You are everywhere


Donghae's POV

It's about 7pm. 

Ah,it was a loooong day.The director told us the whole story. It seems good, but if it'll be bad, he doesn't need to worry, because I'm playing the main male role, so it could be only successful.

But how come the blondy got such an important role as the friend, by the way. Of couse it's not as important as mine but still... You can't tell about him that he's an actor. He's so silly. Wait!

If I remember well, he didn't even once look at me as a big star, but I'm really famous and not in Asia only. I made some films and commercials already so he had to see me at least once, hadn't he? And when the director introduced us to each other... His reaction didn't

show any recognition. Could it be he doesn't know me? That will be really absurd..(or not?) 


The door of the elevator opened. Oh,finally.Only  a few steps and I'll be in my room.*_*

I stepped forward then I freezed down. You ask WHY? Well, I can tell you.



Eunhyuk's POV

C'mon Lee Hyukjae, only a few steps and you'll reach the room.

1 step 2 step 3 step

But then the door of the elevater opened. Only a guy stepped out but he immediately stopped. Hmm Wae? I looked at him. Guess who was he? 

Yeah, the egoist guy, you are right!   Is he chasing me or what? I didn't know how to react. 

-Are you chasing me all day long?- asked he.Tsk,I could ask it too. It pissed me off!

-Why would I? Who are you,huh? - I know this was rude.I'm usually not like this. But this guy...

-How dare you talk to me like this? - Do you still ask it?

-You talk always like you were a king,

-Because I'm the king of the actors.- Pffff! I can't help but laugh in my mind.

-Really? Then how come I don't know you? What was your name? D-D..Dongho? Or Donghyun?- I .Of course I know his name since the director told me. But then I realized that his head became red a bit. o.O

-IT'S DONGHAE! LEE DONGHAE! Should I spell it to you? And the reason why you don't know me is that you live on another planet! You MONKEY! - he was clearly angry. Omo, did I went too far?


Donghae's POV

Damn this guy. Does he think it's funny? Well, not at all! I shouted at him just now. From his eyes, I know he regretted this tease, but it's my turn then.

-You're annoying, you know. But since I'm popular and lots of BIG people know me I garantee you'll be kicked out from this drama.

His eyes were full of fear.

-Please, don't do this,please! It's my first serious role.I worked hard for this,I wanted it so damn much! Please don't ... - his voice is trembling and his hands are shaking. Are they tears in his eyes?

-Like I care what you say. I've got enough of you so ...

He cut my words with his ... cry. o.O  He palmed his mouth and tried not to cry loud. What have I done? I went too far. He kneeled down and cried like a little kid.

I felt sorry for him. I should not have this cruelly.

-Ya! Don't cry! I won't do anything to you, 'kay? -  Dry your tears away.

He looked in my eyes.


-Ne. -I nodded. Just don't cry anymore. I felt a little pressure in my chest.

-Chincha?- Don't believe me or what?

-Do you think I'm lying?

-Ah,no no! I'm just...uhm...thank you.- those two last words... his voice was weak but I felt he is thankful.

He didn't cry anymore and with that the pressure is dissapeared too.    Then silent...

Eunhyuk's POV

This silent is killing me. I stood up. But still don't know what to do. Should I say to him 'Good night!' and just go or .. ?

One thing I know, I don't want to be rude with him anymore. We're gonna work together for a while, so I don't want any problems. And if he really popular, that means he is good in acting. So maybe just MAYBE I could ask him for help if I don't understand something.

-L-let's work hard...together.-I almost whispered cause of the silent I feel myself shy. :$

-Tsk! Good night,blondy!- and with that, he went to his room. What was this tone? The blonde hair doesn't mean that I am stupid! You BASTARD! I'm trying to do my best to get along with him and that is what i get. THANK YOU!

And one more GOOD thing, his room is next to mine. -.-" 

God, why are you punishing me this much?

Okay,breath deeply in and breath out! Tomorrow is a new day. You'll just ignore him and avoid him from now on. This will be the best way.

 I went to my room and after a refreshing shower I fell asleep in the biggest peace. ^^




Annyeong! ^^ here is the new chapter. I always worry about wether you like it or not. I'm so GREATFUL for the comments!! Pls read my story further and write comment.

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257471 #1
Chapter 11: Wah they in same agency now...there is fun begins :) interesting...
please continue this... :)
yekung #2
Chapter 11: update soon!!!
esmeberta #3
Chapter 11: Wow they are like...'hate you' at the same this some kind of telepathy? :D :D ...please update soon <3
leehyosonn #4
Woah...same quote..and that is i hate him..i think its going to change to i love him soon
Thank you for updating!! I love this story and cant wait to know whats gonna happen next! Take youtr time ans take care of yourself :)
Aw! Thank you for updating author-nim! ^^ Please take your time to find ideas and don't force yourself to write when you can't.. It will just become crappy..

I hate that Hae is being selfish here coz of his dreams and ambition to the point of crushing someone else's dreams, especially Hyukkie's! =(
yay~! you updated~ <3 <3 <3 If only I know you in life author-nim.. I would give you a bone crushing hug~! Kyaaaaa!!!!!!!!
don't delete it.....
strawberrypanties #9
Hey:) Dont stress yourself:) just wait when you have new idea:) we will wait for you!!:)
No pleas this is sooooo great Fic really really ^^ great
Don't delet it>.<
Waiting 4 you