The Quiet Boy

When the Rain Ends

--Minri's POV--

I thought that the first day of school was supposed to be all about making new friends, making a good impression on your teachers, and having fun. I was wrong.

SM Arts High is pretty large for a high school. It's almost as big as a college. Although I admired the variety of classes, I worried about whether or not I could find my way through all the halls and levels. Fortunately, I was able to find most of my classes. Except for my first class. Which was Fine Arts, the class that I had been anticipating since the moment I signed up for this school.

"B162. B162. Where would that be?"

I scratched my head and scanned the signs around me. B145. No. B148. No. Is it in another hallway, perhaps? Or did I pass it? I eyed my map for the fifth time, unsure of where it was.

"Are you lost?"

I turned my head to see a girl around the same age as me. She had short, brown hair that framed her skinny face. Her dark brown eyes were big and filled with an overload of mascara. Her uniform looked a little too tight; her skirt a little too short. Unlike mine, which fit me loosely, and my skirt almost reaching my knees.

"Actually, yes," I admitted sheepishly. "I can't seem to find the room B162. I've looked everywhere. Do you happen to know where it is?"

The girl smiled. "Ah! What a coincidence! That's my first class of the day. I'll bring you there."

"Oh, thank you so much!" I said, bowing.

"No worries," she replied. "I don't blame you for getting lost. The class is in a small corner of the next hallway. It's pretty hard to find if you're new. By the way, I'm Heena."

"Minri imnida." I replied.

We walked through the hall and turned a corner before reaching a door hidden at the next corner. Heena turned the doorknob of the closed door and walked inside. The classroom was filled with paintbrushes, color penicls, paint, pencils, paper, all sorts of art supplies. I was amazed at some interesting utensils that I had never seen before.

At the far end of the class was a young teacher, sitting at a messy desk. She glanced up as Heena and I approached her.

"Seonsaeng Lee, this is Minri-sshi. She's new here," Heena introduced.

Miss Lee smiled at me. "Ah, Park Minri?"

"Nae," I nodded. "Nice to meet you, Seonsaeng Lee." I bowed politely.

She smiled. "Nae. It'll be an interesting year, eh? Heena, nice to see you again. Glad to see that you're taking my class again this year."

"Of course, Miss Lee. You're my favorite teacher!"

"Well," Miss Lee began. "You better watch out because you'll have some competition this year."

"Mwuh?" Heena asked in confusion.

Miss Lee grinned at me. "Based on her application form, Minri-sshi has quite an impressive talent in art. Heena, you better watch out." she said jokingly.

I was flattered by the compliment. "Ah, Miss Lee, I'm not that great. I'm sure that I can learn a lot from you."

Miss Lee smiled. "We'll see."

A smile formed on my lips as I recall Miss Lee's words. On the first day, I already have a favorite teacher. I couldn't wait to see what projects she had in mind for the class. At the moment, I was in Korean Writing class, waiting for the bell to ring. As much as I enjoyed reading, this writing class was a little boring. I wonder if Heena will have lunch with me today. I have no one else to eat with. Nobody in my classes, except for her, has befriended me yet. I don't want to be a loner on the frist day. But I guess it doesn't really matter.

At that moment, the bell rang, making me jump at the sudden sound. The students quickly got out of their seats and headed out the door.

"Pages 21 to 25 for homework tonight!" Mr. Song reminded us as we walked out of the door.

I walked to my locker and crammed my books inside. As I occupied myself, I looked around the halls for any sign of Heena. Just then, Heena appeared a few feet away, with a couple of other girls, laughing amongst one another. Heena didn't seem to see me. Neither did her friends.

"Heena!" I called.

She heard me and looked in my direction. I waved at her and smiled. Then the weirdest thing happened. Instead of waving back, or even smiling, she frowned at me and turned back to her friends. They walked right past me. And Heena didn't even look at me. I stood there in bewilderment. I wasn't sure why Heena behaved that way to me, but it was a little rude. I tried to shrug it off. Maybe she didn't recognize me.

