
having you

~~~~in the rest house of cho's family~~~~~

sungmin and ryeowook arrived then the four (4) of them talked together the atmosphere was, confused, anger, shy, afraid the room was full of emotions just then yesung broke the silence


"hey, sungmin i won the bet" yesung said


"yeah, yeah i know" she said wth dissappointment in her voice


kyuhyun and ryeowook both look at each other with confusions in their eyes


"what bet?" kyuhyun ask


"will the bet was secret but sungmin and i didn't kiss that time" yesung said

"yeah, i was about to fall that time, then yesung was just trying to help me but ended failled that's why he was on the top" sungmin added


kyuhyuns face became red maybe redder than tomatto because of shyness of accusing things, then ryeowooks face lift up, with a happy voice


"then the two of you are not dating?" ryeowook ask


"ofcourse not didn't i tell you that i like you? yesung said facing ryeowook


"oh being sweet in front of us eh?" sungmin said "let's go kyu you don't want to both of them being sweet in front of us right?" she said then drag kyuhyun with her


~~~~sungmins POV~~~


yesung just said that he like ryeowook he also said that yesterday that's why we had a bet 


~~~~flashback this is the time, when sungmin go to yesung~~~~~~


"yeye, goodevening"


"oh minnie good evening, come here sit" yeye said patting  his side motioning for me to sit there and i did so i seated beside him then suddenly he talk


"minnie can you help me of something?" he said with a seriousness in his face

"yeah, sure what is it?" i said with nervousness in my voice


"it's about wookie, i have already told her that i like her and kissed her but i've never heard her say that she like me then theres this kyuhyun that she has a crush on but kyuhyun had a crush on someone , what should i do?" he said with a worry in his voice


when i heard that yeye likes ryeowook that they evem kissed, i thought that my heart maybe broken right now but it's not fully broken since it just feels like someone destroyed my favorite toy, it's just that feeling but when i heard him say that kyuhyun has a crush on someone else i feel like crushed in pieces, but i don't know why, why it feels like broken in to pieces, i don't like ....okay maybe i like him but not in the stage where he would be my lover right?


"yeye know what ryeowook likes you too, but yeye who's kyuhyun's crush?" i said trying to comfort him and trying to hide my tears, 


"you think so? but why is it that she's always blushing if kyuhyun is around her?and kyuhyun's crush you can find it out yourself" he said 


"well, okay if you don't think that i am telling the truth then let's make a bet" i said to him


"okay, i'll bet that kyuhyun would be angry if he saw us being intimate with each other" he said with happiness in his voice


"huh?! why is it with kyuhyun? why would kyuhyun get angry? we are betting that if ryeowook likes you or not right?"


"yeah but it isn't nice if it is only ryeowook right?"


"huh?! what?! why are trying to involved kyuhyun in this?? he was trying to cover my mouth but we both ended up falling in the floor causing a loud thud 


"you okay?"


"yeah i am, please move aside cause i'll stand up now" i said to him cause  it would have bad impact on ryeowook and kyuhyun if they us in this position right 


"sorry, but no can do minnie kyuhyun is watching right now, remember the bet if i won you would help me with ryeowook okay?"


"if i won you would tell me who's kyuhyuns crush"


"being curious like that , you like kyuhyun?"


"shut up! , want to do the bet or not?"





~~~~end of flashback~~~~

"uh, bunny where are you taking me?"

"anywhere just away from those two" i said to him


"you like him right? like yesung right?" he said wth a concern in his voice


"w..what are you saying i....i ..i " then my tears started to flow then suddenly he embraced me saying "it's okay i am here"


in real i'm not really hurt at all, what made my tears fall is that i fell guilty because before i met kyuhyun i was so sure that i love yeye but when kyuhyun came in to my life everything went wrong, even though i don't like him being mean but him being this caring is nice to have, i just cried in his embrace saying nothing since me myself is confuse with my feeling for this guy who's embraciing me with his protective arms right now.


~~~~~end of sungmins POV~~~~


~~~~~kyuhyun's POV~~~~


i am very curious of the bet that they had but its okay i'll just let it off since i am very happy right now, to know that they didn't kiss and that yesung likes ryeowook well that was obvious though, but when sungmin drag me outside my mouth just suddenly talk on it's own


"you like him right? like yesung right?"


then she was trying to deny it but her tears fall and i can't stand watching her being like that at all so i embraced her and said "it's okay i'm here" then we stayed like that until she had calm down, then we sat on the sand then suddenly


"hey, k...kyu" she said as if she was still deciding whether to call me evil or by my name, this is the second time she called me by my name i felf like i was in heaven, i might thanks yesung for this


"yes?" i said looking at the stars and i could feel that she's looking at me


"you know, i was not crying a moment ago because of yeye saying that he likes ryeowook, yeah maybe because of that but the reason is different" i just looked at her in silent and she continued "'s because i realize something terrible"


now i was shocked "something terrible? what would it be?"


"yeah really terrible, it very terrible claiming that you love someone else but here comes this guy, then you are telling yourself this guy is evil, that you hate this guy but then you suddenly realize that the you might not really hate that guy"


i was surprise to what she said, when she said evil, my eyes widen is it me or just my imagination, is she talking about me? 


"maybe you've come to like the guy you're saying" i just said plainly to her


"yeah, maybe but i am not sure of my feelings yet, thanks devil" then right after she said that she put her head in my shoulder and as if on cue there are fireworks display and it was very nice. this is one of my best nights having sungmin beside me and being close like this, how i wished for this to stay longer.



~~~~yewooks side, right after the kyumin left~~~~

"i like you" yesung said


"sorry sungie but i don't know about my feelings yet"


"then let's make sure of your feelings right now" yesung said to her




"do you like it when i kissed you?"




"do you miss me when i am not around?"




"did you cry when you saw me and minnie yesterday?"




"do you feel nervous when i am near you?"




"do you hate me?"




"then do you like me?"




"then there's your answer you like me too"


"eh? is that how you feel, when you like someone?"




"sungie i..i..i love you"  ryewook said in a low voice


"what i can't hear you?" sungie said while using one step


"i love you"


"say it again" taking another step


"i love you" ryeowook said now very embarrased


"say it again" taking another step


"yah!! why is it that i'm the only one always saying i love...." ryeowook was cut off by yesungs lips, then they kissed passionately



hope all of you will enjoy this chap.

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thank you for reading my fic....

love you all

@elfishbunneh: yeah it is ryeowook, that was from super junior M celebrity tour guide



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JadeRiver #1
what a happy ending! the ending... I want to facepalm myself for worrying too much xP
Im so happy...... yewook together!! weeee :'D
I was about to cry at first, but the ending make me laugh, hahaha.. XD
JadeRiver #4
T___T broken ryeowook...
so, they are really relate blood??
ahh ~~ poor mywookie :'(
I hope there is solution or something better will happen soon..
thanks for update.. and please update soon.. T__T
JadeRiver #6
i think yeye found out who is his real father... and it's ryeowooks father... maybe?
but breaking up with wookie without explanations is meanie >.<
what did yeye see???? >_< oh god...
im very nervous and curious right now..
poor wookie... T__T
what he do?? until yeye left her just like that..
ohh... im very scared... what actually happen to them..
JadeRiver #8
i love yesung in your story! he doesn't hesitate and confesses his love to wookie! and kyumin moment is really romantic and sweet! this chap is my fav! ^^