break up

having you

after a few weeks hankyung, heechul, leeteuk, and kangin is already in their house, yesung and ryeowook had been a secret lover in their family and sungmin and kyuhyun is atleast having it's way of being something.


one time when yesung was in his room thinking about something that he didn't even notice that ryeowook had enter his room




no answer..........

ryeowook step forward and wave her hand in front of yesungs face




"oh, wookie"


"finally, what's wrong, your daze off"


"i was thinking about the letter that my grandma sent to mother when i was still a child, it says that my current dad now is not my dad"


"meaning?" ryeowook ask yesung confusedly


"meaning i have another dad and it could be mothers lover when she is still in highschool"


"then what are you going to do now?"


"i am going to find my real dad no matter what"


"don't worry i'm here i'll help you"


"yeah, thanks " yesung said then holds ryeowooks face and peak in her lips "it was a good thing that you are always here beside me" and he hug ryeowook "by the way why are you here?"


"ah! she said clasping her hand "i forgot, teukie umma said that breakfast is ready"


"oh, okay, by the way wookie wanna go to amuzement park today?"


"really  we would go to amuzement park?!" ryeowook said with excitement  me and you?"


"yeah, just me and you"


"but would umma and appa allow us?"


"don't worry about that, let's go downstairs they might be waiting for us"



and so they did go downstairs and yesung was right their umma and appa are already waiting


"why is it that the two of you took so much time uptairs?" heechul ask when yesung and ryeowook was approaching


"yeah, we were waiting here like forever you know" leeteuk said pouting and yesung ans ryeowook just laugh at it


"anyway let's eat" hankyung said bringing heechul in his lap


then they eat, with heechul in hankyngs lap, and kangin feeding leeteuk and with yesung and ryeowook watching their parents being sweet


"umma, appa, ryeowook and i are going to the amuzement park today" yesung said formally breaking the happy sweet talks of their parents


"oh really? wow" heechul said with excitement in her voice"okay i've decided we all go to amuzement park today" 


"yeah, yeah, we should, nice idea yesung" leeteuk said putting a thumbs up in her son


"that could be a good idea since we didn't have any moments as a family yet" hankyung sAid


"yeah, and that place could be a good double date for us too" kangin said


"double date? that sounds nice"leeteuk said now hugging kangin


"yeah, now that reminds me of the old days" heechul said


and now the parents have lost in their own world


"they've truly forgotten about us wookie" yesung said


"yeah *sigh*"




in the amuzement park  the hanchul and kangteuk couple truly did forget about their childrens since right after they arrived at the amuzement park they set off and leave yesung and ryeowook alone


"wow! i never expected that they would really forget about us" ryeowook said with sarcasm


"they really are a childish parents aren't they?" yesung said with amusment in his voice


"yeah *sigh*, but what should we do now? just enjoy in our own?"


"yeah, let's enjoy this amuzement park like we already had planned"


then both of them really made fun together riding different rides, with there hands intertwinned, they tried every rides and when it almost night they all reunited again and went home together.




a year had passed and it always had been like that yesung being busy finding his father but still fails, ryeowook and yesung is again alone in their house, since their parents had gone for a business trip again.


"sungie, how are we going to celebrate our anniversarry?"


"hmm what do you want as a gift?"


"well i want a ring"


"a ring? okay then don't worry about our anniversarry i'll be the one to prepare it"



then few  days left before their anniversary and yesung had seen  their family album, and there he had seen something... something that mezmerize him, that made him to be cold to ryeowook....


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on their anniversarry day~~~~~~~~


~~~~ryeowooks POV~~~~


sungie had been so cold to me this few days i wonder what happened, but  i am very excited today since today is our anniversarry and it is snowing, he had ask me to go to the park and i excitedly go there only to see yesung there standing


"sungie" i waved my hand and come to him happily but when i come closer i saw his face without emotion"what's wrong?" i ask him nervously i am afraid i don't know why


"wookie, lets end it here" he said with a blank face


"what?! w..what are you saying " i know my voice is stuterring right now i forced a smile"y..your joking right?"


"no, let's break up"


"b..but why?" my tears are now falling "did i do something wrong? did i do something that you don't like?" i ask him


"no, but i just realize that i don't love you anymore" he said with a serious face


i was afraid i couldn't say anything, it was the first time i saw him having that serious face, i let my head down, letting my tears go freely, then he hold my hands,


"wookie, this is the ring that you wanted keep it okay?"

then right after he said that he leave me, he leave me there crying......i was crying that i couldn't even feel the coldness of the snow, this day was supposed to be my happy day, today is supposed to be our anniversarry, b..but, what happened?? what did i do?? he said he didn't love me anymore, did he find someone else already?? didn't he love me at all, all of that was that all for showcase??i couldn't stand anymore, i just let my knees fall on the park i don't care if people look at me, i don't care if i look like an idiot right now, it hurts, it hurts, my heart just broke into pieces and i no longer want to be alive...i just wanted to die right now

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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^