Enchanting Kris and... maybe Chanyeol?

The Legends [hiatus]
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“It’s been 5 years already~” Seohyun pouted as she watched Sunny transform into her and mimicked her moves. “Sunny~ quit it~!”

Sunny snickered as she returned back to her true form and danced around their chambers. “It has been 5 years! I nearly escaped death!”

“That was completely your fault, Sunja.” Jessica deadpanned as she kept teleporting to places within the room.

Seohyun looked to her friend, “What are you doing?”

Jessica stopped to look at her taller friend, “Practicing.” She teleported one more time before asking, “Where’s Taeyeon anyways? And the rest?”

Sunny shrugged as Seohyun thought about it. “I think she’s with Chanyeollie and Kris. The others are probably just having fun wreaking havoc somewhere else.”

Jessica sighed, knowing that much is true.




“Kris! Your wings are getting so much bigger!”

“Of course, Taeyeon! I’m growing up!”

“He’s getting taller too…” Seungho muttered as the 13-year-old boy was now up to his upper chest. He watched as the young boy spread his red-tinted white wings then soared up into the air, giddy and happy that he could now control his wings. “…Along with Chanyeol.”

“Kris! Kris! I wanna fly too!” A little voice yelled out.

Kris looked down from his place high up in the air to see little Chanyeol extending his arms out to the sky. He laughed as another fireball was accidentally formed between the little boy’s hands before Jae put it out, once again.

“Chanyeol… Can you please try and not create it spontaneously?” Jae pleaded as he was trying to work on a completely new and legend-worthy sword for the new user of flight.

Chanyeol pouted towards Jae then suddenly squealed when Kris swooped down and carried the younger boy in his arms as they continued to fly higher and higher. “Be careful, Kris!” Taeyeon and Seungho yelled out as they saw the other do little tricks in the air – Chanyeol squealing happily, creating random fireballs that’d disappear suddenly.

Kris his back so that he was facing the neverending sky and soared through the air with Chanyeol snuggled safely onto his chest with his legs wrapped around his torso. The latter looked behind him and towards the sky as he looked at it with wonder. All of a sudden, a huge fireball about 3 feet wide formed above them when it was shot out into the sky then dissipated when it hit the next level of atmosphere.

Taeyeon and Seungho looked to Jae who was currently too focused on pounding the metal just right. “Jae?” the former asked.

The blacksmith looked up, “Yeah?”

“Did you happen to shoot that fireball out into the atmosphere?” Seungho asked as he looked back up to still see a happy Kris flying through the air and a giddy 5-year-old Chanyeol screaming and squealing with every little movement.

The fire god looked confused, “No? Why? Did Chanyeol form one again?” He gave off an exasperated sigh after that.

“Uh…” the other god and goddess looked toward each other when Kris softly landed next to them, safely putting Chanyeol on the ground. “Chanyeol, sweetie…” Taeyeon softly said.

Chanyeol looked up to the goddess, “Yeah, mommy?”

Taeyeon smiled at that, “Did you create that huge fireball earlier and shot it to the sky?”

The little boy shook his head excitedly, “No way! Big brother Kris did!”

The three gods and goddess looked surprised at that. They turned to look at Kris who was just as confused as they were. “Can you really do that, Kris?” Jae asked as he stood up from his chair, sword forgotten.

Kris shrugged, “I guess so…” He looked to Seungho, “But I thought I can only fly?”

“I thought so too…” the god of flight mumbled. He looked to Jae, “Can you try and form a fireball near him or help him create one and see if it’s true?”

Jae looked confused but nodded, “Sure… why not?”

Kris made his wings disappear before going to stand in front of the fire god. Chanyeol looked on with curiosity as he walked next to Taeyeon and Seungho and held each of their hands. He looked up at the god of flight, “Is big brother going to try creating a fireball like me?”

Seungho looked down and nodded, “We’re going to see if he can.”

Jae frowned when Kris went up to him and the younger was up to his chin already, “You’re getting too tall…”

Kris laughed, “And I’m still growing!”

Jae frowned even more before sticking his right hand out, palm up, and created a small fireball about an inch away from his palm. “I’m going to let you try and hold this… okay, Kris?” Kris nodded as he looked at the fire flicks coming off the top of the ball. “If it starts to hurt you… immediately take your hand back while I put it out.”

Kris nodded again before he stuck out both of his hands. He took in a deep breath as Jae slowly put the fireball on top of the other’s hand. The latter slowly took out his hand from underneath the ball, “Okay, Kris… I’m going to slowly let it rest against your palm. Concentrate and try and keep it afloat in the air and try and make it smaller.”

“Okay…” Kris muttered as he felt the heat slowly getting closer and closer to his hand. He tried making the fire stay afloat but yelped as he felt the fireball kept getting closer and closer to his skin. He pulled back his hands as it suddenly diminished in the air.

Jae looked up to Kris’ face before looking to the other trio, “Are you sure he shot one out?”

The god and goddess nodded before Chanyeol indignantly yelled out, “Yeah! Krissy did!” Another big flame of fire erupted in front of the little boy’s face as Jae instantly put it out.

The two elder users sighed, “Channie., have you ever felt the heat from any of the fires you spontaneously created?”

Chanyeol looked up to Taeyeon with confusion written in his eyes, “No? Am I supposed to, mommy?”

Taeyeon and Seungho looked down, wide-eyed, at the little boy. The latter spluttered, “I… I thought you would?” He looked back to Jae who shrugged.

“Sometimes it feels hot to me… sometimes it doesn’t. It’s temperamental. It’s fire. What else can I do?”