As I headed off to the cafeteria alone, I spotted Taemin a few feet ahead of me. Instantly, a grin replaced my frown and I walked faster to catch up to him.

"Annyeong, Taemin!" I greeted.

He glanced at me and nodded his head silently. I smiled.

"Are you going to the cafeteria?"

He nodded again.

"Araso. I'll go with you."

He didn't reply, so I implied it as a yes. We walked together to the cafeteria, where the smell of rice and kimchi engulfed my nose.

"Oh, it smells really good in here." I commented.

Taemin headed to the long line and I followed him. As we waited for the line to move about an inch, I decided to make small talk with the quiet boy.

"So, Taemin-ah, how long have you attended SM Arts?"

Taemin turned his head slowly to look at me before turning his head back. "Since freshmen year."

"Oh, chincha? Good for you. I'm new here so I have no clue who anyone is. Except for you." I laughed.

"You don't know me that well," he replied. For some reason, it sounded cold.

"That can change, then." I challenged. "Who are your friends? You should introduce me to some people. Please." I added, trying to be nicer.

"I don't have friends." he muttered.

"Eh? Wae?" I asked.

Once again, there was no answer. I decided that it wasn't the right topic. "What's your next class?"

". . .Health."

"With who?" I asked.

"Seonsaeng Goo." he answered.

"So do I! What a coincidence!" I exclaimed.

The conversation quickly ended, making things go awkward between us. After getting lunch, I followed Taemin to a small table, where he placed his lunch tray. I followed his example and sat down. For some reason, I felt eyes prick the back of my neck. I turned around to see Heena standing before us. Her eyes were filled with surprise and a hint of . . . jealousy? But I didn't know why.

"Annyeong, Heena!" I waved.

She smiled at me, (or was it at Taemin?) and walked toward us, carrying her tray. Her friends stood behind her.

"I see that you've met Taemin oppa, nae?" she asked, eyeing us.

I nodded and bit into my sandwich. "Mmm. So, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing!" Heena said hurriedly. "Um, Minri, would it be alright if I sat with you?"

"Sure. Go right ahead." I answered, gesturing to an empty seat beside me.

But Heena headed towards the empty chair between Taemin and I. Taemin suddenly looked uncomfortable. He glanced at me silently and I frowned. What's wrong? I shot him a look. He gave no answer. Instead, he stood up with his lunch tray. We stared at him in wonder.

"I don't feel too well. I'll just sit somewhere else. I don't want to get you guys sick." he said. It felt like a lie.

Before I could stop him, Taemin left our table and sat himself down at a small table with nobody. What happened? Why did he leave when Heena came over? Did something happen between them? I eyed Heena, but she avoided my gaze and stared down at her salad, which consisted of a few leaves. Is there something I don't know about this school's history? I wondered.

From across the room, I noticed four boys at a table were staring at me.

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Taemin continues to grow as Minri bonds with him. What will happen? And will he forget the past?


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Silver9311 #1
Chapter 14: OMG i love the story, it made me cry T___T
The ending was really nice *wipes tears. i love the way you wrote this story :)
Chapter 14: I cried. My tear were dripping and my nose was runnign and it was so beautifuly sad.
I read this story twice and I have to say that it was awesome.
But... why Taemin ah!! Why did he have to go!!!! T-T
i cried, REAL HARD. I kinda get the ending but still don't, was that guy in the end Taemin? isn't he dead? imma super confused
Chapter 14: Dx amazing story!
Chapter 3: This should have more than 10 subscribers.... More like 1000000... update soon!!!
Chapter six and im in love!!! Kekeke please continue writing I love love it cant wait to see what will happen!Im your new official reader so dont let me down ^.^
DinoFroggy #8
H..Wow, I already forgot her name. XD
Heena? Heena's a bish. ):
Please update soon. :3<3
Omg her painting ! ;~;
Heena's terrible ugh
Update soon!