The gods and goddesses

The Legends [hiatus]
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A man sat in the center of his golden-colored chambers. He sat on a gold throne surrounded by white curtains that hung from the ceiling, falling gracefully to the ground, surrounding the small area that contained him. He had his closed fist supporting his head, as he seemed to be dozing off peacefully, waiting for his vision to end. He wore a light golden robe over a white cloth that acted as a shirt and slight baggy white pants. The golden robe wrapped around his entire body and provided a collar that covered his neck but allowed his forearms to be shown, creating a slit where his forearm and upper arm connected, also giving him the ability to freely move them. He wore one large, golden bangle loosely on each wrist, causing the one on his right arm to fall midway his forearm as he leaned his head gracefully on his fist. His hair was of a caramel brown color and was just long enough to partly cover his eye however he styled it for the day.

“Onew.” A voice called him from far away. He heard the voice sigh before feeling them sit down next to him up on the little five-step stairway leading to his chair. His vision was almost complete. “Onew.” The voice tried again after a few more minutes.

The man gasped, taking in a deep breath, having completed the vision he was having. Regaining his breathing, he looked to the man with golden, blonde hair sitting on the steps leading to his chair. “Kibum.” He stood up, stretching out his stiff muscles and yawned. “Why are you here?”

Key sighed as he stood up as well, “What was your vision about this time?” He wore a silver robe as a type of shirt that hung on his slender frame loosely with the same color type of slightly baggy pants. The robe had a delicate design starting from the shoulders leading up and covering part of the neck. Within that delicate design, there were traces of pink outlining the folds. The collar surrounding his neck formed a V-shape going to his collarbones allowing his head easier access to turn around. His robes ended loosely around his elbows making his sleeves grow larger, creating a graceful effect whenever he lifted his arms.

Onew sighed, looking down to his friend. “The prophecy I have seen years ago is about to come.”

Key’s eyebrows furrowed at his words, “The one about the sacred tree, I’m assuming.” He held out his hand to his friend to help him down the small distance of the stairway. He saw his friend nod out of the corners of his eyes.

“Yes. It’s going to occur within the week.”

Key swiftly turned his head to look at his friend who let go of his hand. “We need to inform Leeteuk.” They started walking out of the chambers that belonged to the god of prophecy.

“I know.” Onew quietly said before offering, “Come. Let’s eat. I’m sure I was out for a few hours, if not days.” They turned down a different hallway that connected to his hallway in the spacious castle.

Key laughed softly next to him. “Of course. I came to make sure you ate something today.”  He looked out of the few windows they walked past to see the sun glowing radiantly back at them and smiled, feeling its warmth. “Ah, I also came to you because Taemin has been having trouble manipulating his light abilities.” He turned back to look at his friend. “He’s getting stronger and stronger by the day. It’s amazing how he was the one out of us who also received the power of light.”

Onew smiled, “He is one of the younger magic users to achieve that power.” He looked back at Key. “I will help him after we have eaten something ourselves. How has your healing powers been coming along?” He watched as the other smiled at the question. They turned down another hallway, looking at all the magnificent paintings that adorned the walls.

“It’s getting better. I’ve also been learning how to make medicines to keep the supply in the other towns high. There are so few higher-leveled healers as it is.”

Onew nodded, “That’s great.” They kept walking in comfortable silence until they finally reached the great banquet hall. They sighed as they saw one of the younger-looking gods drinking wine happily in one of the chairs.

“Zico.” Key bluntly stated. “Why are you drinking now?” He walked around the huge banquet table to make his way into the kitchen.

“I’m the god of wine! Why not~?” He took a larger gulp from his ruby-colored chalice. He wore a deep, ruby-colored robe that went all the way to his ankles. It was wrapped loosely around his body and torso as a longer piece of the robe draped over his right shoulder casually, ending in the front of his clothes. He wore a gold rope around his waist and golden sandals. He also had a small, gold crown on his head.

“You’re one of the odder gods, you know?” Onew commented as he sat down in his regular place at the table, further down from the god of wine.

Zico sighed, “I know. I can’t help it though. I prefer wine in my body to be considered helpful around here. Plus, I don’t even get drunk.” He shrugged.

Onew laughed at his comment, “That is true, my friend.” He watched as the other god drank more of his wine then refilled his cup. “How have your trainees been coming along?” He noticed the other slightly choke on his wine.

“Getting there.” Zico put down his chalice and sighed exasperatedly. “How do you do it, Onew? It takes so much patience to help them.”

Onew laughed, “It really does take a lot of patience… but it’s all worth it in the end. Plus, you get to practice your own skills.”

Zico scowled, “I guess that’s true… but… I have to drink twice as much to not get angry and go into a rage and destroy everything I see.” This caused the god of the sun to laugh once again.

“Of course, it does. But they’ll appreciate it in the end.” Onew paused in his speaking, “Now go drink a little bit more then help out Jaehyo and the others.” He gave a big smile when Zico stood up and grumbled before taking another huge gulp of his personally made wine.

