
having you

~~~~yesung's POV~~~~


few days left and it would be our anniverssarry but i guess it was a bad thing that i watch our family album since there i saw ryeowooks  father with my mother who's pregnant... i was so shocked when i saw that so means that my true father is ryeowooks father? we are related by blood? but why is it that ryeowooks father has another woman which is teukie umma?? why?? what happened to them? i need to break up with wookie the person that i've love more than myself i need to break up with the person that is so dear to me.....


in our anniversarry day i broke up with her she cried in front of me then i just gave her the ring that she wanted as a gift, i cann't continue on seeing her crying so i left since  am afraid that if i won't leave i would embrace her and would unable to break up with her so i left her there crying and it is snowing, so i called sungmin


~~~on the phone~~~


"minnie. can you go to the park and pick up ryeowook?"


"why? what happened? "

i broke up with her

"nothing really, and i am quiete busy today" i lied to her, 


"oh okay i'll go there now"


"thanks minnie"


then i hang up


i waited for sungmin to come at the park, as i spotted minnie running, then i leave, i didn't go home but instead go to kyuhyuns house we are close so nothings wrong going to his house right?


~~at kyuhyuns house~~~`


"hyung, why are you here?"


"kyuhyun can i stay here for tonight?"


"why hyung?, did something happen?, did ryeowook and you had quarrel again?"


"ah, no, i..i broke up with her" now tears are flowing kyuhyun just looked at me pitifully


"hyung enter first and we will talk in my room, is ryeowook okay?"


"no, but i made sure that she would be able to go home she's with sungmin now since i called sungmin to go to her"


right after that conversation, i told kyuhyun everything and i thank that he understand me, my situation, no our situation


~~~end of yesungs POV~~~


~~~~sungmins POV~~~


yesung had called me to go to the park to fetch ryeowook but i was stunned by what i saw, i saw a ryeowook with fluffy eyes, tears flowing in her eyes, hair messy, i ran to her and hug her tight


"what happened?"


"sungie *sob* *sob* broke*sob* up with me*sob*"




"he said *sob* he no longer loves me"


after that i brought her to my house and  i tried to calm her their

yesung we have a lot to talk to you better watch out

i didn't know what emotion i should have, i was angry at yeye because i never thought of him being a jerk, and i feel symphaty for ryeowook because of her state righ now, then i feel afraid because what if i accept that evilgamer would i be like ryeowook??


many questions in my mind i don't know what to think anymore, but first i needed to help ryeowook ...

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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^