The Split

The Legends [hiatus]
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“Come on, Jaehyo. You need to be able to focus all of your negative feelings only when the time is right. You can’t just randomly get angry then destroy part of a mountain.” Zico sighed, taking another huge gulp from his wine chalice. Onew wasn’t kidding when he told me to drink some more before coming back out here… He was watching Jaehyo and PO spar and trying to focus their negative feelings through their kicks or punches to create a force ten times or more the normal amount a different magic user could use. PO was doing great since he was at his limit of wine drinking and could concentrate better. On the other hand, Jaehyo had a harder time controlling his strength and decided to release all his anger into the mountainside next to them.

“I’m trying, Zico! Just… let me do this!” Jaehyo yelled out, frustrated, before walking back to PO, who was about to take another sip of wine that laid beside the rest of their friends. He growled when he saw his friend calmly getting another glass of wine.

Zico quickly saw this and yelled out before the glass touched his pupil’s lips, “PO!!” He slowly watched his friend turn his head away from the glass and look at him. He sighed in relief, “No more drinking for you! One more sip, and I don’t want to have to deal with you!”

PO smiled sheepishly before putting down the glass then walking back over to where Jaehyo stood in the middle of an empty space where they normally sparred. “Sorry, Zico!”

Zico just sighed before watching the same men spar once again. He was seated leaning against a tree off to the side of the clearing, with his chalice being held limply in his left hand. His left knee was propped up so that it also supported his left arm. He looked beside him to the left to see his other pupils sitting or lounging in the grass area away from the clearing drinking some wine that they had learned to make. He looked back to see Jaehyo concentrate his anger and frustration into one of his punches, his fist glowing a brighter tan color then heard a louder punch against PO’s abdomen. He smiled, “That’s how you do it! Keep it up!”

Jaehyo smirked as he tried focusing more of his frustration into one of his kicks before quickly aiming it to hit his sparring partner. PO quickly saw this and back flipped away, smiling when he saw the huge crater his friend created on the ground where he once stood.

“You’re getting better, Jaehyo.”

Zico, Jaehyo, and the rest of the wine and strength magic users turned to see the god of war standing next to the god of wine by the tree. Zico smiled brightly, “What’s up, Jay? Want to try sparring with Jaehyo again?”

In response, Jay took off his upper robes again and laid it next to the other god before smiling himself, “Of course. I want to see personally how much he’s grown.” He walked over to the pair of strength users and smiled at his opponent while PO walked over to where the rest of their friends laid about in the grass drinking wine happily and content.

Zico followed the youngest magic user with his eyes before calling out, “PO! No more wine for you! Remember!” He brought his glass up to his lips and took another sip, grinning behind his glass when he saw his other pupils move the wine away from the younger, more controlled strength user amongst them.

The god turned his attention back to where his pupil and his fellow god were punching, kicking, and avoiding the other’s moves. He grimaced when Jaehyo missed again and created another crater in the ground. He was incredibly proud his pupil was getting tremendously better at when to hold back then focus all his energies into powerful attacks, but he was also getting incredibly worried because… damn, Victoria was going to be mad at them for destroying part of the ground… again…

“They’re messing up my earth…” Victoria ground out through her teeth on the other side of the forest before breathing deeply and turning back her attention to helping Luna with her powers.

Wind swirled around a male figure as he was steadily floating in the air. He smiled as he felt the wind softly wrap around his entire body and push him off of the ground as he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling. In an instant, he opened his eyes to reveal a bright glow of silver light coming from both of his eyes and focused his energy into his right hand. He shot out a strong gust of wind from his right hand when he punched it in front of him and aimed it at a target hanging in the air.

“That’s great, Henry,” Leeteuk smiled as he watched his pupil’s eyes go back to normal and slowly drift back down to the ground. He looked over to his left to see Jubee standing next to them staring at the both of them. “Thanks again, Jubee.”

The goddess of love smiled, “No problem. Always glad to help out around here.” She looked to the broken remnants of the target disc on the ground.

Leeteuk smiled at her then turned his attention to his other friend, “Donghae, your turn.”

“Hey! Why can’t I shoot down more than one target?” Henry retorted, pouting before going to sit on the ground where Donghae just stood up. “I’m ready for it!”

“I know you can shoot down more than one target at the same time but I don’t think you have enough energy to take out four discs at once.” The leader stated back, “You just came back from flying around with Joon all day. While Joon has wings, you have to use the actual winds to carry you around.”

Henry pouted knowing his friend’s words were true. He watched as Donghae stood where he was standing before and as Jubee instantly lifted four discs up into the air. “Jubee! Do you even have to focus any energy into lifting those discs?” He was wondering how the goddess’ power of telekinesis worked anyways. All of the gods and goddesses seemed to not need to use up a lot of energy in utilizing their powers.

Jubee turned her attention away from the floating discs to Henry. The latter watched as the discs still floated in the air then looked back down to the goddess, “Not really. This is simple enough compared to other things I have done before.”

Henry nodded then looked to where his friend was about to lift himself off of the ground as he just did. Donghae looked up at the targets floating about 50 feet off the ground before concentrating his energy and instantly summoning the winds to surround his body and lift him off the ground. He immediately floated and backed up the same distance of the discs but about 30 feet away and concentrated his stare towards his targets.

Henry and Leeteuk watched as Donghae’s pupils disappeared and his stare turned into two orbs of silver light. Four separate gusts of wind started forming around his two hands and two feet before he let them go and struck each of the discs simultaneously. “Another two, please.” He said before Jubee instantly brought two more up to the same level and distance as before.