Seungho looked back down to Chanyeol who looked up at him with big, curious eyes. “Chanyeol… has it ever felt hot to you?”

Kris looked between the exchanges, curious as well about his little brother’s power. Chanyeol pouted, “No… it’s never felt hot to me~.” Bored of the conversation, he looked towards Kris and started running towards him, “Kris, Kris! Let’s fly again!”

Kris laughed before catching the little boy in his arms. He looked to the two gods and one goddess, “Can I take him flying around the other villages?”

Taeyeon thought about it then nodded, “But be careful with him, okay?”

Chanyeol and Kris screamed when they heard her answer. “Thank you, mommy~!” the former yelled out before running to her and tackling her with a hug around her legs. The latter laughed and smiled at the little boy’s antics before catching him again when the younger ran and jumped towards him.

“Okay… Channie… You have to hold tight onto me, okay?” Kris said slowly to the young boy as he situated the younger onto his chest and waist.

“Okay, Krissy!” Chanyeol yelled out excitedly, moving to wrap his arms around the elder’s neck and his legs around the elder’s torso.

Kris made his wings appear and was about to take off with his arms encircling the younger’s back and bottom but stopped when he looked back down to the head of black hair looking over his shoulder and at his wings. “Are you su~re you’re holding onto me tightly?”

Chanyeol pulled back enough to look at the elder’s face with a pout on his lips, “I am~!”

Kris laughed as he immediately removed his arms and Chanyeol’s head instantly stuck itself back and rewrapped his arms tightly around the elder’s neck. “Kris!!” the younger yelled out scared, “Don’t do that!!”

Kris laughed again as he re-wrapped his arms around the younger’s back and bottom, “I’m just making sure you’re clinging on and safe if something happens, and I’m having trouble supporting you.” He hugged the little body tighter to him, “I’m taking off now, Channie.”

Chanyeol still pouted unbeknownst to the elder until he saw the wings spread out and they were flying in the air. The former squealed in glee, liking the feel of the gusts of winds blowing past them as they got higher and higher. He laughed happily when he looked down and saw how high they were – Taeyeon, Seungho, and Jae looked like little toy people he could play with. “Krissy! Higher, higher!”

Kris laughed as he complied to the young boy’s wishes, “Okay, okay, Channie!”

The other three on the ground watched with happiness as they saw the two fly off in a random direction of a village. And then it hit Jae. “What if he creates another fireball and it accidentally hits a village?!”

Taeyeon and Seungho sighed, the latter answering reluctantly, “I’ll go fly around and make sure I don’t see some random smoke anywhere~.”




Zico watched as his friend Minhyuk started sparring Jungmo as Jay rested next to him. His pupil’s fists glowed a tan color and he tried boxing with the god of war’s pupil. Jay smiled at the fight he was seeing.

“Minhyuk’s getting good too.”

Zico looked over to his friend and smiled, “Yeah… so is Jungmo.”

The two gods watched a little bit more before Jay spoke up again. He pushed himself up from sitting against the tree and started to stretch. “He needs different sparring partners besides me.”

Zico looked up at the now standing god with a goofy grin on his face, “And that’s why you always come to us.” He stood up as well, leaving his chalice on the ground next to him, “You rarely train with Boa though. She’s a good fighter too.”

Jay shrugged, “She never wants to actually spar though. She hates fighting without just reason.” He started hopping up and down slightly, warming up his legs, “Do you want to spar?”

Zico smirked before he started stretching himself, “I haven’t actually sparred anybody in a long time.” He looked around to his other pupils enjoying themselves just sitting under the shades of the trees. He started stretching his legs when he took a glance at one of his pupils, and his eyes widened. “Oh no…” he muttered.

Jay looked over to his friend, waiting for the other to finish warming up, “What’s wrong?” He looked in the direction Zico was looking at and saw PO getting more wine in a cup and lifting it to his lips. “He’s just drinking more wine. What’s wrong with that?”

Zico immediately shook his head, “He’s the only magic user to have a limit on how much wine he or she can take…” He started running towards PO. “Stop him!” he yelled out but choked when he saw PO take a small gulp of wine from his chalice.

The other wine users looked over confused before their eyes widened

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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 8: so ur not gonna keep updating these fic. I love it I wonder how will fing the rest of exo
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 4: Ur a naughty boy yeol even before learning to crawl
Chapter 9: The new story is kinda good too,but author-nim,why don,t you also continue with this story?TT it's REALLY REALLY GOOD...TT
Chapter 2: Author-nim,do all the members of the groups that you have listed will come out in the story? The mains are EXO right? Great story author-nim.Update soon please...=)
acchan #5
Chapter 9: HI ! been loving your story so far but then i read this one and well i kind of agree that option no.1 is probably the best bcs writing a story isnt that easy and i am kinda of sure getting the muse for two different story with a same theme is pretty much difficult lol

hope you know whats the best for you :) good luck and ps: totally love this new story !
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 9: I think go with the second option if you have a lot of time in your hands. I really loved this chapter, you write so well! You should start with the new story :) Of course, it's all up to you, whatever you think is best :) I'll keep reading your stories no matter which you update :)
acchan #7
Chapter 8: so i just found this fic and i fell in love instantly omfg how can you write so good asdfghhkkl i hope you'll continue this bcs this is too good to got discontinue ;A;
BlackPenguins #8
Chapter 8: You're back~! I missed this story ;A; But so happy you have updated! ^^
omg. this story lives..!! XD
Keep it up, Changsha princess ;D
JamminJog08 #10
Chapter 4: Update soon!!!!!:D