meetings and jealousy

having you

~~~Yesungs POV~~~~


"sungie we have a visitor" wookie said with a cheerful voice


"who's visitor is it?"


"my visitor, she said like an idiot then pointing at some random guy which is i admit cool "he is kyuhyun"


i stood there frozen then i've thought that maybe this kyuhyun guy is wookie's crush or maybe even worst boyfriend then i am just a noisance here i better go, then i find some excuses


"okay then have a good time i'll go to work now" i said trying to hide the fact that i am sad right now




~~~at the Cafe~~~


"yeye, welcome back" sungmin said with a smiling face while hugging me


(Sungmin is the daughter of the owner of the shop and if i am not workingshe's the one who's working, i am they're only one worker which means me and sungmin is the only one working in there shop)


"oh sungmin, tired already?"i teasingly asked, while she's slowly breaking the hug


"no, i'm not, and don't you ever try to tease me yeye Oppa~~" she said smiling and completely did break the hug


"i laughed at her childessness-   you really area childish one i know" i said to her


"yeah, yeah whatever you say yeye, " she said as if she is not interested "oh by the  way yeye what happened to you before you come here?"


"hmm?nothing" i said innocently


"eh acting all innocent eh yeye" she said poking me "it's  okay i'll know it eventually"


~~~~~end of yesungs POV~~~~~~


~~~~ryeowook's and kyuhyun's side right after yesung left~~~~~~~


"who's he?" kyuhyun said


"ah sungie? sungie is my brother, i already tod you about my situation right?" ryeowook said


"oh yeah, you told me about that was when i found you crying in the beach alone right?"


"oh yeah you still remeber it?"  ryeowook said shyly


"of course i still remember it, that's when i met a beatiful lady like you, how could i forget it?"


-ryeowook blushed-


"would you like to tour around? well there's this cafe that i really wanted to go so want to come? " kyuhyun said


"y..yeah, sure just wait for amoment i'll just dress up" ryeowook said excitedly 


"yeah sure" kyuhyun



~~~~kyuhyun's POV~~~~~~



i was walking at the beach that time, lonely  then i saw a girl who's sobbing


"why are you crying?" i said with a pity in my voice


"-sob-sob-sob-"who are you?" she said looking up at me then i suddenly realize that she was beautiful


"hey, i'm not a bad guy i just wanted to help you so, why are you crying?" i said


"ca...can i trust you?" she said


"y..yeah" i said


"'s because my mom is going to marry another man and my father is also going to marry another woman"


"hmmmm that's kind a sad but, you wanted your parents to be happy right?" i said to her crying figure


"yeah" she said "ahh thanks,by the way i'm ryeowook" she said now smiling

"i'm kyuhyun, you better not cry again since you would look horrible" i said laughing


after that day ryeowook and i had been kept in touch, text messaging,calling, walking out together 

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

~~~end of kyuhyuns POV~~~~~


ryeowook and kyuhyun go to the cafe yet when they arrive at the cafe


~~~ryeowooks POV~~~~


when kyuhyun and i reach the cafe that he was saying that he would show me, i saw yesung there serving the costumers happily so this is where he is working. 


"ryeowook isn't he your brother?" kyuhyun said pointing at yesung "why is he working her?"


"yeah he is , and he is working because i don't know his reasons though" i said


"let's go in" kyuhyun said


"welcome sir, maam" a woman that is very cute said

then just then yesung appeared in her back, he looks shock and angry?

"oh ryeowook, and you are kyuhyun right?" he said pointing at kyuhyun

"yeah," kyuhyun said

then the girl that is so cute with a pink dress said

"yeye you know them?"


"yeah minnie i know them" this is ryeowook he said pointing at me and this is kyuhyun he said pointing at kyuhyun and this is sungmin he said pointing at the girl that is so cute"


"ahmm okay, so table for two?" sungmin asked me and kyuhyun


"yeah, " kyuhyun said


are they going out? why is it that sungie is calling sungmin Minnie? are they but that couldn't be he said he like me.....but did he like me as a sister only? aish...what am i expecting that he would like me as soon as he see me?? wait ...wait my crush is kyuhyun so only for kyuhyun and sungie is my brother he is my brother


~~~end of ryeowooks POV~~~~~


~~~~kyuhyuns POV~~~~


i was so shocked to see Ryeowooks brother in the cafe and when we entered the cafe i was more shock to see a girl who looks like a bunny she was wearing a pink blouse with a pink aprron her hair in poy tail that looks perfectly with her then suddenly ryeowooks brother appear behind her and introduce us, and i've known that her name is sungmin,,..never in my life i've never been this interested in a girl that i've first met in my life even meeting ryeowook didn't make me this excited.....but...there's a problem it looks like this sungmin is somehow has a crush on ryeowooks brother and found my self starring at her asif i'm a maniac ...then she suddenly said "table for two?" her voice is so sothing "yeah"


~~~end of kyuhyuns POV~~~~


~~~~yesungs POV~~~~


so they really is going out , they are lovers, i really am a noisance eh, i was very at my thought and was back to reality when minnie said that introduced them" and so i did introduced them to minnie which looked so very excited,


~~~~end of yesungs POV~~~~


~~~~sungmins POV~~~~


i greeted new costumers but was interrupted by yeye he knows this new costumers, yeye looks so shock to see them, so i assume that yeye likes this girl but the girl is with a man,so i suggest yeye is having aone sided love eh? and that makes me sad i forced myself to look like excited i told yeye to introduced them to me and so yeye did introduced them to me i noticed the guy named kyuhyun looking at me foriously so i was kind a shy and told them so table for two?

i better talk to yeye after this yeye must only like me....i won't ever ever give yeye to this girl and this girl seemed to be attached with this boy named kyuhyun so i better make a plan for them to be together hehhehe...


~~~end of sungmins POV~~~~






~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope you guys will like it....... yeah i am making a love square here which yesung is inlove with his sister ryeowook and ryeowook who has a crush on kyuhyun, kyuhyun who had fallen to sungmin in there first meeting and lastly sungmin who works at there cafe because of yesung that she has deeply affection on it



@anahus: yeah you are right kyuhyun is ryeowooks crush ever since they met at the beach



thanks for reading guys.................


please comment and tell me of my mistakes ehhehehe

i highly appreaciate it

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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^