up to Kris then down to Taeyeon before walking over to stand next to Suho, “Suho… do you mind going to Kris for a minute?”

“Huh? Why?” the water user questioned but followed the other’s order anyways.

“Oh! Oh!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun yelled out at the same time.

Kris looked down at them, “What is it?”

Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s eyes shone with excitement when they asked, “Can we see your ice powers?!”

Xiumin laughed, “Sure. Throw up a leaf or a twig or something.”

Luhan waited patiently, sensing something, as Baekhyun qu

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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 8: so ur not gonna keep updating these fic. I love it I wonder how will fing the rest of exo
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 4: Ur a naughty boy yeol even before learning to crawl
Chapter 9: The new story is kinda good too,but author-nim,why don,t you also continue with this story?TT it's REALLY REALLY GOOD...TT
Chapter 2: Author-nim,do all the members of the groups that you have listed will come out in the story? The mains are EXO right? Great story author-nim.Update soon please...=)
acchan #5
Chapter 9: HI ! been loving your story so far but then i read this one and well i kind of agree that option no.1 is probably the best bcs writing a story isnt that easy and i am kinda of sure getting the muse for two different story with a same theme is pretty much difficult lol

hope you know whats the best for you :) good luck and ps: totally love this new story !
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 9: I think go with the second option if you have a lot of time in your hands. I really loved this chapter, you write so well! You should start with the new story :) Of course, it's all up to you, whatever you think is best :) I'll keep reading your stories no matter which you update :)
acchan #7
Chapter 8: so i just found this fic and i fell in love instantly omfg how can you write so good asdfghhkkl i hope you'll continue this bcs this is too good to got discontinue ;A;
BlackPenguins #8
Chapter 8: You're back~! I missed this story ;A; But so happy you have updated! ^^
omg. this story lives..!! XD
Keep it up, Changsha princess ;D
JamminJog08 #10
Chapter 4: Update soon!!!!!:D