“… I’ll see you later, Onew.”

Meanwhile, out in the fields that connected to the whole back half of the castle, surrounding the grounds with beautiful plants and trees, the goddess of nature tried helping another younger magic user harness her power even more.

“Amber, you need to stay calm to achieve a better outcome.” A woman with long brown hair and bangs calmly stated as she watched her friend create a plant from the ground but only to die a few minutes later. She wore a pine green-colored robe that extended all the way to her ankles. Her robe was sleeveless and had a V-shape to it where a sash of the same color tied around her waist. She had on large silver bangles, one that was loose on each wrist, and a golden colored crown on her head.

“But I can’t do it! I wasn’t made to harness the power of plants like you Victoria!” The girl with blonde hair replied as she threw her hands up and laid back in the softness of the grass they were seated upon.

“Come on. It’s because you’re hot-tempered. I know you can do it. Take a deep breath and try again. Focus and stay calm.” Victoria replied gently, smiling at her friend who slowly sat back up. She watched as Amber took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tried to calm herself before placing her hands, palms down, on the ground and tried growing a small tree a few feet away from them. Victoria smiled as she saw her pupil’s hands emit a soft green color and a small tree start to grow slowly from the ground before growing into about a three-foot tree, also growing small flowers into the branches and leaves. “See? You can do it. You just need to remain calm.”

Amber opened her eyes and stared at the plant she created before her. She smiled brightly at the sight. “It’s beautiful.”

Victoria softly chuckled at the response, “Of course it is. Everything about nature is beautiful. Plus… You created it. You would think that anyways.” She laughed softly as her friend stuck her tongue out at her.

“Hey, Victoria!” A woman with brown hair called over while walking through the fields to reach her friends. Victoria and Amber looked over their shoulder to see the goddess of wisdom calmly walking towards them, waving.

“Hello, Boa. What brings you here?” Victoria smiled at her friend before moving to stand up to greet her. The other goddess wore a white robe that had excess parts of the robe hanging over both of her shoulders, being held to the actual robe with light blue small type of clasps that held it together. Her robe ended at her ankles but had slits that exposed her legs for easier access in case of disputes and wars. She had a light blue sash tied around her waist as well and light golden sandals.

“Oh, you don’t need to stand.” Boa said as she completed the distance and sat down next to the goddess of nature. She looked at the small tree in front of her. “That’s beautiful. Amber, did you make it?” She turned to look at the other girl on the other side of Victoria.

Amber smiled and nodded, “Yup. All by myself.” She turned back to look at the creation she made before sitting a little more forward and placing her palm gently on the foreign ground before her, starting to create small flowers to surround the tree she made.

Boa and Victoria laughed at her confident answer. The former looked to the beautiful skies above them, a color mixed of purple, sky blue, and gold. “I had to settle another dispute between two families a few towns away from us again.” The latter turned to her right to give her a questioning look. “Of course. I settled it justly like I always do. Onew was preoccupied to go settle it this time. I even enforced rules between them.”

Victoria smiled, “That’s great to know. I’m sure you’re here to relax somewhat?” She saw her longtime friend nod her answer.

“Victoria. Can you please grow a tree to give us shade?” Amber politely asked her mentor with puppy-like eyes.

“Now you know, Amber. We shouldn’t use our powers for our selfish needs.” The elder reminded the younger as the latter pouted.

“I know… But all the plants you create are beautiful. You don’t even need to touch the ground to create them.”

Victoria laughed, as did Boa, “Of course, Amber.” After a few minutes, she stood up, offering her hand to the younger as the goddess of wisdom stood up as well. “Now, let’s go inside. I wonder what the others are doing right now.”

Amber just nodded as she followed two of the original goddesses back to their palace. In the distance, she could hear a wolf howling in the forests around their fields. She looked to the sky. It was still considerably early for the wolves to be active.

“Come Star! Let’s go play a game!” A woman wearing a short silver-blue robe that ended mid-thigh with a deep blue sash tied around her waist to keep her outfit together ran ahead of a silver wolf who was howling in excitement of what their game would bring. The woman was also wearing light brown sandals to protect her feet from the fallen twigs and branches that scattered the forest floors. Her robe also ended in a V, showing her collarbones, and had no sleeves attached to her robe. On her back, she carried a container of special-made arrows and a bow hooked onto that container. She laughed as the wolf tackled her and they landed right on the outskirts of the forest into the fields near their palace. “Haha, Star! Stop me!”

The wolf stopped her face after panting happily about the run they just finished. She started petting down the wolf’s fur on its back, smiling happily. “Hey, Star… Want to go see what the others are doing?” She whispered into the wolf’s ear, causing the wolf to look back at her curiously.

“Ah-roo~” The wolf softly howled, agreeing to the goddess.

