
having you

~~~ryeowook's POV~~~~

oh, God such a pity i should've stayed there his body was perfect -drooling- wahh i wonder how his lips taste wahhhh -slapping herself-

God, what have i done??-face palming- i'm such an idiot accusing Yesung while i was the one who barged in his room jus because i'm afraid of thunder yet the moment i woke up i forgot everything about it and even accuse him of me? i even punched him,,....ahhhhh -mentally shouting- ah! i know i should cook for him.

~~end of ryeowooks POV~~~





Yesung got dress up and go to the room of ryeowook which is next to his room, he was knocking but no ones answering so he  abruptly go to the kitchen to cook,  but was surprise when he arrive at the kitchen to see a ryeowook which is humming while cooking, obviously didn't notice that yesung is there, yesung was stunned by the ryeowook who is standing in front of him who hs an apron, humming while cooking and ryeowook is so cute with the apron and just then an idea come in yesung's mind


"hey wookie" yesung said hugging ryeowook's waist


-shock, almost jumping- now facing yesung their faces inches away- holding her heart as if it would run-

"woah yesung you scared me to death"


yesung just keep silent


"what you hungry already?" wookie -still blushing-


"yeah, somehow" yesung -took a step so that he could feel ryeowooks breath



"then wait in the table" blushing so hard cause she can feel yesung's breathing


yesung just kept silent, instead of answering ryeowooks question he holds ryeowooks blushing face and touch ryeowooks lips with his lips. ryeowook was so shock and push yesung away


"okay, i'll wait in the table " Yesung said walking leaving a blushing ryeowook behind


~~~ryeowooks POV~~~


did he just kissed me?? -unconciously touching her lips- but why?? why did he kissed me?? 

i was so lost in my own world but was back to reality when yesung shouted " IS THE FOOD NOT READY YET?"

 i brought the foods and sit in the table

this is an awkward silence......then he broke the silence


"wookie, you cook so delicious" he said with a smiling face



he looked at me shocked then i continued

"w...why d...d....did you do that??" 


"do what wookie?" he said acting innocent and all



"ki?" he asked

"kiss, why did you kiss me?" 


"oh, that because i like you" he said plainly


"w..what? you like m....." i was cut off because of the doorbell "i'll see who it is" i said


~~~end of ryeowooks POV~~~


ryeowook opened the door only to see kyuhyun her crush


"kyu, how did you come here?"


"i come here riding a train ofcourse"


"yeah, but how did you know my address?"


"simple, but won't you let me come in?"


"y.yeah sure, come in" ryeowook walk to go to sungie and kyuhyun followed ryeowook "sungie we have a visitor"


"a visitor? who's vistor is it?" yesung said


"my visitor" ryeowook said laughing like a idiot "his name is kyuhyun" pointing at kyuhyun


"oh, then have a good time, i'll go to work now" yesung said with a sad tone




~~~~~well lets end there for now~~~~~~`


~~~~thanks for reading ~~~~


~~~~i really really appreciate your comments~~~




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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^