What to Wear?

It Started With a Dance Battle

Amy’s POV:

What to wear, what to wear!
Kevin and I are in my room, rummaging through my clothes. -Or, at least I am. He’s just lying on my bed, flipping through a copy of W Korea while chewing gum…-

“Ok, how about this one Kevin?”

“Nah, too plain.” He says and I go back inside and try to find something more colorful.
Friday's in two days and I really need to find something perfect. I wanna have fun, let loose and dance while looking good! -Maybe Ill even meet a cute guy!-
I walk out to my room again and he looks up.

“Too much pink, even for you darling.” I sigh at his comment and walk back in to the walk-in closet. I know he’s the best one to ask when it comes to clothes but I would like to finish this TODAY.
-He looks like he’s having a bit too much fun “helping” me- I walk out to show him my next outfit.

 “What’s up with that dress? It makes you look fat. No offense baby you’re not fat, you know I don’t have any ugly friends” he says and smile.

“Of course you don’t, same goes for me, gorgeous.” I wink at him. He smiles sweetly, as if he wants to show just how good looking he really is.

After hours of me trying on different things Kevin suddenly raises his hand.

“Stop. Honey, you know you won’t find anything that I’ll approve of in there. That only leaves us with one option.”

“You mean..?”


“SHOPPING~!” we both squeal in unison.

Kevin’s POV:

I sit on her bed, waiting. As soon as we decided to go shopping she rushed back into the sea of clothes to find something appropriate for a shopping spree. I use this time to call Yun, she really NEEDS some new clothes ’cause if she wanna find a good looking guy on Friday she better find a nice outfit.. -Besides I can’t even remember the last time she dated. Or has she ever dated now that I think about it?- Anyway, that club will be full of cute guys and I’m not gonna let Yun miss that opportunity.
-I wonder if we’ll be able to drag Mimi to the mall too..-

“Hi Kev!”

“Hey, Yun. I wonder if you’re interested in joining Amy and I cause we’re gonna go shopping for tomorrow night.” -I bet she doesn’t know what to wear anyway-

“That would be great, I have nothing that works in my closet. I need some new stuff.”

“Yeah, I though so.”, I chuckle.

“Yah! Was that an insult?” she says, pretending to be angry.-No one can be angry with me for too long, I’m too cute- I flip my hair.

“Nah bb you know I’m just joking. Anyway do you think you can persuade Mimi to come too?”

“If I trick her into coming to my house and then we throw her in a car. You know, like in the movies.”

“Haha, yeah and we can get sued for kidnapping while we’re at it.” we both laugh at the thought of “kidnapping” Mimi, “Anyway, we’ll be at your house in half an hour so hurry!”

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Chapter 4: I know kevin sounds cute. He is. but this makes him sound so gay! Kevin Woo Is Not Gay!
Chapter 22: awww amy and kevin are so cute, i wish i has a friend like kevin :(
Looks great~! xD http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/140121/my-pocky-love-4minute-kpop-exo-fxkrystal ANyways... sorry for advertising here but would you mind checking out my fic? thanks a bunch! :D and subscribe too! :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #4
yay! you updated! :D<br />
it's getting good! <3 <3
Plz Update more! I love this
Aww amy & kevin ~
AHHH!!! Cliffhanger!!! I can't wait for the next update :D
Hahah! Wouldn't it be cool to have all the idols in it! Bwhaha. <br />
<br />
OMG What happened to Amy?? D:
Litche #9
LYZAAA: Yeah, my goal is to have every single idol in this!.... Ehum.. Or maybe not. Anyway, I'm gonna add more idols. :D
More of my biases? Haha. That'll be interesting! XD <br />
Love this story btw (: