A Heart's Function

When the Rain Ends

--Author's POV--

Minri sat down at the desk located at the corner of the room. The health class was quite small and organized, filled with shelves of health books and posters of the human body. It was clear that there was lots to learn. The teacher at the head of the room was still eating his lunch. Minri watched the clock. Five minutes until class started. There was no one in sight and the teacher was still eating. Minri sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll finish my meal in time."

She glanced up at the teacher, who wore a grin on his face. He was young and good looking, his black hair cropped in quite the fashionable way. A clean suit framed his body, along with an expensive looking tie.

Minri laughed. "Are you sure? You're really taking your time, Seonsaeng Goo."

The teacher blinked in surprise. "Mwuh? I'm not Seonsaeng-nim."

"Eh?! Then who are you?!" Minri asked warily.

He chuckled. "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Kim Jaejoong, the student teacher. I will be assisting your health teacher throughout the school year."

"Ohh," Minri nodded, understanding. "Araso. You're a student teacher? Wow, then where's Seonsaeng-nim Goo?"

"He's usually late," Jaejoong replied with a laugh.

"Well, you better finish your sandwich, mister student teacher. Class starts in two minutes," Minri noted.

"Crap!" Jaejoong exclaimed. He immediately gave a sheepish look. "Mianhe, miss. I'm not usually a cursing type. But I think you are the cause for my late lunch."

"Me? Talking with you? It's not my fault!" she protested. "You know what? Just eat your....whatever you're eating." she said, staring at the mushy pile that Jaejoong was chewing uncomfortably.

He laughed. "It's supposed to be potato salad. Also, as a student, you should be introducing yourself."

"Oh, right!" she said. "Nice to meet you, Seonsaeng Kim. Park Minri imnida!" she bowed.

"Nice to meet you too, Minri-sshi. You can just call me Jaejoong. Everybody does." Jaejoong told her.

"Araso, Jaejoong-sshi," Minri said just as a few students started to appear.

Jaejoong finished the last of his potato salad and began to clean up. As the bell rang, Taemin walked in slowly with the same dull expression as always. Minri tried to catch his eye, but his eyes were distant, as if lost in a faded memory. He sat down at the back corner of the room, still staring hazily at nothing.

Minri couldn't help but be suspicious of his constant mute personality. He was like a living statue who briefly spoke. He never smiled; never laughed. She always saw him with the glassy, colorless eyes that always stared into space. She knew something was odd about him, but she was afraid to ask.

"Minri-sshi," a voice called.

She snapped out of her haze and stared at the boy in front of her.

"J-Jaejoong-sshi," she replied. "Is something wrong?"

He gave her a crooked grin. "Well, miss, you haven't been paying attention to my directions, huh? I asked everyone to get into groups of four to prepare for an examination of the human body. We're going to analyze the dummies today," he explained, feigning a look of contempt.

"Oh!" Minri exclaimed. She sheepishly stared at Jaejoong. "Mianhabnida, Jaejoong-sshi. I was distracted. Please excuse my lack of concentration!" She bowed in apology.

Jaejoong raised his eyebrow and chuckled softly. "Aigoo, were you distracted by your student teacher's remarkable appearance? I'll forgive you if that's what it is," he joked with a wink.

A giggle bubbled out of the embarrassed girl. "Sure, Jaejoong-sshi. I'll take that as my excuse."

Jaejoong nodded approvingly. "Araso. Now, go work with Taemin-sshi. He's by himself and I'm sure he can use some of your company."

"T-Taemin-sshi?!" Minri yelped.

Taemin looked up from his desk at the sound of his name. ". . . Nae?"

Jaejoong smiled softly at the boy. "Since Minri and you do not have partners, you two will work together."

Minri's heart thumped loudly against her chest. She was sure everyone could hear it. "N-Nae?!"

"Very well," Jaejoong said, clapping his hands together. "Now everyone has partners. Please cautiously take a dummy to your desk. The dummies are quite heavy."

Taemin looked up as Minri walked to him slowly. He stood up. "I'll . . . go get the dummy."

"Ah! Aniyo, I'll get it! Since I'm already up," Minri replied, turning around.

He gripped her arm and spun her around, firmly keeping her in place. Taemin's careful eyes searched hers. "It's fine. I'll go."

Minri couldn't find her voice. She nodded vaguely, not able to tear her eyes away from his gaze. She was well aware of his hand still embracing hers. Taemin shifted his eyes and dropped her hand, walking away. Minri placed her hand over her heart. Why won't this feeling go away? The absence of his hand made her shiver.

~ ~ ~

"The heart is what keeps us alive. It pumps blood throughout your body," Minri answered. "Does that sound like a good explanation, Taemin?"

She turned her head to see Taemin tracing the dummy's heart slowly. His eyes followed his finger's path. Minri tilted her head. "T-Taemin...?"

Not taking his eyes off the heart, he answered softly. "The heart . . . is a person's soul. It can make you love someone, even if they can't be with you. The heart can be broken. But you can still live, breathe, and eat. Even with a dead heart. Isn't that . . .funny?"

"A broken heart . . . can still be fixed," Minri replied.

Taemin stopped tracing the heart and turned to look at her. Minri didn't look away. She reached her hand out and gently touched the heart.

"Just like a wound, it can hurt. It can bruise. But if you wrap a Band-Aid around it, if you treat it with care, the wound will heal," she whispered.

When he continued to stare at her, Minri looked down. "W-What? It's true. That's logical," she stammered.

For the first time, Taemin smiled at her. He brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. The smile became bitter. "But if the wound is serious, scars will be left behind."

Minri realized that she wasn't breathing. She exhaled slowly, not knowing how to reply. As she shyly glanced back at him, Taemin's expression had become an amused grin, as if waiting for her to correct his statement. She could only think of one thing to say.

"You have a nice smile."

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Taemin continues to grow as Minri bonds with him. What will happen? And will he forget the past?


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Silver9311 #1
Chapter 14: OMG i love the story, it made me cry T___T
The ending was really nice *wipes tears. i love the way you wrote this story :)
Chapter 14: I cried. My tear were dripping and my nose was runnign and it was so beautifuly sad.
I read this story twice and I have to say that it was awesome.
But... why Taemin ah!! Why did he have to go!!!! T-T
i cried, REAL HARD. I kinda get the ending but still don't, was that guy in the end Taemin? isn't he dead? imma super confused
Chapter 14: Dx amazing story!
Chapter 3: This should have more than 10 subscribers.... More like 1000000... update soon!!!
Chapter six and im in love!!! Kekeke please continue writing I love love it cant wait to see what will happen!Im your new official reader so dont let me down ^.^
DinoFroggy #8
H..Wow, I already forgot her name. XD
Heena? Heena's a bish. ):
Please update soon. :3<3
Omg her painting ! ;~;
Heena's terrible ugh
Update soon!