living without you

having you


Ryeowook’s POV:


I woke up in a disaster state, my eyes are red, my hair so crumpled, my face is so dirty to look at, remembering all that happened yesterday is such a nightmare to me. But, I can’t stop now can’t i? I still need to know why? Why does he no longer love me? Am I only a toy to him?, am I just an entertainment to him? Is it because I am too childish? Thinking all of those I go to bathroom and bath, making myself clean since our parents are currently at the house and I don’t want them to see me in this state especially sungie I don’t want him to see me so vulnerable then I go to dining room thinking that sungie would be there so that I could ask him everything I wanted to know, everything, I wanted all my questions to be answered, but I was only greeted in the dining hall by our parents.


“good morning” teuk And Hee umma said in unison

“good morning umma” I said with a fake smile then I notice something sungie is not here

”umma, appa, where is sungie is he not awake yet?” I said still faking a smile, in truth I don’t really want to smile and just be in my room, but if I do that my no our parents would be worried

“eh?” they all said in unison

“yesung, go to Busan because he said that he wanted to study college there” hee umma said

“yesung didn’t tell you dear?” teuk umma said

Now my tears are threatening to fall, and I just said a lie to them

“ah?! I forgot, he already told me that, aish, I didn’t know that he would go today” I said fake smiling trying to hide my sadness the sadness, that I don’t know why he didn’t tell me about it

“umma, appa, I’m going to my room now” I said leaving the four of them in the living room when I enter my room, sobs could be heard, I didn’t care anymore I now realize he really didn’t want me, he didn’t even say that he was leaving, I loved him yet, he didn’t love me. I compose myself and go to downstairs where our umma is watching a drama and our appa is playing games, I suddenly remembered sungie whenever our parents is here he would join the appa’s to play, and he would always win, and I would bring snacks for them, remembering that makes me wanted to go to my room and cry again but kangin appa called me

“ryeowook, can you go to yesung’s room and get the other controller?”

Sungie’s room? “y..yes appa” I said stuttering

When I enter sungie’s room I saw the controller on the table and there is a letter in there, I get the letter and saw that the letter was for me, I left the letter in there and give the controller to appa kangin and go back to sungie’s room and read the letter while reading the letter I cried and cried

Wookie, I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you anything about me going to Busan for College, since I just decided that the day before yesterday, I just wanted to let you know that I left the house since I know that you wouldn’t want to see me yet, so I created the space for you, for you to be happy, and by the way wookie find yourself a better boyfriend okay?

Lovingly yours: yesung


~~~~end of ryeowooks POV~~~~~


After reading that letter ryeowook cried and didn’t go out, she was still in yesungs room, savoring everything all their moments together in yesungs room, since they can only be lovers in yesungs room when their parents are at home. Ryeowook stayed like that for about 1 month and her and yesungs parents just take it that ryeowook do miss yesung that much so they give her money to go to yesungs place for her to stop crying, that’s what her parents thought, the parents that are oblivious that their son and daughter are lovers, ryeowook gladly accepted the money and go to yesungs place, only to find yesung with another woman,

“wo..wookie? why are you here?” yesung said shock

“who’s she?” ryeowook ask pointing the girl

“my girlfriend” yesung said plainly

Ryeowook couldn’t bear it anymore so she just run, up to the train station and go home


~~~~yesung’s POV~~~~


I was walking with  hyukjae, when I saw ryeowook coming to us

“wo…wookie? Why are you here?” I said to her shock

“who’s she?” she asked me I can see her voice is crack

“my girlfriend “ I said to her plainly

Then ryeowook run off, I wanted to run after her when hyukjae spoke

“why don’t you run after her?” she asked me

“why? Why do you want me to run after her?” I asked her sadly

“Because you lied to her, you told her that I am your girlfriend when we are only a group mate, and one thing is she’s the girl that you are always dreaming about, and the girl that made your heart beat fast, she’s the girl that you’ve fallen for right?”

“how did you know it?”