With Donghae’s eyes still the bright silver color, he focused gusts of wind around his two legs before he kicked the air with his right foot, spun in the air, and kicked again with his left leg. Both of the discs quickly shattered with his attacks before he smiled satisfied, looking down at Leeteuk and Henry.

“Your aim is already so good!” Henry exclaimed out as Leeteuk smiled up at him.

“That was also great, Donghae.”

Donghae smiled at the compliments before slowly floating back down to the ground. “What are you going to do now, guys and Jubee?”

“I think I’m actually going to go nap,” Henry mumbled before turning around and walking in the direction of the castle.

Donghae and Leeteuk laughed while Jubee softly laughed then said, “I’m going to go back and see the others back at our chambers.” She smiled at her companions before turning and walking off in the same direction as Henry but to the separate, smaller castle placed next to the original castle.

The younger magic user looked at the god, “Where are you going, ‘Teuk?”

Leeteuk thought for a minute, looking towards the sky. “Maybe I’ll go help the rock users. Jaehyo made such a big hole this time.”

Donghae looked at him confusedly for a few minutes before bursting out into laughter. “Again? He’s probably going to be one of the stronger strength users we will ever get for a while. I wanna come see.”

“You just want an excuse to hang out with Eunhyuk again,” Leeteuk bluntly said but started walking off in the direction of the usual sparring ground of Zico’s group.

Donghae pouted, “But we connect so well together! Come on~ we’re not that bad together. At least we’re not like Janghyun and Kota.”

“Or Jonghyun and Minho,” Leeteuk muttered, looking at the trees they were passing by. Meanwhile, when Jubee arrived to the area around her smaller castle chambers…

“Yah! Would you just practice your magic, Kota?!”

“Would you just stay out of our lives, Janghyun?!”

“I can’t! I was randomly placed in this group by the tree of life!”

Kota threw out her right arm and faced her open palm, starting to glow a pink color, to a nearby boulder. She focused her energy into lifting the object while hardening her glare on her friend in front of her. Janghyun saw that and did the same motions but didn’t use as much energy as they both instantly lifted the boulders and quickly directed it towards the person 15 feet away from them. Jubee sighed as the boulders smashed against each other and she instantaneously stopped all the debris from going anywhere – staying in midair.

“You two were given the power of love and telekinesis. Why in the world are you two arguing again?”

Janghyun turned his angry stare to his goddess, “How come I’m the only male in this group?!”

Jubee sighed again and turned to walk away, “I have no idea. Take it up with the tree of life. Take advantage of your powers anyways. You can get any woman you want if you work for it.”

Kota and Janghyun glared at each other once again before turning around and walking away from the other.

Across the castle, Key growled, frustrated with the wounds continuing to appear on Minho’s skin. “Would you two stop fighting already?!”

Minho glared as he tried to get out of Key’s healing grasp and tried to punch Jonghyun again, “I can heal myself later Key! Let me get at him!”

Orange waves of light floated around Jonghyun as he manipulated the sounds around them into attacking his taller friend. “I don’t need your help, Minho!”

“Don’t you tell me that when your bleeding half-dead on the ground next time you pick a fight with someone!” Minho yelled out as he finally got out of Key’s grasp and lunged to punch his shorter friend in the face. Jonghyun extended his left arm to his side before swinging it in front him, maneuvering the orange waves to attack Minho’s torso.

“Damn it! Would you two cut it out?!” Key yelled out, definitely annoyed with his two friends. He looked over to see Taemin peacefully practicing his light abilities and aiming it at targets provided for them in their clearing of the forest.

Minho put his hands in front of him to summon the other various sounds surrounding them. Sky blue waves of light formed in front of him. He motioned the light to surround his torso as it started healing his bleeding abdomen from Jonghyun’s attack.

Jonghyun growled before summoning more, brighter orange waves of light to surround his right forearm as it stood still next to his side. He clenched his fist as he heard the loud, clashing sound of the orange light resound in his ears.

Key watched as blood dripped down Jonghyun’s face and chest as he wished he could

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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 8: so ur not gonna keep updating these fic. I love it I wonder how will fing the rest of exo
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 4: Ur a naughty boy yeol even before learning to crawl
Chapter 9: The new story is kinda good too,but author-nim,why don,t you also continue with this story?TT it's REALLY REALLY GOOD...TT
Chapter 2: Author-nim,do all the members of the groups that you have listed will come out in the story? The mains are EXO right? Great story author-nim.Update soon please...=)
acchan #5
Chapter 9: HI ! been loving your story so far but then i read this one and well i kind of agree that option no.1 is probably the best bcs writing a story isnt that easy and i am kinda of sure getting the muse for two different story with a same theme is pretty much difficult lol

hope you know whats the best for you :) good luck and ps: totally love this new story !
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 9: I think go with the second option if you have a lot of time in your hands. I really loved this chapter, you write so well! You should start with the new story :) Of course, it's all up to you, whatever you think is best :) I'll keep reading your stories no matter which you update :)
acchan #7
Chapter 8: so i just found this fic and i fell in love instantly omfg how can you write so good asdfghhkkl i hope you'll continue this bcs this is too good to got discontinue ;A;
BlackPenguins #8
Chapter 8: You're back~! I missed this story ;A; But so happy you have updated! ^^
omg. this story lives..!! XD
Keep it up, Changsha princess ;D
JamminJog08 #10
Chapter 4: Update soon!!!!!:D