After petting her friend’s fur for a few more minutes, she stood up and started walking off in the direction of a nearby sea. “Star… Do you feel something is off?” She asked the wolf walking calmly next to her to their destination. The wolf looked up at her and howled softly again. “Yeah… I think Onew has seen another of his many prophecies. I wonder if that day is soon.” She quietly said as they continued to walk the border of the forests and fields. She smiled when she felt something nuzzle their nose into her left hand since her right hand lay on the wolf’s neck to the right of her.

Looking down, she smiled at the deer coming to join them on their walk. “Mriga, wanted to join us in our walk down to the sea?” She felt the deer nuzzle her nose against her palm once again. “Of course.” She smiled down at her other friend. She instantly started petting the small, young deer’s head as they kept walking, nearing the sea. She could hear splashing and yelling through the trees of the forest once they took a worn down path away from the fields back into the woods.

“Ah-roo~!” The wolf next to her howled a little bit louder, causing the goddess to laugh at his response.

“Now, now Star. I’m sure they’re just playing around.” She tried reasoning as she felt the deer slip under her left hand and walk ahead of them, curiously peering through the trees ahead of them and stopping before walking to the sandy part of the beach. “Mriga. Who is over there?” She questioned. The deer turned back towards her, signaling for the goddess to follow her.

The goddess continued and followed the deer out onto the beach with the wolf softly howling happily at the sight he saw in front of him. She laughed at what she saw, “Hey CL!” One of the males called out, obviously not caring their mentor was in the sea, his worst enemy.

The goddess smiled and waved back, “Hey Niel!” She looked to the god currently flailing his arms above the surface of the sea. “Why did he go in there again without parting it?” She asked curiously as she finally reached to where the other males were standing on the beach, watching their mentor.

“Come on, guys. We really need to help him.” Another male voiced out. “L. Joe. Come help me.” He stood at the edge of the sea waiting for his friend to do the same.

“Why me, Chunji?” L. Joe questioned, even though he was making his way to stand next to his friend.

“Because I know Niel won’t do it.” Chunji replied as he focused his power to start parting the sea in front of him. L. Joe focused his power as well; concentrating on the small area the god was trying to stay afloat in. Both of their hands started glowing a turquoise color as the sea started to give way. CL watched as the younger water magic users used their powers to try and part the sea where their mentor was currently drowning in.

After they managed to get all the water away from their mentor to allow him to touch his feet on the ground, he used his own power to part an entire path back to the sandy beach. Both of the water users smiled at what they accomplished although they were both slightly breathing a little more than usual. Their mentor was in a deeper part of the sea after all.

He walked back to the beach before using his power to take out all of the water out of his robes and letting it float around his body before allowing it to fall to the sand. He wore an ocean blue colored robe that ended at his ankles where he wore dark brown sandals. His robe wrapped around his torso and ended up being simply draped over his left shoulder, exposing his right shoulder and upper chest. The leftover robe over his shoulder was kept in place by a similar dark blue sash that tied around his waist. He wore a large, white bangle on his right wrist. He sighed, “Hey, CL.”

“CAP. You should know better. I still don’t know how you’re the god of the sea. You can’t even swim.” She laughed as the latter formed a scowl on his face.

“Not my fault. These idiots here threw me into the water when I wasn’t paying attention.”

“I didn’t!” Chunji yelled out. He shrunk back further up the beach when he saw water instantly form in the air above the god’s

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ILoveKDramas1 #1
Chapter 8: so ur not gonna keep updating these fic. I love it I wonder how will fing the rest of exo
ILoveKDramas1 #2
Chapter 4: Ur a naughty boy yeol even before learning to crawl
Chapter 9: The new story is kinda good too,but author-nim,why don,t you also continue with this story?TT it's REALLY REALLY GOOD...TT
Chapter 2: Author-nim,do all the members of the groups that you have listed will come out in the story? The mains are EXO right? Great story author-nim.Update soon please...=)
acchan #5
Chapter 9: HI ! been loving your story so far but then i read this one and well i kind of agree that option no.1 is probably the best bcs writing a story isnt that easy and i am kinda of sure getting the muse for two different story with a same theme is pretty much difficult lol

hope you know whats the best for you :) good luck and ps: totally love this new story !
CassiELFAKTF1315 #6
Chapter 9: I think go with the second option if you have a lot of time in your hands. I really loved this chapter, you write so well! You should start with the new story :) Of course, it's all up to you, whatever you think is best :) I'll keep reading your stories no matter which you update :)
acchan #7
Chapter 8: so i just found this fic and i fell in love instantly omfg how can you write so good asdfghhkkl i hope you'll continue this bcs this is too good to got discontinue ;A;
BlackPenguins #8
Chapter 8: You're back~! I missed this story ;A; But so happy you have updated! ^^
omg. this story lives..!! XD
Keep it up, Changsha princess ;D
JamminJog08 #10
Chapter 4: Update soon!!!!!:D