“simple, whenever Donghae and I are being intimate you would always leave us and cry in your room thinking about her, then one day Donghae heard you saying her name while sleeping”


“yes, that’s what you heard, donghae and you are roommates after all, so now go after her”

“, I can’t, I’m not ready yet”

“you know what, not telling her the true reason why you broke up with her is unreasonable, you are a coward, your heartless” hyukjae said while patting my back and leave me alone, standing there stunned

She’s right, I’m a coward I have hurt wookie so much, I was only thinking about myself, I’m selfish but I can’t go after her yet.

~~~end of yesung’s POV~~~~


After 7 months:

On the day before Christmas Eve

On the telephone:

“yesung son, you should go home in Christmas” hangeng said

“yeah, we all miss you already” heechul said

“yeah, you should go home son” kangin said

“yeah, you better go home” teukie said

“sungie, you should go home, our parents misses you already” ryeowook said, with a fake happy voice in truth ryeowook is afraid to see yesung again, afraid that she might burst out crying again.

“o..okay, I’ll go home”

~~~end of conversation~~~

In the dining hall parents meeting:

“good, yesung’s going home “ hangeng said

“yeah, it is a good thing that he would go home” kanging said

“I was a little afraid that he might not go home but good thing ryeowook was there hahahha” teukie said

“now we can go to paris, we can now leave the house again” heechul said excitedly

“yeah, we should not make yesung leave the house again, since he started college in Busan we have not leave this country for 7 months because no one would watch over ryeowook here” kangin said plainly

“that’s true, and I have not gone shopping for ing 7 moths and that’s irritating” heechul said agreeing with kangin

“but, now all the problems are solve, yesung is going home, and that’s all there is, you really are a good planner chul” teukie said

“ofcourse I am, hahhahhaa” heechul said proudly



“ahh!!! Bored!!bored!!!bored!!1” teukie said throwing the pillows around

“, this ing dresses, it’s all old now, I would look like an old woman” heechul said throwing all her dresses in her room

“, I no longer have food ingredients” hankyung said worriedly

“ahh!!! My working tools are all old and bad to look at” kangin said holding his working tools

“what should we do? We can’t leave the house with ryeowook alone here” teukie asked

“yeah, we can’t” kangin said

“no! we could leave if yesung is here right?” heechul said

“yeah, we could” hangeng said

“but, how? How would we make yesung go home?” teukie said

“simple, we  call him and tell him to go home” heechul said proudly

“yeah, that’s right it’s almost Christmas anyway” hangeng said

“hahahha, good idea” kangin said

:end of flashback:

 The ryeowook who’s watching her parents in the dining room laughing has no idea what her parents were planning for.


Yesung got home but when he got home he was greeted by a letter in the dining table

Yesung, we didn’t wait for you to arrive, we are going to celebrate the Christmas in Paris…

Love your parents

P:S: tell wookie about this and treat her well~~~~

This parents really, what are they thinking aish…

Christmas day:

Ryeowook and yesung went out shopping walking together awkwardly then ryeowook broke the silence


“how was you and your girlfriend?”

“how about you? Did you have a boyfriend already?”

“no I don’t have a boyfriend”

“that girl is not my girlfriend sorry I lied”

Then suddenly ryeowook stopped walking and cried

“can…can I still love you? *sob* even if you no longer love me it is okay, even if you wouldn’t allow me I would still love you secretly *sob* I would love you forever*sob*

Then yesung forcedly drag ryeowook back into their house without saying anything then right after they arrived at their house yesung hugged her

“wookie I really really loved you, but we can’t it’s wrong our love is wrong”

“what are you saying? Our love is not wrong sungie” ryeowook said slightly smiling

“yes, it is “yesung said slightly breaking the hug “we are related by blood, your father is also my father”

Ryeowook was stunned slowly putting her hands on and her tears is slowly going down then yesung continued

“I saw a picture of your father with my mother pregnant”

“*sob* so that’s why teuk umma said that I am not allowed to love you?” ryeowook said looking at yesung


“sungie, ca…can we ahm, have just one week to be together? Not thinking that we are related by blood but just a simple lover, then after that (ryeowooks tears re falling while saying this) I would forget everything, I would forget loving you, I would forget that we had been together, will you ?”


“okay, wookie we would go, right after Christmas our parents would go home, so we can go somewhere, a place where no one knows us,”


Christmas day, they invited the kyuhyun and sungmin to have Christmas at their house

“by the way guys sungmin and I are together now”

“woah! Just when? What happened?” ryeowook asked excitedly

“hahhaha you’ll know how if you read the having you Kyumin version” kyuhyun said proudly

“oh, so you two have a different Fic?” yesung said

“ofcourse, hahhaahaha”











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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^